Opposites || Chapter two

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It was soon left to just Jungkook vs. Taehyung. An interesting set of opponents - neither wanted to give in to the other.

Jimin was sitting next to you on the benches, a frown featured on his face as he sat slumped quietly. You were really distracted at first; Jungkook was just so strong - and Taehyung was so agile he could dodge any bullet, that you didn't notice Jimin's lack of energy. After ten minutes, you noted that the game wasn't exactly progressing. The physical ed teacher was on his tip-toes in anticipation, but you noticed some of the guys in your class leaving with a roll of the eyes or a derogatory comment towards either Jungkook or Tae.

Not their fault they're good at what they love.

You glared at the boys as they left, and Jimin was one of the only boys left; but now you noticed how sour he looked.

You nudged him lightly, a playful gesture. He ignored it at first, but he couldn't help but smile as you pulled silly faces in his peripheral vision.

"What?" He asked, his tone flat, expression fighting a smile. "What's wrong Jiminie?"
"Nothing." He shifted in his seat, and you nudged him again. "Seriously?" He scoweled, and you smiled smugly in return, "of course. What's wrong?"

You knew what was wrong.

He wasn't going to admit it, but it was because Jungkook and Taehyung beat him this time. When Jimin was on a team alone against them, maybe he would've had a chance - but it would never happen between the other two. He rolled his eyes and followed the others movements.

Jungkook and Taehyung were natural opponents, two half's of the same energetic, competitive whole. Jimin was in their trio - he fit really well - but not when it came to competition.

Jimin sighed reluctantly, and just before he spoke, a whistle was blown and a loud smack resounded through the hall. "Games over! Time to clean up!" The teacher shouted, but it took a few moments before the other two eventually stopped playing.
Sweat was pouring down each of their foreheads, and both smelled like a game well played.

"Uh, I recommended you guys shower." You held your nose teasingly as they both approached, and you widened your eyes as you happened to catch sight of Jungkook's well toned body as he lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat away. It didn't make you blush like it used to, because you were pretty used to the boys flexing thier ridiculous bodies to each other time after time - you were just one of the guys by this point - and that's all you'd consider yourself.

Taehyung was too out of breath to argue, picking up his water bottle and giving a small smile before walking out the room. Jungkook didn't seem nearly as tired, but he was fairly quiet.

Things were pretty awkward come break time.

Sitting in your usual seat - next to Taehyung and Jimin - you felt awfully misplaced for the first few minutes as it was only the four of you sitting at the table, silently staring at one another. You bit your lip as the awkwardness settled in your stomach, and tapped your foot.

Where are the others...

Jin and Namjoon weren't long after your prayers, and they sat opposite.

Jin, the eldest, greeted a welcoming "good morning!" As he sat down, as Namjoon gave a smile to reiterate. "Hey, how was English guys?" You asked, smiling politely. "Good, But Jin's still struggling," Namjoon chuckled and you heard a huff from beside you, turning to face Taehyung as he slammed his hands on the table, "Hey, how can Jin struggle if I couldn't even make it into a class as good as yours?" He whined, crossing his arms and leaning back on the chair. Namjoon frowned, pulling his duffel coat sleeves over his fingers, while Jin shook his head. "You're not that bad at English," he began, but two chairs distracted everyone for a moment as Hoseok and Yoongi sat down.

"Sup." Hoseok said cooly, and you facepalmed immediately, groaning. "What?" The slender red-head asked as you shook your head, "you've been saying 'sup' ever since you started listening to grinding hip-hop music." You pointed out, and he frowned, "Y/N! I thought you liked hip-hop?" He sounded offended, and you rolled your eyes, "Yeah, but you're trying to act so cool. Leave that to Yoongi!" You joked, indicating the boy in the black leather jacket adjacent Jin and Jungkook. He smiled in return; a gentle, half-caring smile framed by pitch hair and the whitest of pale skin.

You could see in your peripheral Jimin swipe a hand through his blonde hair and lean back - settling any tension from gym. Jungkook was the only one not talking now, and you felt it was upon yourself to help relieve him from any post-workout stress that he always seemed to get. Jin was quick on it though, initiating conversation between himself, Jungkook and all those in between.

Tae poked your side lightly, and you turned to see him pouting. "I didn't win," he admitted quietly, giving you sweet puppy eyes.
You shook your head in disagreement, "neither did Jungkook. You guys both did great." You argued, but his frown remained. You tutted, hitting his knee under the table playfully and looked away - just to let him know that you didn't care if he wasn't as good as Jungkook, or vice-versa. You'd been over it a million times with him: He's perfect the way he is, and he doesn't have to prove it by defeating the younger.

The fued between them had always been there, but something that had settled in your relationship with them lately is Taehyung's constant need for reassurance. He would end up apologising to Jungkook when you advised him to, even if he never used to.

But that seemed to have sparked a needyness in the raven haired also, as he would do the same thing.

Taehyung.. he's a social butterfly, to put it at least. Everyone adored him, and like Hoseok, he was a pleasure to have as a classmate. He had a natural charm that attracted the best of people.

However, Jungkook was like a timid bunny. He would shy away from large groups if he didn't know atleast half of the people, he would take months - maybe even years to open up to someone...

But sometimes, you felt a little tug at the back of your tshirt if you were both in a situation where there were a lot of people.

He never told you - or anyone for that matter, but you all knew he had social anxiety in some form. That's why you encouraged him into sports, because he was in his own zone; his own bubble that no one could intrude into there.

This was what you narrowed their relationship down to.

Inseparable due to being complete opposites; yet being so alike.

Yeah, they were confusing.


End of my posting streak. Update tomorrow, or day after :)

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Love lots,
Mere 🔥

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