How Long? || Chapter thirteen

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You couldn't sleep on Saturday night.

There were a few reasons for this.
For one, today with Jungkook.
Ahh, I had such a good day!
It had been a while since you spent a day with Jungkook, and you really enjoyed being treated. He was so fun to hang out with.

Secondly, your mom did lecture you when you came in the door. She was really suspicious, but you denied everything. After all, you didn't exactly do anything wrong.
She eventually gave in, and you guessed you understood why she waited up for you... Although you didn't like it that much.

Thirdly, Snapchat.
People were adding you left and right, and the others wouldn't give up about Jungkook's story. You didn't know how to respond, so you decided not to for now. It was a little intrusive to have such a photo of you on the internet, but you guessed as long as Jungkook was fine with it, you were.


After you entered your room from getting told off for coming in late, the room light was off. Your walked over to your bed, and before tucking in, you noticed that the curtains weren't closed.

Now, it was around 12, so of course most people would be sleeping, but something you noticed made you feel a little empty inside.

You walked up to your curtains - intending to close them before getting changed, just incase a repeat of that time happened... (You were changing once and Taehyung ((regrettably)) had his curtains open also... Yeah, it was a little awkward the next day) -
And you noticed that Taehyung's curtains were closed, and no light was coming through the little gap.

Maybe he was sleeping?

You sighed, hoping that was the case as he hadn't responded to your text also. Hopefully tomorrow everything will be resolved.
Plopping yourself down onto your bed, you hugged the covers, and played with your phone for a while before turning off the light. It was around half one in the morning before you decided it was time to sleep, and just as you were shutting off your phone, a notification popped up.

One text from: Kookie

Kookie: This is probably going to sound really weird... but I can't sleep because I'm thinking of you.


"Y/N? ...Y/N! Are you not going to wake up soon?" You heard a voice getting closer, a woman's, familiarity ringing your senses as you groaned into the pillow.
"I said I'm going to work now, so please look after the house. Your father won't be home until tomorrow, remember?" Your mom called, swiping some of your hair away from your tired face before leaving the room.

She worked as a doctor, so shifts were pretty long. She was always very tired when she came home.

As you stretched, you let out a loud yawn and settled into the sunlight that was pouring into the newly opened curtains. "Bright day..." you processed, tying your hair up before getting up to go to the bathroom.
You frowned as you realised it was already midday on Sunday - a thought of school brushed its way past your collectiveness as you shook it away. You still had a day to fulfil.

After exiting the bathroom, you walked over to the curtains.
One thing you noticed almost immediately, was Taehyung's curtains weren't open. Which was really strange. Has he been up all night?
You felt a memory resurface as Taehyung had texted you last night. Oh, god, was he upset by what you'd done?

Wait, what had you done?

Breakfast, lunch, snacking, second lunch. Yeah, it was Sunday. That one day nobody knew what to do with, but never wanted to end.
Especially today.

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