Chp. 18

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-Hermiones PoV-

Another two weeks pass and I have gained five pounds back, it was mostly Draco who helped me. He would fill my plates for me and make sure I eat it all.

We have talked about trying to have another baby and have been trying. Sure the pain of losing our first baby is still there and never will be filled but we want to had kids. We want to be parents...together. Not with anyone else.

The news of the miscarriage has gone all over. It was in the daily profit for three days in a row. And still is in it occasionally.

This was the first one

-2 1/2 weeks ago-

Hermione Malfoy and Draco Malfoy miscarriage.

We have been informed by inside sources that Hermione and Draco Malfoy were expecting a child but had a misscariage only a week 1/2 ago.

They don't leave there room unless it is to eat or go to class. Their grades have reportedly been dropping and Hermione is becoming skinnier by the day. 'She's starving herself!" A male Slytherin told us.

The couple reportedly haven't been talking to each other much. Mostly eating and quietly walking with each other.

Draco had been said to come back almost every night drunk and stumble into their quarters of Hogwarts.

Mr and Mrs Draco Malfoy are not available for questioning right now but as soon as they are we are getting an interview.


And the interview is today. I grab the dress Draco got me for our 4 month anniversary, right before we left for Hogwarts.

Draco comes in with a white button up dress shirt on and black jeans

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Draco comes in with a white button up dress shirt on and black jeans. His shoes click on the floors and his hair is styled messily. He has a slight stubble on his face.

"Let's go, we will be late" Draco says adjusting his tie and slipping on his black dress jacket.

I stand up and link hands with Draco. We walk down the halls, my 4 inch stilettos clicking on the floor. We get into the carriage and it brings us to Hogsmead. We go into the bookshop that was reserved for this meet up.

"Mr and Mrs Malfoy! What an honest to finally meet you!" The woman with dark hair says. She has a hour glass shape and small breasts and butt. Her hair is mid back wavy and her eyes are a piercing green.

She holds her hand out to shake ours. Draco shakes first and me second.

We sit down on the chairs that are facing each other. Cameras are facing us so they can live stream it onto the wizarding channels.

They do their intro and the questions start. "So, Hermione, how far along were you?" She asks me. My attention snaps to her and I answer.

"I had just begun my 3rd month." My legs cross and Draco intertwines our fingers together.

"Do you know the cause of you miscarriage." I gulp and squeeze Dracos hand.

"They said it was trauma from the attack on me just a month and a half before the miscarriage. If I hadn't been pushed around and had spells thrown at me our son would still be alive."

"So it was a boy" the witch presses. Draco answers.

"With a Long history of all first born Malfoys being a boy we assumed that our baby was a boy." My blonde says.

"So on other hands this was a forced marriage to protect the brightest witch of our age. When did the feeling become real?"

Draco answers. "For me, I had always liked her in some way since she punched me in third year. Ther was just something about her that I couldn't shake. I dorm think the feeling for her were ever forced."

"And you Mrs Malfoy."

I nod and continue. My heart pounding. "In sixth year I had felt bad for Draco and how his family was treating him. No 16 year old should have to go threw what Draco did. And I started to watch him. His ever move. He had become my main focus and I couldn't get him out of my mind for the next two years. And I still can't." I admit my feelings towards Draco.

"So you had feeling for Draco while you and Mr.Weasley were dating." She asks me.

I nod "yes, I did" I confess.
"Well isn't that a turn of advents." She says turning towards the camera and smiling.

"Now, our readers and watchers are wondering. Are you guys going to have another baby?" She says leaning forward.

Draco takes the topic. "Yes we have thought about it. We want to be parents together and to have something that is both of us. We thought we had it with our son but we didn't because of the trauma. The thought of kids to us is almost incomprehensible at some points. Because we are afraid to lose another child."

I nod along wig his statement and she asks. "What would you have named him if he was born?"

"We actually thought of names right when we found out about him" I say with a small sad smile reading my lips. "We had decided on Xavior Draco Zeus Malfoy as his name. And for a girl, Delilah Athena Rena Malfoy." I answer he question.

"Why Xavior?" She asks me. I lean back in my chair and tap my foot. Draco squeezes my hand knowing this is a touchy subject for me.

"No one knows this Except for Draco, now everyone will know. I had a brother, name Xavior. During the Battle Bellatrix Lastrange and Yaxley killed him." I spill my deepest secret. No one knew I had a brother. Not even Harry or Ron.

"Oh....." The dark haired witch trails off. "I'm sorry for your loss." She says reaching over and tapping my knee.

"Thank you" I say accepting her statement.

"Mr Malfoy," she turns and faces Draco. "When do you think you guys will have this child?" She says wanting Draco to answers. I let him.

"Well, whenever it happens."

"We'll have you guys tried to have another kid yet?"

"Yes we have" he turns to me. "Multiple times" heat rushes to my cheeks as Draco talks about our Sex life. I send a playful glare towards him and he kisses me sweetly.

"Well, I pray the best for you. Thank you for your time." She says standing up and shaking our hands. She waves to the camera and we stay stone until it stops rolling.

We walk out of the shop after saying goodbye and head back to Hogwarts.

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