Chapter 9: Can I Help You Weasley?

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Fred's POV
"A dragon Freddie. Cas and Harry  had to fight a dragon" George said in disbelief as we walked out of the kitchens.

"She could've died and you realize the last words we would have said to her would be she was lying and we didn't believe her?" He said again.

"I knew we should have said something to her sooner." I looked at George, I was still at a loss for words.

George seemed to notice my silence and said "she's okay you know, she isn't hurt really bad.."

I was still to unnerved to speak. How could we have not believed her when she said she didn't put her name in? You'd have to be completely mental to put your name in that goblet.

"She's tiny... and they made her fight a dragon.. it's a good thing she's bloody brilliant" I finally muttered.

George was smirking slightly when he said "we need to apologize to her. As soon as we can.."

"And hopefully she doesn't hex us into oblivion" I muttered and George nodded.

We walked through the portrait hole and set the food and drinks we had nicked from the kitchens down.

"Have you seem Cas?" I asked Hermione as soon as I saw her.

"No, last time I saw her she was with Ginny, talking to Charlie after the task" she said shaking her head.

I sighed "Thanks" I muttered.

"Wait, Fred" Hermione said, and I turned around.


"Please tell me you're going to apologize to her. She didn't put her name in that Goblet and you know it. And she won't let on about, but she misses you like crazy" she said and then quickly turned back to Harry.

George and I stared intently at the portrait hole for what felt like hours. Finally, Cassie and Ginny walked in. As Cassie realized what was happening she whispered something to Ginny, and made a beeline for the girls staircase.
I grabbed her wrist just as she reached the first stair, George right behind me.

"Can I help you Weasley?" She asked icily.

"I uh.. well we... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for saying those things and not believing you. I shouldn't have called you a liar or said any of those things and I'm really sorry Cas" George said.

I though get she was going to hex him for a second before she grinned.

"It's okay Georgie, I know you didn't mean it." She said and have him a quick hug. George grinned, gave me a look that said 'your turn' and hurried off. I glared at my twins retreating back and turned back to Cas.

Her expression was cold and hurt again as she looked at me.

"I.. well er... I'm..." I muttered, cursing myself for how stupid I sounded.

"You're what Weasley?" She asked a bit impatiently, she seemed to be madder at me then she was at George. How had apologizing come so easy to him?

I took a breathe and started talking, I was relieved when actual words came out. "I'm sorry Cas.. I" but I stopped as she cut me off.

"Look Freddie, what George said hurt, and he had no right to say those things. But it hurt more when you just agreed with him, I know he's your twin but I'm supposed to be your best friend. You're supposed to stick up for me and you were supposed to believe me." She said. I felt even worse after this.

"I know. I know shouldn't have agreed with him, I should have said something to him and I should have stood up for you. I should have believed you when you said you didn't put your name in. I'm really sorry Cassie. For what it's worth we've both missed you." I said staring at the ground.

When I glanced up, she was grinning. "I've missed you too, both of you" she said. She hopped down from the first step and pulled me into a very tight hug.

"You're tiny.. and you had to face a dragon.. you're brilliant.. and.." I trailed off.

"Why thank you Freddie" she said with a grin as she pulled out of the hug.

We walked back over to where Lee was standing with Harry, Hermione, George and Ron.

"You were brilliant out there Cas, how's your shoulder" Hermione asked as we walked over.

She glanced up at me, then back at Cassie and shot her a wink, causing Cas to turn pink. I wondered what that had been about, but figured it best not to ask.

"Better, Madam Pomfrey works miracles." Cas said.

"Did you get all this stuff from the kitchens, Fred?" Hermione asked.

"Yup" I then put on a high pitched voice and said "anything we can get you sir, anything at all." Then in my normal voice said "they're dead helpful.. get me a roast ox if I said I was peckish."

"How do you get in there?" Hermione asked, both she and Cas seemed to be listening intently now.

"Easy, concealed door behind a painting of a bowl of fruit, just tickle the pair and it giggles and.." I cut off.

"Why?" I asked them.

"Nothing" Hermione and Cassie said quickly.

"Going to try to lead the house elves out on strike now are you? Going to give up all the leaflet stuff and try to lead them into rebellion?" George asked.

He looked as if he was about to say something else but cut off quickly at the looks Cassie was giving him.

"Don't you go upsetting them, and telling them they've got to take clothes and salaries. You'll put them off your cooking... you either Cas." I warned them both, causing Cassie to frown but neither of them said anything.

Just then, Neville turned into a canary. "Oh sorry Neville.. I forgot it was a custard cream we hexed" I shouted.

Cassie was now giggling, while she was talking in hushed voices to Hermione. They were probably talking about that spew thing they had started.

"Canary Creams, George and I invented them! Seven sickles each a bargain!" I shouted.

Finally at almost one in the morning, Cassie said goodnight and went up to bed with Hermione.

George yawned, "I think it's time for bed" he muttered. I agreed and we went back up to our dormitory with Lee.

A/N- So I finally did a decent Fred's POV again. I couldn't think of anything to write for his point of view for a while so it's mostly just been Cassie's, hope you liked this chapter and there will probably be another one up today. Thanks for reading xox.

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