And The Cycle Begins Again || Chapter thirty

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Due to the fact that you were absolutely shattered, you'd decided to simply skip gym class on Monday morning, much to the three's protest - you'd needed energy for dance class as the final was coming up, after all.

"Hey," Jungkook called to you as the third period bell rang and you made your way into the gym hall. It seemed as if they'd been playing badminton, as they were still rushing around to tidy up. You caught the attention of Jimin and Taehyung, who were previously arguing over a net as Taehyung got Jimin's leg stuck in it.

"Help!" Jimin called to you, ignoring Jungkook. You sighed as you walked over, inspecting the scene as the other students blanked the boy and headed to thier next class so that they'd be on time.

"How did this happen?" You asked, and Jimin heaved out a deep breath of air. "Taehyung thought that fishing nets and badminton nets are the same thing, and when I said no, he said he wanted to try it out." He glared at the tan boy, who raised his hands up in defence. "Wha- no! Of course I didn't! I'm not that dumb!" He claimed, and you simply rolled your eyes at him, untangling Jimin. That's when the gym teacher glanced in your direction.

Before he could ask where you were all lesson, you successfully untangled the huffy raven-haired boy and gathered all of the net, speed-walking to the closet. Jimin and Taehyung took it as a dismissal, and Jungkook began talking to the teacher to distract him while they both walked over to the door causally, forgetting you were there.

"Thanks Jungkook," you smiled as the teacher left and Jungkook jogged over to the cupboard. "Sure," He said, and the gym door again opened, filling with students all around.

"Have you guys been practicing? Your routine is looking good!" Coach Jung said as he asked you to demonstrate what you had so far for the final performance, clapping as you showed off what you had so far. A contemporary, hip-hop style routine was probably best, as then Hoseok and Jimin could help with any iffy parts as that was their specialty.

"You guys will be great for the final. You still have another four weeks," he said, and you nodded enthusiastically, a bright smile coming to your face as you appreciated the compliments you'd worked hard to receive.

"If you guys are stuck, the gym is always open after school from four until seven if you want to stay and practice, I'm usually around." He suggested, and you nodded. "Thanks, Mr. Jung."

Before he could even respond, a large crash was heard from outside the door and the room went silent.

"Oh my god, what was that?" Someone said, and Mr. Jung walked over to the door to inspect it. You nudged a frozen Jungkook, "What do you wanna bet it's Namjoon?"
He smiled, and Mr. Jung opened the door to find a flood of broken plates along the corridor. Not two seconds later, a series of apologies came flooding through the room along with two very familiar voices.

"So sorry!" Taehyung and Namjoon called, and you caught thier gaze as Mr. Jung began to shout at them, who scurried to grab the broken ceramics. He slammed the door on the two idiots, rolling his eyes. "Pea-brains," he muttered, causing you and Jungkook to laugh.

"Who trusted Namjoon-Hyung with a pile of plates?" Jungkook asked, a smirk on his face as he shook his head, gaze travelling to you. You shrugged, giggling before walking to the front of the room to take off your hoodie and throw it on the bench, leaving you with just your gym tshirt.

Ten minutes before the lesson ended, you shuddered for the fifth time since the third period began. What is this feeling? You questioned, glancing around the room but finding that no ones eyes were on you.

Jungkook was busy by the mirror, and you were currently sitting by him. You glanced around again as you felt the burning of a pair of eyes on you, but found none.

"Jungkook?" His gaze shifted to you, "I don't feel good," you admitted, shivering again as those eyes continued to stare at you. He tilted his head in response, stopping what he was doing to focus on you. "What's wrong?" He asked, and you shrugged. "I feel like someone's staring at me." You said, and he simply laughed. He laughed? Why?

"Y/N, we're in dance, of course people will be looking at you. They do it all the time." He said, turning his gaze back to the mirror. No, this is different...

"Maybe it's the, y'know, bruises?" He muttered, causing you to look at him, "What? I didn't hear that."

His face darkened a little, eyes trained to the mirror, "bruises," he said quietly, causing you to squint at him before inspecting your bare arms. No bruises there.

"What?" You asked, and he seemed to have turned redder. "N-nothing, it doesn't matter." You sighed, glancing around the room again to see nothing but the other dancers. "I swear, someone's staring at me."

The teacher clapped his hands together before you could look further into it. "That's enough for today!" He called, and you stood up, taking a sip from Jungkook's bottle before handing it to him and approaching the teacher with him as everyone left. "Mr. Jung?" You asked, his eyebrows raising at the sudden mention of his name as he smiled to the both of you, "I have a question. What will the other performances be like?" You asked, a question that had bugged your mind for a while as you wondered what yours was like compared to the others.

He smiled sympathetically. "I haven't had the chance to watch any of the others, I don't even know thier theme this year, sorry guys," his lips pursed, "but from what I can tell, your performance so far is on the right path to success from previous years standards. Of course, we'll do full day rehearsals when it comes closer to the day." He promised, an answer satisfactory. You smiled, nodding your head before grabbing Jungkooks arm and wandering out towards the corridor.

"I'll meet you in the cafeteria?" He suggested as you went to the changing rooms, "Sure," you said. Just as you were walking away, however, you didn't hear the door creak as he went inside.

"What's wrong?" You turned to ask, his gaze lingering and stepping from foot to foot with his hands folded together. "Uh," he bit his lip, you walked closer to understand what he was trying to say. "Speak up," You nudged his arm, smirking lightly at how he blushed.

"Are you comfortable... showing that off?" He asked, eyes darting around the corridor as If someone was listening. You frowned, "What am I showing off? Shoulders? Oh, totally not. How ever could I break societal roles such as those?"

"No, I mean those." He pointed more directly, his fingertip coming into contact with the skin of your neck. You felt the skin ache a little under his touch, and as you brought your hand up to feel it, you froze.

I completely forgot.
I can't believe I forgot.

The hickeys.

Jungkook's dense eyebrows raised as you cursed under your breath, hand grasping over the area as if it'd go away if you covered it well enough. "Fuck," you muttered as you walked into the changing rooms, a frowning Jungkook left behind to watch as you scurried away.

Holy shit.


Wassup losers it's me ya boi.... uh,,

The next chapter is one I've been looking forward to. It's kinda fluffy... can you guess what it'll be about?

See y'all Friday :D

Mere x

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