Skipper || Chapter nineteen

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Tossing and turning, sleep just wasn't coming. It was around half twelve last time you checked your phone, and that felt like hours ago.
In reality, when you go up to grab your phone, it was only half an hour ago. Sighing, you threw yourself back down on the bed, and opened messenger to see who was active.

Active now:
Jeon Jungkook
Kim Namjoon
Kim Seokjin


Jin and Namjoon were probably texting each other, most likely. They seemed really close. Jungkook, He was probably playing games on his phone or something.
You concidered messaging him, just to check up on him - I mean, it wasn't like you were going to fall asleep anytime soon anyway.

Y/N: Hey kook, you're still awake?

You frowned as his chathead was active, but he wasn't reading your message. You waited patiently for a few moments, but you were let down by the idea that he wasn't replying. After all, you were worried.

After ten minutes, his icon suddenly popped up, meaning he read it. You bit your lip as you anticipated a message, but none came.
You sighed.

Y/N: Jungkook? Are you not feeling well? I'm a little worried

Figuring it wouldn't harm to let him know your feelings, the text was sent.
Again, he read it and ignored it.
"Arghhh, Kookie..." you groaned, deja vu hitting you suddenly as you thought you remembered a time just like this; last week, was it?

He wasn't going to reply. Fine, he might just be ill. Just give him his space.
You closed your screen, and turned away so you could face your window.
Outside, it was frosty. The window was stained white, and little specs of blue light were reflected. The moon wasn't quite full from what you could see, however, it's predicted to be so on Saturday or so.

I wonder what plans I have on Saturday.


Jungkook skipped school on Tuesday, he must have been sick after all. It was odd being there in dance without him, and you groaned at the fact you had to work with some other kid for the day on their choreo. You didn't realise how much dance was real bullshit without your friend there.

Tuesday was certainly an odd day.

The only ones who showed for lunch was Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin. It was strange spending some time with just those three, but they were good friends - so it was fine. Even Yoongi could be fun if you caught him on the right circumstances.

"Where's everyone else?" You asked as you sat in your chair, but felt suddenly lonely as no one was there to occupy the spaces next to you. Everyone shuffled over so you could all sit together.

"Namjoon has extra maths study today. He's upstairs." Jin said. "Jimin and Taehyung had to stay behind in History, I heard. I think they made some kid cry in the middle of class." He sighed, and Hoseok had a hand over his mouth. Even Yoongi was shocked.

"What, why?!" You were appalled, and Jin crossed his arms, shrugging. "From what I heard, they got separated in class a while ago, so they've been throwing stuff at each other all their lessons. Luckily, some kid happened to be in their projectile range."

Hoseok was stifling a laugh, and Jin sent him a glare. You shook your head, groaning. "They're such idiots sometimes..." You regretted to say, but couldn't help a smile as you thought of their faces. Honestly.

"Yah! Why're you all finding this funny?!" Jin practically shouted, scolding you all; even Yoongi.

"I agree, they are idiots." Hoseok nodded his head, and Yoongi sent him a sharp glance. "Don't speak, last week you broke the mic in music by dropping it and blamed it on me."

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