Over at Taes || Chapter twenty

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Hoseok shrugged, "I don't know... at home maybe?" He suggested. You shook your head in disbelief, muttering to yourself as you zipped up your jacket. "How could I be so stupid! He's been trying to tell me for ages?"
Everyone called after you as you began to walk away from the stairwell. "Y/N! Where are you going?"

You slowed, turning to face them again, but stopped suddenly as two familiar faces began descending the stairs.
"Yeah, where are you going, Y/N?" Taehyung asked, eyebrows laced together.

I can't tell Taehyung my plan to go see Jungkook. If he likes me, then he won't like it if Jungkook does too, and that I'm going after the other.

"Ah, Uh, nowhere." You smiled awkwardly, hands lacing behind your back. Everyone's eyebrows raised at you, and you cleared your throat, walking back towards them, and sitting next to Hoseok.

"Just remembered something, but I can get it later." You shyed away, not looking at any of them. You caught Jimin's eye once, but he looked a little skeptical. "O-okay?" Jin said, and you bit your lip.

Everyone was silent for a moment, but you could feel Taehyung's presence directly behind you. He was watching you, and you knew it. It was that same intense heat from the locker room, the feeling of being exposed.

"Y/N," he said quietly after everyone started a conversation, all lost in speech. You felt movement behind you, and suddenly his hands were on your cheeks. "Don't bite your lips." He said, moving his fingers around them until you let them go.

His hands fell back after that, and they settled on your shoulders. For some reason, every area of skin he touched tingled, and felt warm. It was a new feeling, One you never really felt before with him, but somehow, wouldn't mind feeling again.

You heard a contempt grunt from behind you, then his hands started rubbing your shoulders. "You're tense," he stated, massaging the hard muscle.
You couldn't help but bite your lip again, but after a while, it actually became relaxing. You zoned out all the other voices, and focused on your breathing, and the large hands on your shoulders.

"That's it," he praised quietly, and you felt his breath against the back of your neck. It felt as if he were whispering things against you, but you couldn't hear them. You wondered how close he really was.

You glanced sideways, worried that everyone else was just sitting there judging you, but they weren't. They seemed to be arguing over something, so you tuned them out once again. Taehyung's hands stopped suddenly, his voice erupting the silence.

"Are they bothering you?" He whispered next to your ear, and you felt his legs wrap around your lower body. You shook your head, feeling every breath against your neck, tickling the fine hairs there.

He hummed suddenly, and then you felt a heavy lump on your shoulder. His head was resting on you, and you sighed lightly at that, bringing a hand up to ruffle his hair.
"Can you come over after school? Please?" He mumbled, and you contemplated for a moment, staring at the wall opposite you.
"Fine," you agreed reluctantly, not forgetting about Jungkook. You could feel his smile through your jacket.


"See ya, Y/N." Hoseok said as he waved goodbye after class. You smiled, then turned towards the other corridor, making a start for the side entrance downstairs.
"Oh, Y/N?" He called suddenly, and you stopped, facing him. "Yeah?"
"I'd talk to Jungkook." He shrugged his backpack up, and turned away, leaving you in the corridor.
"Ok...?" You said, raising your eyebrows before turning away, and hiking your own bag up.

"Hey, get held back?" Taehyung asked as you met him in the usual place. You hummed, "Kind of. Sorry I'm late," you apologised, and he smiled, "Don't worry about it, you ready to go?" He asked, and you smiled back at him, nodding.

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