Chapter 22

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The Next Day
October 26, 2017

   I woke up the next morning ,not fully rested ,due to me staying so late for my mother's dinner. It consisted of appetizing food, tension, and dry conversation.

I was doing my best to avoid thinking about the argument me and my mom had gotten into yesterday.

She always made it clear she didn't support what I wanted to do and voiced her strong opinions on it.

I was still recuperating since it is such a serious thing to me. Why did she always have to be so harsh? Why did I always let what she said get to me?

     Today , I  decided I would try to put all that negativity to the back of my mind, and focus on getting through the day and doing what I needed to do.

     I wasn't gonna let my mom or anyone else bring me down.

    I get out my bed, not bothering to make it, and head into Tony's room to wake her up also. I walk down the hall , and open her door being met with her girly bedroom.

     It was filled with pink furniture and pink objects to the max. It almost made me want to throw up. Her dresser consisted of mannequins with different wigs on them.

   Tony's thing was hair and she knew how to make her own wigs and do plenty of styles. Her hair stayed slayed and she even made money slaying other people's hair.

   She worked at a salon and sometimes would do hair out our apartment. The girl was skilled.

    I walk to her window drawing the curtains back, as the bright sun seeps through. I look out the window at New York's traffic and buildings. I loved the city, and I don't think I could ever leave it.

   So much structure. Industry. Culture. And life. What more could could a girl ask for?

      I turn around at the sound of Tony's groaning. She turns in her pink covers , shielding her face with her pink pillow.

      " Good morniiiing, it's time for school. We have to catch the subway so start getting ready." I say in a cheery voice.

    I leave out the room, leaving her to herself.

   I go in the bathroom to begin my hygiene.  I brush my teeth and wash my face before getting in the shower.

      Once I'm in the shower I rinse myself with water and then lather myself in soap. I scrub myself and stand under the water while avoiding getting my hair wet.

    After 10 or so minutes I get out the shower, and as I'm leaving the bathroom Tony enters.

     " You whore, I hope you didn't use all the hot water."  Tony shoots me daggers as she comes in the bathroom.

     " Girrrl shut up, and get in the shower." I say making an ugly face at her. I walk pass her and go to my room, sifting through my closet looking for an outfit.

    I base my outfit off of what the weather would be. I pick out my Tommy overalls and a basic white tank to wear underneath. I also get a hoodie since it would be a little chilly outside.

      Before my outfit, I put on Baby lotion and Shea butter.

    The last thing to do is my hair. I sit at my vanity looking at my messy hair. I put product through it and put the front of my hair in two messy buns, leaving the back down.

  You're good to go.

*                            *                              *                      *

    An hour later me and Tony stand in front of our school. We walk up the steps behind all the other students filing in.

  Once we're inside we walk through the halls making our way to where are lockers are located.

    Rayne and Tony stand by their lockers that are next to ours, waiting for us.

   I take the time to observe them as we walk towards them. Rayne is dressed in a long flowy skirt , with a dress shirt with different patterns. Her long dreads are in a neat bun at the top of her head.

    Nyema has on a black bomber, with ripped jeans, and an olive green crop top underneath. Typical for her.

      We finally reach them and began to conversate. "Hey y'all, what's up?" I greet, as I open my locker and began getting things out.

     " Nothing just ready to get this day over with." Nyema says, rolling her eyes.

    " Same." Rayne agrees.

   I laugh at them as I close my locker making my way to the circle they had created.

    " We should go to the Clover after school today." Tony speaks up.

     We all think about what she says before speaking.

    " Yeah, we haven't been there in awhile." Rayne says, tugging at her shirt sleeve.

    " Then its a date." Nyema says.

  The bell rings signifying the start of school. We all say our goodbyes before dispersing to our classes.

I look down, examining my new schedule. Only one class would change, but I still needed it.

I read the details of the new class. I didn't have it until third hour though.

I make my way to my music theory class, completely dreading it. It always was full of note taking and long lectures, something I didn't like.

I walk in the class, taking a seat at one of the desks, and get my notebook out.

Here goes nothing.

Hey so this was just a filler chapter but it goes with the plot. The story is starting to progress and pick up speed, and I'm so excited yet nervous at the same time. I've waited so long to get to this point.

    I appreciate everyone who's supported this story and want to thank you for going on this journey with me. Y'all some real ones.❤️✨

  Until next time.  -Arieaja


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