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-Hermiones POV- next week-

I cry as we bored the air plane to leave for our new home in Cali.

I just said my final goodbyes to everyone in England and it's now time to go to the States.

Am I happy, sure, but I'm also really sad.

I grew up here, all of my friends are here. I'm leaving my whole life behind, and it sucks so much.

When we get to our seats Draco hugs me tightly. We got a sleeping booth for our flight so we have privacy, and if Callisto needs to be changed then we can do that.

Also me and Draco can just cuddle.

"I know this is hard for you baby, but it's the thing to do"

"I know..." I sniff and bite my lip. "It's the right thing to do, we have to disappear"


"Draco! What about our wedding?!" I gasp a remember that we still have to officially get married.

"We can still do it, we will just have to go back to England for a couple days." He whisper into my hair.

Callisto is asleep in his carrier right now. They let us bring his carrier on, as long as he isn't in it when we take off.

We take off at 8:30 and it's 8:20 ish right now.

-In The US-

We unload our pets from their cages and let them explore our new house for the next couple of years.

"So this is it...." I sniff and stumble back against the wall.

"This is it babe"

"I don't like it" I simply state. "England is my home, and my friends, our friends are there. Our family is there. We left everything"

Draco cups my face with an intense stare. "It's to protect you! You are the one who said you wanted Cal to grow up in a world where people didn't want to kill his mum! Well here we are, no one wants to kill you!" He speaks in a strong and determined voice.

I start to cry and he sighs, pulling me into his arms that wrap around me protectively.

"I wish it was different" I shake in his arms and my tears soak the front of his shirt.

"I wish it was too baby" you can hear in his voice that he is about to cry and I let out a sob of frustration and sadness. "Please stop crying, we can do this, we have to"

"Can I go to bed. Please I just want to sleep" I beg for sleep to come and pull me into a new place where I'm still happy and not depressed about the whole situation we have. I want my sleep to take me back to England and our Home that we have been in for the past year and a half.

That's where I'm happy.

I'm the most happy there because that's where the good memories are. Me and Draco fell in love in that house, he took my virginity in that house, We brought Cal to that home and we welcomed all of our pets in that home.

This house has no memories in them. It's just a blank canvas....

Draco helps me into bed and I pull the blankets up to my nose with a sharp intake of breath.

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

"I want to be alone" I say in a weak, emotionless voice. I want to be alone for a long time and I want to wake up from this bad dream and realize that we didn't flee from England and I wasn't poisoned to never have kids again.

"Ok goodnight, I love you" Draco kisses my cheek and I bite my lip.

"Mhm" I respond. I hear Draco sigh before walking out of our new bedroom.

-the next morning-

I peel my eyes open but quickly close them again, remembering that I'm not home anymore.

"Hermione, wake up"

I don't answer and pretend to still be asleep.

"I know you are awake, I saw you open and close your eyes" I feel Draco sit on the bed next to me and I still refuse to own my eyes again. "I know it's hard but you can't lay in here all day, baby"

"Yes I can" you can hear the brokenness in my voice and hearing it myself hurts, I wonder what it sounds like to Draco.

"Common, lets get you up" Draco starts to pick me up and I don't fight him but I also don't help him, I just let myself be dead weight. "Please Hermione" he begs me to stop being like this but that doesn't stop me from being like this.

Draco picks me up bridal style and I close my eyes again, letting him carry me down stairs and to our living room.

I get set on the sofa and I roll onto my stomach, shoving my face into the unfamiliar fabric that I have to get used to since I will be living here for the next couple years.

"I made pancakes"


"I think Callisto is hungry"


I hear Draco huff in aggravation and he makes his way over to me. He moves me in my spot so I'm sitting up and he is cupping my face with the same intense stare as yesterday.

"I get it, it's hard for you! But this is also hard for me! I know what I left but it's to protect you and Cal! You have to pull yourself together! For me and Cal, but especially for yourself!"

I give Draco and emotionless look and he huffs again.

"What's wrong? I know the moving thing but that shouldn't be making you this upset"

"My brother died today..." my heart stops as I admit it to myself again and I feel it breaking in a million pieces all over again, All my feeling from his death run through me...again, and I can't talk to anyone about it again. Because no one saw it like I did, so I'm alone with this secret again, and I will be forever.

Draco instantly hugs me and holds me in his arms protectively.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't realize that"

"You never knew the day" my voice still is vacant of any emotion and Draco kisses my cheek as he pulls away from me to look back at my face.

"You look sickly, you need to eat something" I shrug and sit back down on the couch, pulling my legs up to my chest.

"Callistos hungry, isn't he?"

"Yeah" Draco nods before disappearing into a room before emerging again in less then a minuet with a tired baby in his arms.

"Hi baby" I wave over to him and I hear him gurgle. I smile for the first time in a couple days and Draco hands me Cal.

I think I can make it through this temporary thing as long as I have these two boys with me, even on my worst days.

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