No Pressure || Chapter twenty-one

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Wednesday and Thursday flew by.

You felt more at ease after you cleared things up with your mom, and suddenly all concerns about Jungkook and Taehyung sat at the back of your mind. Somehow, all you could think about was Hoseok's sleepover.

Jungkook hadn't mentioned a thing after his return, and you gave him a long hug once you saw him on Wednesday. He was actually smiling also, and you wondered wether or not he had some kind of revelation alike yours.

What was relieving (yet strange), was that Taehyung and Jungkook were back talking and messing about as normal by Thursday. Although Jungkook had distanced, Taehyung seemed to have gone back to his usual self also. It was slightly saddening, but you were happy for his sake.

Something inside you hoped he still liked you, though.
Selfish, maybe.

"So, is everyone coming Friday?" Hoseok asked, and everyone nodded. Your face was stuffed with some canteen sandwich, so you were the only mute one, but you noticed a smile from Yoongi across the table. He was probably happy you were eating properly, the dork.

"I'll bring food," you offered as you swallowed, and Hoseok smiled. "I'll bring Y/N." Taehyung laughed, and everyone grinned. "Glad we get the house to ourselves till Sunday." Hoseok said, and most nodded. "I am too, but I am not sleeping on the floor for two days." Jin complained, and Yoongi snorted. "Yeah, as if. You and Namjoon already claimed the bedroom."

You let out an exadurated gasp, and you saw Jin slap Yoongi and Namjoon kick him under the table. "Shh!" Jin pinched him, and even Yoongi laughed.

Everyone just assumed they were together by this point, because really, who could deny it. They were such idiots, like the Mom and Dad of the group.
Hoseok raised his eyebrows, clearing his throat. "None of y'all are banging in my room, that's for sure." He said, and you facepalmed, being the only girl.

Jimin groaned, placing an arm around your shoulders. "You just made it awkward!" He complained, and you ran a hand through your hair. Hoseok only shrugged, "I'm just saying."

You saw out the corner of your eye Taehyung staring at you in Jimin's arms, his lip between his teeth. You didn't want to make much of it, but out of the context, you had to pretend you didn't see him. Oh god.
A dread filled you as you anticipated the weekend, but you couldn't help but feel excited.

"Hey mom?"
"Yes?" She answered from across the dinner table. "Can I- can I sleepover with the group until Sunday?" You asked, playing with your food. She hummed, "whose house?"
"Hoseoks, everyone is going, and Tae was going to give me a ride there." You explained, and she frowned. "As long as you're okay with that."

You nodded, "of course. I'm actually kind of excited, I haven't spent time with all of them outside of school in forever."

Her frown turned into a smile, "Sure honey. Just make sure to text me and let me know you're fine."
You practically burst at the seams with excitement. "Thanks so much!" You cheered, running round to hug her. "Ah- it's fine?"

"I'm going to get my stuff ready, Tae's coming here to pick me up after school tomorrow."

Taehyung borrowed his parents car to drive to school in the morning. It would save time so you could go home and grab your stuff, but it was really strange seeing him behind the wheel of a vehicle. You couldn't say he was a bad driver, but this was the first time you'd been in a car he'd driven since he passed his test.

You lowkey expected him to be arrogant behind the wheel, as it was only a few weeks ago he said he loved Baby Driver.

But no, the drive was smooth and fast. It gave him a strange look, like a grown up - which you didn't see often.

The radio was blaring as you slid in the car after last class on Friday. Taehyung was singing along on the drive home, hitting the steering wheel with each beat. It turned into some Carpool Karaoke episode as you ended up singing along too, and as you pulled up outside your house, you felt disappointed, even though you'd only be away from him for a few minutes.
"I'll be five minutes, tops." You said, getting out the black vehicle and running up your stairs to grab your bags.

"That was fast," he said as you got back in with your stuff. You rolled your eyes, "Said I would be."

As you pulled up in Hoseoks drive, Taehyung took the keys out the ignition, but neither of you moved.

"Uh, Y/N?" His voice interrupted the silence, and you looked at him. "I just wanted to say that I think some of the guys are bringing alcohol, so I probably won't drink much anyway, so, uh, if you're not comfortable with drinking and don't want to be the only one not, then I won't drink..." he sheepishly admitted, and you frowned. "I didn't know they were bringing alcohol?"

He nodded in response, eyes had a sad - no, taken aback expression. You sighed, "That's fine, But I don't mind drinking a little." You shrugged, then smirked. "I mean, why not?"
He pursed his lips in response, almost childlike. "You don't have to look after me, but I appreciate the concern." You said, before punching his shoulder and opening the passenger door.

It had been a while since you'd been to Hoseok's as well. He lived in a large home, alike Jungkook's. It was an old fashioned home, but stylish like a rich persons from 1990 Cali.

You and Taehyung ascended the stairs towards the front entrance, ringing the bell. Almost instantly, the door flew open with an excited looking Jimin and Hoseok greeting you. "Hey!" They greeted, dragging you inside and closing the door behind you.

"Welcome to my humble home," Hoseok said, a fake posh accent taking his voice. Taehyung hit him on the shoulder, and everyone laughed. "Everyone's already here?" Taehyung asked, and Hoseok nodded. "Yeah, they're all in the kitchen right now." He pointed towards the door to the left, which you knew led to a large living room, then a kitchen.

This was going to be fun, you could feel it.


I love baby driver so I incorporated it. If you don't know, ansel elgort is my father

Besides that, thanks for reading. We just reached 400!

Exciting things to come;)

Mere x

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