Kramped || Chapter twenty-eight

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It was a good ten minutes before you were sure the coast was clear enough for you to slip out of the bathroom and leave a nervous Jungkook. He looked at you gravely as you tip-toed towards the door, and you frowned at his expression.

What you did was wrong, y/n.

I know.

But I kissed him goodbye anyway.

A chaste kiss to Jungkook's small lips was his reassurance, in which he responded with a heavy breath of air. He knows that you think it was a mistake, and he must come to accept that.

You scurried down the hall until you reached the staircase, peering into the living room to see most of the boys circling something on the floor with loud voices, cheering something on. This was the chance you took to sprint up the stairs and along the corridor to find another bathroom.

Avoiding Hoseok's room, you turned a corner to find several doors you hadn't tried yet. Shrugging, it was your best bet - you couldn't wait around to be caught with your clothes and face a mess.

After the second door, you grunted in frustration after not finding what you wanted. It wasn't until the third door, that you realised it was locked.

"Ah, hello?" A deep voice called.


You didn't reply, and without wasting a moment, hurried around to try the other doors. By the end of the hall, there was a bathroom. Finally!

Turning the light on and locking the door, you didn't realise how much your head spun until that moment, the alcohol still sleeping through your veins. The rest of the house was pretty dim, as it was unoccupied, so the light proved to be troublesome as it was a fluorescent blue, or seemed to be, anyway.

Coming to the conclusion you'd had enough alcohol for the night, you decided it'd be best to take a shower to help replenish yourself.

And to wash away the thought of what you just did and how wrong it was.

The shower was relaxing, but the thoughts of two certain boys kept coming to your mind. If you had to pick...
Don't do it again unless you choose one...
You led them on.

Shuddering, even under the warmth of the water, you turned it off and exited, wrapping a towel around yourself and messing around with your hair. You decided to tie it up, until you noticed some particular red marks along your neck under your ear and along your collarbone.


Just looking at the forming bruises led to a new wave of guilt. What was everyone going to think? What about Taehyung?

You let your hair drape over the spots, although it was a fruitless attempt to try and cover the spots. Pulling your tshirt over your head, you tried your best to practice subtle ways to cover the patches until you atleast made it to your room to find some concealer and a shirt that'd cover your neck. I hope I have one.

You passed the bathroom Taehyung was previously in, and noticed it was empty. He assumably (hopefully) had gone downstairs.

Until you tried your room door handle to find it locked.

"Hello?" His voice called again, a little stronger than before. "It's me, can I come in?" You called, biting your lip. Within a few seconds, the door was open and Taehyung was standing before you with an unreadable expression.

"Where were you?" He asked, his face stoic and posture tall and intimidating. Your expression puzzled, "I went for a shower, I wasn't feeling well. I think I drank too much," You admitted, because your head was still spinning slightly, although not as bad as you made it out to be.

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