Home Time || Chapter twenty-nine

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You gave Hoseok a quick hug as everyone stood by the door, all arranging various transport methods home. You were going home with Taehyung the same way you'd arrived. "Thanks for the great weekend, Hobi." You smiled at him as he beamed, a little drowsy from staying up late.

Jimin was the next to pull you into a loose hug, and it felt as though he fell asleep on your shoulder as his head leaned there, eyes barely staying open as they were surrounded by dark circles. You moved on to everyone else, smiling at each one of them as they all looked pretty dead.

Jungkook was at the end of the line, and he had a strange smile on his face before he initiated the hug, pulling you close as he pressed his lips to your ear subtly so that no one else would notice - if they were even awake enough to do so.

"I'm sorry about last night," he whispered, "but don't feel guilty. I understand."

He pulled back, that warm smile on his baby face as he nudged your arm lightly. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked, and you smiled back, "Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Taehyung audibly whined from the doorway, obviously impatient as he waited for you to leave with him. You chuckled at him, before giving one final wave to the group and a thanks to Hoseok.

"Do you think Hobi's parents will notice we had a party?" You brought up a conversation, feeling the air a little stiff as Taehyung stopped by another set of traffic lights and no one had spoken yet. He hummed tiredly, his voice a little gruff. "Not sure. I doubt it, though, because we didn't make that much of a mess. Well, apart from Namjoon and Jin, but yeah." You chuckled at his suggestion, and a small smirk dazzled his features.

"Never would have seen it coming, those two together, I mean," you said, thinking back to when Namjoon was happy with a girlfriend and Jin was quite happily closeted. It felt like such a long time ago.

Taehyung hummed again, the car swerving another corner smoothly as you weren't far from home. You tapped your fingers mindlessly on your jeans, thinking back on the past few days.

Taehyung didn't really ask about you wearing his turtleneck that afternoon when you woke up, instead you said that you didn't realise it was his because you weren't feeling too well. He gave a sympathetic smile, despite being so tired himself. In the end, you applied more concealer and just slipped your jacket back on, sure to return his shirt at one point when you had washed it.

Pulling up by his driveway, you stepped out the car with your belongings and felt the chill of cool air against your throbbing head. You hissed at the sudden lightheadedness, holding a hand to your forehead. Taehyung ran over to you with a concerned gaze.

"Y/N? What's wrong?"
"My head hurts," you admitted, and you felt his hand on your shoulder. "I'll take you home, just lean on me." He instructed, but you shoved him lightly. "I think my parents are home, so that's not a good idea, Tae. I'll be fine." You tried a smile, but you could tell it came out pained. Taehyung frowned deeply.

"Please text me later and let me know you're better, and try get some sleep." He asked when you winced again at the throbbing of your head. You didn't quite listen to him, so you gave him a smile before shrugging your bag further up your arm.

"See you tomorrow, Tae," you opened your arms, inviting him for a hug, but he hesitated, simply staring at you with a strange look. "What?" You asked, head tilting as you frowned deeply. He shook his head, then stepped closer and into your arms, bringing his under yours and holding you tightly.

"What's wrong?" You asked when he didn't speak, his hold lasting longer than usual. It tightened at that, and you felt him nuzzle into your shoulder. "Nothing," he mumbled, and you hummed. "Talk to me, Tae,"
"You should go home, Y/N." He said, pulling away with a small smile. "I'll see you later."

And with that, his gaze lingered a for several more moments before he grabbed the collar of your jacket and pulled you into a kiss.

Surprised, you didn't respond when his eyes closed and his hold kept you in place, but there was no need to, as it was over as soon as it started.

Without a word, he turned his heel.


I'm confused.

With a throbbing head, you turned your phone on silent and asked your parents to have dinner without you that Sunday night. It was as if the room was spinning, and your stomach felt as though it would collapse at any moment. You were starving, but it felt as if food would just come straight back up if you tried to eat.


Although it was eight, it was very dark outside. You glanced to your side as you lay on your bed to find that there were few flakes of snow falling from the sky, and although they were pretty, they weren't what was distracting you.

Taehyung was sitting on his bed, his bedside lamp casting a soft orange glow to his features as he had his brows drawn together and a pencil inbetween his teeth, reading through a notebook on his bed crossed-legged. You stared at him for the next while as his eyes seemed to light up and his smile return as he jotted notes down, whatever those were. Despite this distance, you swore you could see every detail of him, from the way his lips parted, to how his eyelashes fluttered and the softness of his golden brown hair.

It was weird to watch him, but you couldn't take your eyes away, the way your head hurt going to the back of your mind as all you could focus on was him.

By the time he'd stretched his limbs and closed the book, the feeling of your headache had completely vanished. Laying there, all you could focus on was him wandering around his room, grabbing clothes and eventually turning off the light as he left, presumably to shower. Hm.

You turned in your bed, facing the other way- forgetting to shut the curtains, as you noticed the white light of your alarm clock in the pitch room.



Hey! Sorry this ones kinda boring, but lots coming up next, also a monster chapter of 3.5k coming ;)

See you Tuesday lads x

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