Unit || Chapter three

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Dance wasn't particularly your most comfortable subject, but it was pretty enjoyable as Jungkook was always with you. He was a fun partner, making silly meme references everytime a move got awkward, and he lifted your spirits as he concluded that everything would be great for the final exam.

He was an amazing dancer, but that was to be expected. His body was so slim and flexible, (although not as bendy as Jimin's,) and he made a great instructor when you were stuck on something.

Jimin and Hoseok didn't take your class for dance as they both did extracurricular activities out of school, so they went to the theatre for a few hours instead every lesson, apart from Thursdays as they'd practice instructing in your class.

Yeah, they were that advanced.

Jungkook and you walked back into the hall for the second time that day after you'd waved goodbye to all your other friends going to various different classes.
The instructor was late, so you took it upon yourselves to begin with stretches.

Same as usual, you sit opposite each other, feet wide apart and touching, and hands joined in the centre (except his arms were so much longer than yours), and regular push and pulls to stretch the hamstrings and biceps.

After that, you lay on your back as he takes one of your legs and lifts it until you feel your hamstrings pulling. Satisfied with how much more flexible you're getting, he holds your leg up at a reasonable angle for ten seconds before going to the next.

But before you could stand to do his turn, he takes it upon himself to sit right on your stomach and crush you.

You wheeze out the breath that was forced right out, and he laughs evilly as his solid form keeps you in place.

You got a few weird looks from the classmates, but it's not that you really cared.

Jungkook eventually grinned as he stood up, and you sucked in the biggest breath of air you imagined you ever could as he held out his hand for you to take.
You swatted it away bitterly and grabbed his tshirt to pull yourself up, slapping his shoulder lightly. He laughed heartily and you rolled your eyes, continuing with his stretches.

You weren't uncomfortable with these types of stretches much anymore, because you were so used to it. It was routine, and it took a while before the stifling feeling of awkward tension drifted away as you were the only boy-girl duo, but it did drift. You acclimatised yourself to Jungkook months ago, and he seemed comfortable too.

The only reason to be uncomfortable with Jungkook is when you had to reject other girls for him.

He usually asked you to, because let's face it- Tae would crush the girls' hearts. He may be a 'social butterfly', but he was certainly protective over his best friend.

Since you'd befriended Jungkook, you'd turned down a whopping total of twelve people.


One was last week, and she had more than a little to say to Jungkook's 'messenger'.

Taehyung and Jimin weren't as bad, though. The odd time they'd bring up how some girl from the senior year was texting them, or how Samantha from first year wouldn't stop drooling over them - but they were pretty casual. Relationships didn't really suit either of them, too, it seemed.

Yoongi... he was quiet. Nobody assumed anything, but you didn't think he'd been in an actual relationship in his whole life. According to Namjoon, Yoongi was 'having trouble' last year and fell into a pit of depression, but he was getting better. That was something you never told Yoongi you knew, because it was a trusted secret between him and his close friend.

Jin, well, he attracts people left and right. He has girls writing their names onto paper and slipping it through his locker, even guys confessing to him. He once told you (regrettably) that he had 16 roses in total given to him on Valentine's Day by several guys.

Namjoon. He's a flirt.
You can't tell if girls love him, or if he just simply loves girls. He's so sweet though, you didn't blame anyone for falling for him. He's that one cute kid in every class with the dyed silver hair and the dimples deeper than the deepest ocean.

Hoseok is the best classmate ever: and this is a mutual agreement by everyone in any class.
He would brighten up anyone's day, and he didn't care if you were a mega snobby-popular or super quiet shy kid, he was there when anyone needed it most; as a classmate, as a good friend. You didn't really see anyone chase after him, but you assumed that was because everyone was just happy to have such a good friend that they didn't want to spoil it.

Meanwhile, you sat in the middle of this diverse group of eight as the only girl. No one bothered with the dumb confessions with you, because everyone was scared of this barrier of males around you all the time; but that didn't bother you, because they were all you ever needed.

You spent your lesson helping Jungkook ease into a new move he learned, and the instructor was watching very closely.

"Y/N, can I speak to you after class?" He spoke as you demonstrated a transition from a certain hand gesture to a full body movement. You smiled doubtfully and agreed, frowning to Jungkook as he shrugged his shoulders.

After the bell went, you were already changed back into your school uniform and waited at the hall doors for the teacher to arrive. Jungkook passed on his was to the next class, "If I see Tae I'll tell him you'll be a little late to art," he called and you shot him a thumbs up.

"Ah, y/n, I won't keep you too long." Your teacher spoke as he walked over to you, and you shook your head, "That's fine."
"I wanted to ask how you're getting on with everything in the class, see, I notice that you're always with that boy- Jungkook."

You frowned and nodded your head, "Fine, really. We work well together, he helps me a lot."
The teacher hummed, and you felt your throat dry. Where was this going?

"Do you take dance outside of school?"
"Huh? Oh, no, my two friends - Jimini- I mean, Jimin and Hoseok do though." You cleared your throat and his face lit up, "Really? Oh, they're excellent dancers. Such a pleasure to work with." He admitted, smiling, "That explains a lot. See, I think you and Jungkook are very talented together. You work exceedingly well as a pair, so I was considering asking you to do a unit dance for an extra grade? It would be a performance for the whole school, and I think it'll be great."

Your jaw dropped, and you stood in shock at his suggestion.
"No way!" You couldn't believe it. "The end of year show?"
He nodded, smiling as you burst with excitement, "I'd love to!"
"Great! I'll ask Jungkook too. I didn't want to ask him with you, because I know he'd let you do all the talking." He laughed, stepping away, "Well, let me know if you're still up for it within a few weeks notice."

You smiled all the way to your next class, because this wasn't just a show; it was the show of the entire year.


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