Sweet || Chapter four

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"Ah, sorry I'm late!" You apologised as you walked through the art room door and closed it behind you, a nonchalant smile from the teacher as you made your way over to Taehyung and your desk at the back of the room.

"Why're you late?" Taehyung asked, tone full of curiosity. You pursed your lips; oppressing a smile. "I'll tell you later," you promised, and a frown fell upon his face.

Continuing with the painting you were last working on, you went to get a palette to share between you and Tae while he got brushes.

"Hey, y/n, right?" A voice asked quietly from beside you as you were choosing colours, you turned to face a tall, dark haired boy with one eyebrow raised. You smiled awkwardly, "Yeah?"

"Sorry, are you needing any white?"

Oh, right. "Yeah, I am." You stated, and he frowned at the pot. "There's none left, do you know where to get it?" He asked shyly, and you pointed towards a tray across the room, "over there," you said as you smiled weakly at him and turned back to your colours.

You turned to check on him, and in the corner of your eye you could see a certain brown haired boy staring right at you.
You glanced over in Taehyung's direction, and offered a friendly smile. He gave one back.

Tae was a pretty good artist. He really liked painting, and you learned over time that he had a fascination with Van Gogh. His face lit up every time the teacher would mention it, and one time when you stole his phone, you found Gucci bags in the search bar with one of his paintings printed on it in the basket.

If you were ever rich, you'd give him all the Gucci bags he'd ever want - because he deserved it.

He smiled happily - almost like a child- when you complimented his work, and you saw a blush faint his features. It was the little things that made Taehyung Taehyung. He had a boxy-grin, with pink lips and a little mole that sat on the vermillion border. His face was almost perfectly symmetrical, apart from one of his eyes had a monolid and the other a slight double.
He had another mole right above his nostril; which was framed by a perfectly round, sculpted nose. His grey toned hair bounced with every giggle, and he had the longest lashes ever.

His face was something that you would see in a magazine; something along the lines of most beautiful human being alive.

These were just some things you appreciated about him; but his inside was more beautiful.

Taehyung was the boy who you became friends with first, and he introduced you to Jungkook and the rest soon after. It was in art class that you'd bonded so well - after you'd been seated together, the teacher couldn't separate you two. He made you smile on your darkest days, laugh when you cried and it made you feel empty when he was off sick.

If you were ever off sick, he'd text you non-stop until you were better, often asking to come over to your house- but that wasn't a great idea. You were shy around your family, and if you ever mentioned the idea of someone visiting you because you were sick they'd worry about leaving you in your room alone with a boy.

It's not like you'd ever thought about him- or any of them like that- but Hoseok was the only one your parents had met properly over dinner, and to be frank, they adored him.

You heard a little sigh next to you near the end of the lesson, and turned and poked his cheek playfully. "Why're you pouting?" You asked, and he pouted further. "I don't have you in any lessons for the rest of the day." He frowned, giving those puppy eyes again that made your heart just melt.

You frowned aswell at the idea, but atleast you'd be walking home together.
After all, he was your neighbour.

"Where should I meet you after school?" You asked, and he raised a finger to his mouth in contemplation, then clicking it and smiling has he spoke, "I have History last, so maybe just outside the side door?"
You smiled agreeably as the bell rung and you headed for next class.


"Hey, Tae- Wait, are you singing?"
Taehyung was wrapped in his brown Parka jacket, holding himself with his face tucked in his scarf as he mumbled little tunes as he waited for you outside the side entrance.
He didn't seem to hear you under his beanie as you trotted closer, nudging him. His face lit up as he saw you, and he pulled out his hidden earphones as he smiled brightly.

"Hey, Y/N! It's freezing!" He pointed out, and you rolled your eyes, "Way to state the obvious, dummy."

He shook his head, sighing. "Why're you so mean?"

"I am?" You asked, pretending to be shocked as he nudged your arm with his and laughed dumbfoundedly.

It was a crisp evening, the sun was close to fully setting and you walked the streets back towards your home alongside your best friend, who was chatting away aimlessly. You laughed at the appropriate times, his expressions changing state every so often to go with his stories. It was very dark by the time you almost reached your home, and the only thing lighting your path was the streetlamps and the occasional car on the quiet street. You shivered every now and then, and when the wind picked up, you felt a movement at your side and a hand wrap around yours to go back into his pocket.

"To keep you warm," he admitted quietly, shyly, almost.
"You don't have many layers."

You smiled fondly at the warm fingers interlocked with yours, and looked to study the blush on Taehyung's face.


Cute!!!! What do you guys think so far?

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