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I look over he side of the boat and watch the shinning water crash against the sides of the white and blue boat. A pair of hands grab my hips and pull me close. I lean my head on his chest.

"This is relaxing" I moan into his touch. His grip tightens on my waist and he nips at my ear.

"Good. You need to have something relaxing" he kisses down my neck and along my collar bone. My legs turn to jelly and I turn around to connect our lips. His pink plump lips attach to mine and ignite a fiery passionate kiss.

He pull away from me and grabs my hand. He pulls me across the deck and down to our bedroom. But before we can reach it we are stopped by a server.

"Your breakfast will be done in 10 minuets" She announces. Draco thanks her and turns around to me groaning.

"Cock block" He growls. I laugh and grab his hands, bringing him in for one quick kiss before we separate our lips and head to the outside dinning area.

We sit down and soon our Breakfast is served. "Mmmm this smells so good" i sigh in sayisfaction before digging in.

"Well lets not get to excited about our food" Draco laughs. I glance up at him while stuffing another bite of waffles into my mouth.

"Waffles are better then you" i grin at him once i finished. Draco chokes on his food before saying....

"No Princess, im better then waffles and you know it." He shoots a wink at me. This time I choke on my food before looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Draco! We are in public!" I whisper shout.

"That's not what I meant! That was your own thoughts!" Draco defends, throwing his hands in the air. I roll my eyes before going back to eating my waffles, eggs, bacon, and hash browns.

When finished Eating which consisted in 3 waffles 3/4 of my eggs and six pieces of bacon.

Draco looks at me with his Judgey silver eyes. "Are you the one who is carrying a werewolf, Pureblood wizard, Malfoy baby." I glare.

"Still, damn" he gapes. I throw a spoon at his head and he yelps. "HERMIONE!!" He yells clutching his head.

"Still, damn" I mock him with a weird face. "Blah blah blah blah blah I'm DRacO MaLfOy aNd iM aN AsShOlE"

"Blah blah blah I'm HErMioNe GrANgeR and I LiKe bOoKS MorE tHEn mY fIAncEe" he mocks me back. I lean back in my chair and pout. He stands up and comes over to me. "Aweeee is Miss. Pouty pants mad at me nowwww" he says trying to grab my hands but I won't let him.

He eventually ends up grabbing them and pulling me up. "I'm not Mad." I groan, pushing him off of me. I stalk off to the other deck with Draco leading behind me.

He grabs my hand and I rip it away "don't touch me" I say glaring at him.



"I didn't mean to make you mad" he says to me. I huff and turn back around, looking back over the deck to see the now deeply colored water. A fish jumps up besides the boat and the scales shimmer in the light.

"Hermioneeeee I'm sorryyyyy" Dracos voice sounds behind me. I stay silent and ignore him. "Please forgive me! I love youuuuuu!!!!" I still ignore him. "Jesus Christ Hermione! Please don't ignore me! I said I'm sorry!!"

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