Avengers || Chapter eleven

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"Y/N..." Jungkook whispered against your neck, and you felt every vibration of his voice as it shot right through your skin.

Oh, god...
What am I thinking? What is he doing? Why do i feel so... tingly all of a sudden?

Both of his hands curled around your waist, and you gulped heavily.
What's he doing?!
He didn't say anything else for a moment, but his grip was surely tightening around you. He didn't let his hands explore, however, his head seemed to burrow deeper into your neck, and you felt his lips brush against the skin there.

He groaned. It vibrated against your neck, and resounded through your whole body.

Before you could even comprehend what was going on, there was another vibration. Not from Jungkook this time.


Your phone, which was sitting in your back pocket, made your heart skip a beat as it vibrated. Jungkook jerked back, his hands gripped your waist tighter in fright.
It was extremely hot in the closet, and you had to get out. Like now.

As if god was listening to your every thought, the closet door swung open and you heard a cheer from Hyun. "Found you!" He declared, and you and Jungkook both squinted at the sunlight that drew into the dark, cramped box.

You were quick to get up, and you knew your face was flushed deeply. As you glanced down at Jungkook, he also looked a little hot and bothered.
"Brother, I didn't think you'd choose such a lame spot. It's almost unlike you!" Hyun sounded disappointed, but he laughed it off anyway.

Jungkook stood up, attempting to avoid eye contact with you, but failing miserably. Jung-Hyun seemed to have sensed the slight awkwardness, and made an excuse to leave. "I suddenly gotta pee," He said, before turning tail and shuffling out the room.
Jungkook was staring at you, a mixture of feelings in his eyes as if he was trying to reach out to you.

"Y/N... I'm sorry." He said suddenly, which shot you right back as that was not what you were expecting.

"Y-You're, What?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- um, y'know," he tried, face flushing a deeper shade of red than before as he fiddled with his fingers.

Whew. Hide and Seek took a strange turn.
Nevertheless, Jungkook was still your friend, so whatever he was doing, he had that get-out-of-jail free card.

"Jungkook, it's fine," you smiled, a rose tint still splashed across your cheeks as you reassured him, who was staring in disbelief.
"We all do strange things sometimes, things we don't mean to, so it's fine."

He seemed really distraught, so you decided to let it slip. You weren't exactly sure of his intentions, but you were sure that you trusted him, so you took his apology as a sign to just let it go.
You weren't even sure why he was apologising. He hadn't exactly done anything horrendous.

He smiled sheepishly in response, muttering a 'thanks y/n..'

Although you tried not to think much of it, you couldn't help but wonder where he was going with it anyway.

You couldn't imagine Jungkook going any further without consent if that's what he was planning - he wasn't like that. But what made you curious is what drove him to do it in the first place. I mean, really, who chooses a closet for two people to sit in in a game of hide-and-seek?

The rest of the early afternoon was spent playing video games with the two, and you noticed Jung-Hyun sneaking glances at you every time Jungkook so much as touch your shoulder. Hyun was quite obviously curious too, which made things a little awkward.

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