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-2 months later-(sry about time gap)-

Hermione runs down the hall way chasing after the puppy I bought her for Christmas.

"Come here you little shit!" She shouts as the dog runs off with her book. I follow after the and find them in the kitchen. She had the dog in her arms and the book on the counter.

"Naughty naughty! This is mamas book. Not yours" she scolds the pup. His name is Zane and he is a Pomsky. 

She had been fawning over that breed for a couple days before Christmas. So I went out and bought him. It was kind of hard to hide him from Hermione. I hid him in the boy nursery because Hermione doesn't go into those rooms. But sometimes she would ask if I heard anything because Zane would be messing around and knocking stuff down. But I had to say no.

Then Christmas rolled around and I poked some holes in a box and surprised her when she opened it. He has made many many messes around the House that Hermione makes me take care of.

Harry and Ginny have resolved their problems and Ron was kicked out of the burrow. Then one night he came to our house and demanded that Hermione come with him. We called Harry and he took care of him. He had just gotten kicked out and he was drunk.

Since he was kicked out he was forced to live with Lavender.

I look at the puppy and say "leave mama alone" Hermione laughs and I peck her on the cheek. "What would you like for supper?" I ask.

"I'm thinking Alfredo. We haven't had that since the Bahamas." She says setting the puppy down to go play. She goes into the fridge and gets the ingredients out. And I go into the cupboards.

In about a hour our food is done and we are eating. We gave Zane a tiny piece of garlic bread and his puppy food. We then let him out and put him to bed in his Puppy Nursery. It is one of the spare studies on the second floor.

-the Next morning-
We wake up to Zane running around on our bed barking his little puppy barks.

"Down Zane..." Hermione says in a tired voice. Pointing to the floor. He hops off of our bed and runs out of the door.

My arms wrap around Hermione and she buries her head into my chest. "It's like an actual kid" she mumbles.

I laugh and her and stroke her hair. Yesterday night Zane woke us up 4 times to go out. Hermione did it twice and I did it twice.

But whenever Hermione doesn't get enough sleep she ends up really grumpy during the day. And Zane isn't helping that factor. I swear he is just like a baby. Maybe even worse.

She falls asleep in a couple minutes and I just let her sleep. I carefully get up and take a shower. When I go down stairs I see Zane chewing up all of his stuffed toys.

"Zane, common boy lets go to the bathroom." I say to him. He stops, looks at me. And takes off running at the back door. When I get there he is running around in a circle.

I open up the door and he runs out into our yard. I shut the door, not worrying about if he is going to run away because we have an invisible fence now.

I head into the kitchen and start to make some eggs and ham. When I finish I let in Zane who is muddy from the February weather. I head up stairs with Zane and put him in the bathroom so I can give him a bath in a minuet. I go into the bedroom and put a spell on Hermiones food to keep it warm for when she wakes up then go into the bathroom so I can give Zane a bath.

About half way threw Zanes bath Hermione walks in, in her undergarments and goes to take a shower. She had this look of death on her face. Which makes me laugh. "What's so funny" she says.

"Nothing. You just look tired." I say standing up. I use my wand to drain the bath and dry Zane.

"Yeah, Zane couldn't hold it last night so I didn't get enough sleep. Plus it doesn't help that I feel like crap" she says annoyed.

I undress and get into the shower with her. "Maybe I can make you feel better." I say with a wink.

"Not this morning Draco" she say sighing. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck. She relaxes into me.

My hands travel around her flat, toned stomach. "I feel like death" she say to me. Her eyes are closed and the water is poring down our body's. I kiss down her neck and along her collar bone.

I wash her hair and mine. She really doesn't look too well this morning. Maybe she is coming down with something.

For the rest of the day we just chill around the house and watch TV. By the end of the day she had caught a fever.

-The next morning-

I wake up to Hermione puking in the bathroom. I go in and hold back her hair while rubbing her back. I whisper in her ear sweet nothings.

"Do you want to go to St. Mungos?" I ask her. She nods and I pick her up after we clean up.

When we apperate there we notice that there isn't many people here. Someone comes up to us instantly.

"What's the problem?" The dark haired man asks.

"She hadn't been feeling very good lately" I answer. Hermione is standing next to me. My arm is around her waist and her head is on my shoulder.

He leads us to a room and we sit down. "First let's take a urinary test. We will be able to find a virus in it now just a couple minuets." The Nurse instructs us.

He heads Hermione a little cup with a lid on it and she goes across the hall to the bathroom. I'm about two minuets she comes back and hands the nurse the cup. He leaves the room for a little while before he comes back.

"Ok. So we will have the results in about ten minuets. There are some other tests being run right now. Healer Liam will be in with your test results when you are done." He instructs us and the leaves.

Hermione leans her head on my shoulder as we wait. We don't say anything for the whole time. Just wait for Healer Liam to come in.

Eventually he comes in and me and Hermione sit up straight.

"Sorry for the wait. It took a little while to find out what it was but we now have your diagnoses." He pauses as me and Hermione wait. "Your pregnant."

Me and Hermiones eyes go wide and Hermione goes "what? How's that possible?! It's not!" I  grab her hand to help her calm down.

Sure we did have sex a couple times without taking precautions.  We didn't think anything would happen at the time. But apparently something did happen.

"How far along?" I speak up.

"About a month and 1/2" Healer Liam answers us.

Hermione leans back in her chair and looks at me. "We're going to have a baby....." She whispers.

I kiss her cheek and say "I guess we are....."

Hehe looks like a new Malfoy addition is coming.

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