Chapter 8: Papyrus and Kelsi vs. Cassidy and Frisk

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I woke up with a cool rag on my forehead. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the guest room of Sans and Papyrus's house. I looked at the bedside and saw Sans sitting in a chair, leaned back and sleeping. One the nightstand, there with a bowl of cool water and there was my first aid kit. Sans opened his eyes, and noticed I was awake and his worried expression turned into one of relief.

"Kelsi, I'm so glad you are awake. I went to my post to wait for Cassidy and Frisk, but I saw you there, bleeding, and unconscious. I brought you back to the house and set you here. Papyrus found that jar and grabbed your bag. What happened? Why did you leave? I told you not to go and you did." Sans said getting angry.

I looked away. I was about to say something, and Papyrus came in. He saw me and smiled, "Human, you are awake. Are you okay? I thought Undyne would be with you."

Tears ran down my cheeks, "Guys, I'm so sorry,"

Papyrus sat on the edge if the bed while Sans stayed in his chair, "Tell us what's wrong," Sans said.

I sniffed and sat up, wiping my eyes, "Undyne...she's dead. Frisk killed her. I was too busy with my sister to help her. I put her dust in that jar to always have a friend near me. It's all my fault."

Papyrus had tears in his eyes and looked at me. He hugged me and so did Sans.

Papyrus soothed me, "Human, she did her best, and so did you. Don't worry, I believe you can do better. I believe that we can defeat them together."

They pulled away and Paps got up and left. Sans and I looked at each other.

"Sans?" I asked.

"What's up?"

"My sister told me somethings as we fought. She said timelines and how Frisk came here first then did different runs and resetting. Then my sister was with her and did runs. She said that they killed everyone before and you killed them a few times and they killed you. Is that true?"

Sans sighed, "Kelsi, those statements are true. I remember the time lines, but the others don't. Please, don't tell Papyrus. He doesn't need to know."

I nodded, "I understand. Thank you, for saving me out there."

"No problem. Tibia honest, I'm glad that your HP wasn't less than 40/100. I really thought your sister and Frisk would do more damage."

"I had the opportunity to kill Frisk, but...I couldn't. They escaped, but they didn't look good. If they come after Papyrus next, like from what they said, they should be easy to beat. If we can get their HP to where they'd pass out, I can try to save them."

"Easier said than done," Sans replied.

I then heard my monster cell go off. Sans handed it to me, "Your friend is calling on the telle'bone'," he tried to at least ease the tension.

I took the phone and gave Sans a smile, "Hello?" I asked.

"Kelsi, i-it's Dr. Alphys."

"What's going on? Did you find my sister?"

"Yes, they are getting healed and rested to fight Papyrus. They said something about being there in the early afternoon."

"Don't worry, I'll be here to help him."

"Good l-luck,"

I hung up and looked at the ceiling and sighed. Sans sat on the side of bed and he had a sad look on his face, "Kelsi, want something to eat?"

I shook my head, "I don't feel like eating, but thanks for the offer." I turned around and my back faced him.

I heard him sigh, "If you need anything, call me. I'll be downstairs." Then he left.

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