Chapter 4: Papyrus's Battle

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I started to walk across the long bridge. I didn't dare look down into the forest floor below. I saw the brothers again and Papyrus faced me. I stopped moving, ready for my next puzzle.

Papyrus smiled, "Tall human, get ready for the last puzzle," he pulled out a remote and pressed the button. A canon was aimed at me and a flamethrower was too. A mace was above me, as well as a battle axe and on a rope around his waist?

I would be lying if I said I wasn't one bit scared. Now I think he is trying to kill me. However, this gauntlet filled me with courage. I took a deep breath and listened to what Papyrus had to say about this run.

"When I press this button, they will all be activated. Ready?"

I nodded and waited for the weapons to activate, but nothing happened. I waited for a little longer. Sans even started to look bored.

"It doesn't look activated bro," Sans said.

"I'm getting there."

Still, nothing happened. I yawned and waited. Still nothing.

"You know, I think this is not meeting my standards. Just like before, this won't work. She can get through. This is not a loss to this human, but a win for the Great Papyrus. You will fight me human. Just you and me. NYHEHEHE!"

As Papyrus left, the weapons went away. I walked the rest of the way and Sans stood at the end of the bridge. I stopped to talk to him.

"I think your brother is trying to kill me."

Sans smiled, shrugged, and closed his eyes, "I wouldn't let him do that, Kelsi. Besides, I don't think he is capable of that."

I sighed, "So, fighting him?"

He opened his eyes and relaxed, "Don't worry. Just watch out for his blue attacks. Don't move when they hit you. They won't hurt you if you don't move. Think of a blue stop sign."

"Thanks for the advice, Sans. I don't think I would make it here without your help and without your bro's cool puzzles."

His cheeks were dusted with a light blue, "Well, friends have to look out for one another."


His eye narrowed, "Don't be like your sister and Frisk and say that a human can't be friends with a monster like me."

I quickly waved my hands in front of me, "That is not what I'm saying. It was a question to what you saw me as a not just a human that ruined the lives of monster kind."

"Oh, you mean history with humans and monsters. I see what you are getting at. That is history."

"I know, but we can be friends."

"Alright, so, after the fight, Grillby's?"

"Yup, but I have to remember your warning," I joked.

He chuckled, "Yup, he may be 'hot' to handle. You'll understand the joke when you meet him. See ya, Kelsi."

"See ya, Sans."

I left him and went into the town. There was a shop and an inn. I then found a house. There was a Christmas tree in the main square. Monsters were standing outside and one bunny had a pet...bunny on a leash. This place is weird. There was a bear monster and a kid with no arms. Monsters gave me an odd look and most of them glared. Then, the kid ran up to me.

"Yo, you look like the girl I left in Waterfall, but taller and different hair," he said.

"Yeah, that one is my sister. Have you seen her recently?"

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