Chapter 10: Hidden Feelings

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I saw darkness. I looked around and I found Gaster again. I walked to him and he smiled down at me.

(You did well, Kelsi. Thanks to you, my sons are reunited again.)

"Sons? Sans and Papyrus are your sons?" I asked, shocked.

(Yes, they are. Thank you for saving them.)

"You are welcome."

(Now, you better get back to them.)

"Bye. I hope I see you again."

(Farewell Kelsi.)

He left me again and everything went white.

I woke up and looked at the white ceiling. I looked to my left and saw Papyrus in is armor, sleeping. Undyne in jeans, a white shirt, and a brown jacket, her eyepatch back, and she's sleeping. Mettaton had his older, human-like body. He was plugged into the wall. I didn't see Alphys. I looked on my other side and Sans was resting his skull on the bed, his hand holding mine. I blushed, and I looked at the others. I noticed that Papyrus started to open his eyes.

He got excited, "Human! You are awake!"

This made everyone wake up, even Sans. Alphys came in and saw us. I smiled that I have my friends near me.

"Hey punk, how are you feeling?" Undyne asked.

I stretched my back and my spine popped. Papyrus had eyes and Sans white dots vanished. I smiled at them, "Fine, but, can I get something to eat?"

Papyrus glared at Sans, "I would make you some spaghetti, but I don't want to leave you here alone with Sans,"

I didn't question it and Mettaton said he would go get something from the resort he ran. I laid back and we talked. I learned that Undyne and Papyrus knew what happened to me after I accidentally absorbed their souls. Undyne told us that she heard everything that we said the day she died. Papyrus said that he and Undyne felt my pain while Sans attacked me. Sans looked so guilty while Papyrus glared at him.

"Papyrus, don't be mad at your brother. I understand why he attacked me. I'm not mad at him. I would kill anyone who killed my sister. Just, forgive him." I said.

Papyrus's face softened and looked at Sans, "Sans, I'm sorry."

Sans gave him a small smile, "I'm sorry too bro. I won't hurt her ever again."

Papyrus went to him and picked him up, hugging him. Alphys looked at my HP and it was back to normal. Undyne and Alphys sat next to each other. Then, Mettaton came back with a burger. I sat up and started to eat. I felt stronger than I have felt in a while. After I ate, I thanked Mettaton and he smiled down at me. He hugged Papyrus and they were so cute together and so was Alphys and Undyne. My two new OTP.

"Guys," Sans said, "I want to have a word with Kelsi. Can you go?"

The others narrowed their eyes at him and I reassured them, "Guys, if he tries to kill me, I'll scream."

Alphys and Undyne left first and Mettaton almost had to drag Papyrus out. Pap just wanted me safe. They left the room, and Sans faced me. His eyes didn't have the white anymore. I got a little scared. I got under my covers, thinking that he wouldn't hurt me. He yanked them down and I held onto the sheets under me. I gulped. Well, I lost count of how many times I almost died down here. He took my cheek and leaned down. His face softened and he pressed his teeth to my lips. I widened my eyes and Sans closed his. His face dusted with a light blue. I was frozen. He pulled back and opened his eyes and the white dots were back. He rested his forehead on mine.

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