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-2 weeks later- Hermione is three months- Hermione POV-

I walk down the hall to my next class when a sharp pain shoots into my stomach. I fall to the ground, my books crashing to the floor. I hold onto my stomach and Ginny falls next to me.

"Hermione! Hermione! What's wrong!" She says grabbing my face.

I instantly know what it is "the baby" I say in a weak voice. Ginny must have seen Draco coming down the hall and she starts to yell his name. By now a huge crowd had gathered.

Draco runs over to me and grabs my face. "Baby, what's wrong! What happened"

Tears are still streaming down my face and the pain is still there. I gasp for air and he notices I'm grabbing my stomach. I'm rocking back and forth slightly. "The baby...." He says.

All I can do is nod and look up at him. His eyes are frantic, looking to see if it's a lie.  He picks me up and pushes threw the crowd. Everyone is following us as He runs me to the infirmary.

He has me on the bed and Pomfrey runs over to us. "The baby!" Darco blurts. I can here whispers all around us, letting me know all of the students are still around us. I squeeze my eyes tighter even more. My hand slaps over my mouth as I feel a sob come up my throat.

I'm shaking and I feel my stomach. Hoping I can feel the baby but I can't. It's just my stomach that I have known my whole life.

I feel Draco sit on the bed besides me and take hold of my hand.

"Mr.Malfoy. Do you know what happened?" He must of shaken his head no because she responds with a ok.

Then I hear Ginny's voice "I do" another sob comes from lips and I finally open my eyes. "She just collapsed to the ground while we were walking to Potions."

"Thanks you Mrs.Weasley." Madam Pomfrey lifts up my shirt.

She feels around my stomach. I fear the worst as she pushes down on my stomach and I flinch.

"Yep...." She trails off. "Exactly what I thought."

"Wha-what is it" Dracos voice quivers.

"Hermione has had a miscarriage." And with those words I can't hold it in anymore. I let the screams and tears flow freely. I fling myself into Dracos arms and he holds me tight.

The whole 5-8th years witness what have gone down in this wing. Finding out I'm pregnant, to finding out I have had a miscarriage.

"You may leave when you want" Madam Pomfrey says and walks away. Draco pulls me off the bed and into his chest and he carefully walks out of the room with me in his arms.

When we get back to the dorm I scream and hit the wall. "No! He can't be gone!!" I scream looking up at God. "You can't do this!!!" I scream more angry then sad now.

Draco grabs my wrists to restrain me and I go back to crying my eyes out. He pulls me into a hug and starts to cry.

We fall to the ground still in each others arms.

-2 weeks later-

I woke up again today. Feeling empty. I miss the feeling of knowing that I'm growing a baby inside of me. Knowing that me and Draco have made something pure.

Lately we have been more distant. I haven't been waking up in his arms and I miss it. We haven't had sex since before we found out about the miscarriage. We barely speak to each other unless in class.

I miss him so much. He is constantly getting drunk with Blaise and Theo. And when he comes back to our dorm he falls asleep before even making it to bed properly. Sure it's hard for him.

But I need him. I need to know he still cares about me. But I don't feel it anymore. I know I'm in love with him. With his personality and his body. With everything about him. Even threw his many flaws, I love him deeply.

I haven't been eating properly. Pansy makes sure I know that every morning. She tells me I need to take better care of myself before I starve. She knows it's hard for me and understands. But that doesn't mean I can let myself starve. I have lost around 15 pounds in the last two week.

My thoughts break when The portrait opens and Draco comes in. "Draco...." I address the slightly drunk blonde. He has only been out for a hour. "How many beers did you have?" I question him.

"2 firewhiskys" he answers taking off his shoes. I stand up and approach him, wrapping my cardigan around my small figure.

I stand before him and he see his shoes by the door. "Can you please not get drunk every night?" I ask him. His eyes narrow at me and my heart skips a beat.

"Don't tell me what to do" he says stomping past me.

"Draco! I know it's hard for you! Losing our s-"

"Stop!" He shouts at me turning back around to face me.

"But it's also hard for me-" he storms towards me.

"Stop. Talking. About. It." He yells at me, gritting his teeth. I cower slightly as his anger filled eyes try to read my soul.

"I need you to be he-"

"STOP!" He shouts slamming his hands on the wall behind me. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes as he glares at me.

"Please" I whisper a tear slipping down his cheek. He turns around and runs his hand threw his hair.

"I KNOW IT HARD FOR YOU!! ITS HARD FOR ME TOO!!" He booms. "I NEED A WAY TO GET OUT OF MY THOUGHTS." He keeps yelling turning back around to face me. He storms towards me again. More tears spill out of my eyes.


He notices my flinching and he whispers. "Did you think I was going to hit you...."

I look up at him with blurry vision and nod. "No....." He whispers backing away, scared of himself now. "I'm so sorry...." He says falling back against the chair. I fall to the ground and burry my head in my knees.

"I got too attached to him" I say loud enough for Draco to hear, my voices shaking. I hear him get up and walk to me. He pulls me up and engulfs me in his arms.

"I wasn't going to hit you." He says softly. I nod into his chest and look up into his eyes. They have turned yellow.

"Draco your eyes...." I say softly. He blinks. "Is that becaus-"

"Yeah" he answers knowing I'm asking about the werwolf genes. He closes his eyes tightly for a couple seconds and when he opens them again the turn into the silver I have known for 8 years of my life. "I have only ever gotten this angry once..." He trails off

"When was that?"

"When my deranged aunt was torturing you. That's why I had to turn away." He says to me.

I look into his silver eyes "I'm sorry for being so distant" he says to me.

"Just please don't leave me" I say to him. "I love you....." I say for the first time.

"I love you too...." He responds kissing me sweetly. "Please please please take better care of yourself."

I laugh lightly. "I will..."

That night for the first time in weeks I fall asleep in his arms again.

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