25 | Granted

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2016 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Nathan Scott stayed at his brother's house after the beach house party after the Formal. He didn't want to go back to the apartment, and he didn't know if Logan had gone back either or if she and Roman stayed the night at the beach house and got up early the next morning, but he knew he couldn't go back. Logan Scott entered Lucas' room through his back door and she had the four-cup holder with three cups of coffee inside.

"Good morning, brothers," Logan said as she walked inside. She noticed Nathan on the ground on an air mattress while Lucas was sitting at his desk. "I brought caffeine," She said.

"Oh, I love you so much," Nathan said as he reached his hand out for one. Logan laughed as she handed him a coffee cup and then she walked over to Lucas' desk and set the cup holder down. Lucas took his coffee and then Logan grabbed hers.

"I know... So, does your wife know you stayed here last night?" Logan asked. Nathan rolled his eyes, which Logan took as a no. "Of course not," She said.

Then Lucas' phone started ringing. "Speaking of. It's Hales," Lucas said. Logan told him to put it on speaker, which he did as he answered the call. "Haley!" He said.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you so early, um... Nathan and I had a fight last night and he didn't come home, so I was just wondering if either you or Logan knew where he was. I'm sure Logan should be there by now, I saw her this morning and she told me she was heading over there," Haley said.

"Yeah, I'm here. We talked to him," Logan said.

"He's okay," Lucas added.

"Oh, well... Do either of you know where he is?" Haley asked. The siblings looked at their brother and Nathan shook his head, indicating that he didn't want Haley to know he was there. Logan looked at Lucas who shook his head, indicating that he didn't want to lie to Haley. Logan rolled her eyes and held her hand out for the phone. Logan knew it was bad to lie to Haley, especially after she refused to lie to Nathan for Haley. Although she loves Haley, Nathan is her brother, so she would always have his back first and foremost.

"No, we haven't seen him, but when I talked to him on the phone last night, he was fine," Logan said. She could hear the disappointment in Haley's sigh.

"Okay, well... the next time either of you talk to him, can you... ask him to come home, please?" Haley asked. Logan could hear in her voice that she felt horrible about what happened, so of course, she would tell Nathan to man up and speak with his wife.

"Yeah, of course. Look, Haley, don't worry. Nathan is a tough little cookie. I'm sure he's fine, okay?" She said and Haley laughed.

"Alright. Thanks, Lo," Haley said, and then she ended the call.

"Tough little cookie? Seriously?" Nathan asked.

"I just lied to your wife for you and me calling you a 'tough little cookie,' is the problem you took away from the scenario?" Logan asked. Lucas started laughing while Nathan shook his head.

"Well, thank you for covering for me," He said.

"You're welcome. But you need to man up. Go home and talk to your wife. Don't end up like our parents," Logan said. Nathan scowled at his sister and Lucas laughed.

"Logan has a point. It didn't sound like Haley was going to school anyway," Lucas said.

"Yeah, why would they have the Formal on a Sunday?" Nathan asked.

"I don't know... to keep students from partying... getting wasted...-" Lucas trailed off and Logan picked up on his thought.

"...-Arguing with their wives," She said.

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