Chapter 6

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Nokia in MM

Still the same day....

     I arrived at school, walking up the steps to the main entrance. I threw my cigarette on the ground, crushing it with the sole of my shoe.

I took in a deep breath, before opening the glass door , walking in with my skateboard tucked under my arm. The handle was cold against my hand, making me shiver.

Time for another day in Juilliard, or as I would call it, the hellhole.

It's my second year here of studying creative writing. I have a knack for poetry and shit of the sort. I just always thought it was special the effect words could have on a person, and wanted to look more into it.

Words are powerful.Whether it's an equal amount of action involved or not. If you said the right things you could evoke any emotion you wanted in a person, and could even dictate their actions. Words ruled the world, in my opinion.

Throughout high school I was in all the poetry/writing contests. One in particular, was offering a scholarship to the college of the winner's choice.

With a compelling ass poem about third world problems I snagged me a scholarship to Juilliard, my dream college at the time.

It's strict, and known for chewing up and spitting out the best. You had to be confident, consistent, and hard working. Or else you wouldn't last.

Their discipline is what made students flourish, and go off and become great. They helped you refine your skill, and live up to your true potential.

Just what I needed to make something of myself and earn some stability. Me and my brother, Andrew, craved it  being passed around through foster care all our life.

We always wanted someone to keep us, and give us the solid home we longed for. But it never happened. Life wasn't a fairytale, and we learned that as we got older.

  My goal was to go to school, make something out myself, to provide a stable home for me and him. We couldn't get that from anyone else, so why not create our own?

    So when I had the chance of going to Juilliard , I didn't hesitate to take full advantage of the opportunity. I looked at it , as the first step in a brighter future for me and my brother.

The only problem was the scholarship only paid for a semester of my tuition, then after I would have to compensate for it.

I couldn't afford that, and had no source of income. Working part time definitely wasn't going to afford it, and I refused to take out student loans all my life.

The most the school could do was put me on a payment plan.

So I started selling dope, although it wasn't something I was new to. I had done it in my younger years, but had stopped to avoid trouble.

But now it was the only option. And with the money I earned from it I was able to take care of myself , help my brother out with shit, and make payments on my tuition.

I also was able to get an apartment, which was convenient. I couldn't risk selling drugs living in a dormitory, an apartment gave me more freedom.

My plan had been working out, and if I continued to stay on my shit, my future would look great.

The school in all actuality was worth the money I was paying. My classes included poetry, creative writing, and literature. They were extremely beneficial and were helping me become a great writer.

The reason I referred to the school as a hellhole were the pissy teachers, the aggravating students, and workload.

Everyone thought they were better than each other, and walked around like their shit didn't stink. It was always drama and gossip, as if we were high school.

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