Chapter 15: Meetings

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Three days went by quickly and I was finally out of the hospital. The monsters came to visit me everyday and Sans would come back at night to cuddle with me and tell me about his day, even when my parents took him and Papyrus to Wal-Mart, which was a great story. Sans told me that some humans were curious about him and Papyrus and how he loved the large bottles of ketchup. I even asked Mom and Dad how they found us and they said that they tracked my phone by the calls. They went to the police and went to find a cave to the underground, and that's how they found us. I was told that there would be a meeting with the president the next day. I went home with my parents and the skelebros. It felt nice to be home. My dog was happy to see me. With my wound, I had to change a patch of cotton on it every morning and wrap it up. I would take pain killers and antibiotics for it and go along the day.

I downed an antibiotic and pain killer and then put on purple sweats and a dark purple shirt. I went to my room and there, on my bed, was Sans. Under the covers, already asleep. My parents agreed that he can stay with us till the monsters get settled in. We do have a big day tomorrow. The president was coming to meet with us at a local restaurant, in a conference room. On the floor, was Papyrus. He wanted to spend the night since he had the whole apartment to himself, but I think he just wanted to spend time with Sans. He too, was asleep. Under a sleeping bag and some blankets. I smiled at him and went to the bed. Sans made space for me and I got under the covers. I turned off my lamp and snuggled into the warm sheets.

The next morning, I heard Papyrus's loud voice telling Sans and I to wake up. I slowly got up and he helped me up since it still hurts to move. I grabbed some clean clothes and went to the bathroom. I got into the shower and washed my hair and got out. Before getting dressed, I changed the padding on my wound and wrapped it back up. I got dressed in black dress pants and a white tank top, so I can put on a white shirt that was almost see through. It had black edges and ruffles down the middle. I dried my hair and put waves through it.

When I was done, I downed two pain killers and an antibiotic. I went to my room to see that Sans was still in bed. Lazy bones. I went to him and poked his forehead. He groaned and rolled over. I narrowed my eyes and pulled on his arm.

"Sans," I said, "We need to get ready. That includes you."

He opened his eyes and they were dark, "Okay Kels, I'll take a quick shower and get dressed."

"Please wear something professional, Sans."

"I will,"

I leaned down and kissed where the bridge of his nose would be. He smiled and his white eyes looked at me. I smiled and left to the kitchen, where Mom got done cooking breakfast for all of us. I grabbed a plate of biscuits and gravy and told her thanks. I went to the living room to see Papyrus talking to my sister and our dad. Papyrus was in his normal armor and scarf. Cassidy wore dress pants and a white dress shirt with sparkles everywhere. Her hair in its normal pony tail. I sat next to Papyrus.

He looked at me, "Hello, human Kelsi. How are you feeling?"

I smiled, "I'm fine, Papy. Better than a few day ago."

I ate as I watched TV. The news was on about the meeting the with the monsters and the president. Cassidy, Frisk, and I are going there to discuss a few things about freedom for the monsters. This was going live and I would be lying if I wasn't scared. What if one of us messed up? What if the President doesn't accept them and put them back underground again? So many things could go wrong.

I finished eating and washed my plate. Sans came out of the bathroom and he was in dress pants and a white, button-down shirt that was tucked. Instead of slippers, he had dress shoes. I smiled at him and he walked up to me.

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