Chapter 16: Saving Flowey

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The next morning, Sans and I met up with Cassidy and Frisk. They told us that Undyne, Mettaton, and Alphys went to Mt. Ebott to the lab. Sans teleported us to the cave and we walked through the throne room and went through Asgore's old home and all the way to the core. MTT Resort was full of monsters now. Some asked the girls if they were okay now since they now see the difference in the possession to now. Some asked how I was and we left.

At the lab, we saw Alphys and Undyne. Mettaton was up the escalators, packing some of Alphys's things. Undyne was getting the bigger things while Alphys was organizing her papers. She gave my sister and Frisk a notebook to help get some information about homes for the monsters. We could start in Snowdin. While they were talking, I looked at a computer and it had the outline of a monster soul, but in the inside, there wasn't white. The label was called, 'Monster Soul Vessel'.

"Alphys?" I asked.


"What is a monster soul vessel?"

"I-It holds the magic within t-the monster. I'm trying to c-create one for t-testing. It needs a-a trait. The vessel is s-stable enough to hold a trait, but t-the human s-s-souls vanished after the b-barrier was destroyed. T-there is no trait f-for me to fill it."

I took in the information and my sister pulled me away and said we were going to meet another monster. I told Alphys we'd see her later and we went to a river person and they took us to Snowdin. Once to Snowdin, Sans teleported us to the Ruins door. He opened the door and we walked in. In the middle of the room, there was grass and a lone, yellow flower, facing away from us.

"Flowey," Frisk said.

"What do you want? You won't reset anymore. The game is over. There is nothing for me now," a male voice said.

"Flowey, come with us to the surface."


Cassidy stepped up, "Please, Flowey. There could be a way to save you. If Frisk is determined to save you and I'm brave enough, there could be something we could do."

"I said no. Why can't you just leave me here?"

I then thought of the vessel Alphys was making. Technically, I have two traits and they could be separated and fill the other vessel. Could I save Flowey?

Sans held my hand tighter and I let go. I knew he was going to rebel against me, but I wanted to help him. I wanted to call him, but not as Flowey. When I passed out, I saw what looked like a flashback, but not my memory, but someone else's. I remember seeing a goat kid that looked like a young Toriel, but male. He had long white ears and green eyes. A green and yellow stripped shirt, lighter than Chara's. A heart locket around his neck saying, 'Best Friends Forever'. The last thing I heard, was a name.

I went behind the flower, "Asriel Dreemurr."

He straightened up and turned to look at me. His black eyes looked into mine. His expression, the one of shock.

" know my name?" he asked.

I nodded, "Just came to me," I knelt down and sat on my legs, "You were the one who told me about my rare soul before, after I fell down here. When I was on the edge of dying, I saw you as your true form as a goat monster. Is that true?"

He hesitated, "Yes, it's true. So what? That's the is your name?"


"Kelsi, yes, that is the past. There is no saving me! Nobody can!" his face turned into an evil smile.

"Listen, I heard of the story of you and Chara. You thought you didn't have the determination like her, but had a lot of courage back then. I want to save you."

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