Chapter 18

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After the Party...
October 18,2017

    The car ride was silent, as I drove Marcus's car towards my apartment. He was too inebriated to drive , and I couldn't risk him putting himself and me in danger.

I look over at him, hunched over in the passenger seat, as he rested his head against the window. His chest moved at a steady pace, as he breathed in and out.

I shook my head recalling the events from earlier tonight. Marcus had showed his ass at the party, choosing to disrespect someone he barely knew.

And she sure did show him, as she handled him and humiliated him in front of everyone that attended the party, some being his friends.

I chuckled to myself at the ironic situation. Marcus, the big and bad, football player that stood at 6'0 foot, got handled by a petite girl half his size.

It would take his ego awhile to heal from the events that happened tonight.

It wasn't anyone's fault but his own though. He chose to blatantly disrespect Nokia countless times, not knowing what she was capable of.

I know him being drunk, added to the way he acted, but at the end of the day he knew better. And sometimes the things you said in a drunken state held your true feelings.

It shocked me. For as long as I had known Marcus I'd never know him to degrade a person and act as if he was better than them. Marcus was always polite, and treated everyone with respect.

Tonight showed me a different side of him that I didn't like, and wouldn't tolerate.




I thought about all the things he had called Nokia and cringed.

Who was he to call her a nobody and try to determine her worth?

No one deserved to be called a nobody because everyone was a somebody. Everyone had value and worth, whether others chose to see it or not.

I considered him calling her a weirdo, and rolled my eyes.

Ok Nokia was clearly different, from her name to the way she carried herself. But it wasn't a bad thing.

If I do say so myself, it was quite intriguing. She seemed full of mystery and untold stories , that I couldn't help but want to uncover.

It was something about her that made me want to hang on to her every word ,and uncover every layer of her being.

She was very peculiar, so why not be in admiration of it instead of deeming it as "weird"?

I thought about the last word he'd used, dyke. It peaked my curiosity. I obviously knew what it meant, I just hadn't considered what he meant when calling Nokia it?

I didn't know whether or not she was queer, but considering the way she dressed in manly attire with boxers ,kind of supported the claim.

I couldn't just base it off mere clothes though, clothes didn't define anything. That could just be what she liked dressing in.

Then I thought about the girl she had with her. Sirria, was her name I think.

Could that be her girlfriend? In my opinion they didn't look the least bit compatible, so maybe she was just a friend.

I shook my head, trying to disregard my thoughts.

First, I didn't even know whether or not she was queer. Second, it wasn't my business and I don't understand why I was thinking about it so much.

I decided to turn on the radio to distract myself from my thoughts. I looked over at Marcus, who was now snoring, deep in sleep.

I let him sleep for now, but he would get an earful first thing tomorrow .

* * * *

     " Marcus, wake up, we're here." I shook Marcus awake , as I stood in front of the opened passenger door.

  He opened his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows, trying to grasp what was going on.

   Once he realized where we were, he got out of the car, following me up the stairs to my brownstone

   I unlocked the door, turning the lights on as I made my way to my room.

   I felt Marcus walking behind me, and stopped in my tracks, spinning around on my feet.

    " Where do you think you're going ?" I asked , with my hands on my hip.

   " your room." He said, looking confused.

  " After that stunt you pulled tonight, you're not. I'll get you a pillow and a blanket, to sleep on the couch."

     "Buuut..." I put my hand up ,silencing him.

  I left Marcus in the hall and walked into my room, plopping on my bed. I unstrapped my heels, pulling them off my aching feet.

   I stood up stripping out of my outfit, putting my jacket on the back of vanity chair and the rest of the clothes in a hamper.

   I smiled as I looked the jacket over again, thinking about the party and Nokia.

  I shook it off and grabbed a blanket and pillow for Marcus, making my way into the living room.

He laid on the couch, with his hand over his face and his eyes closed. His long legs stretched over the armrest of the couch.

   " Here you go, goodnight Marcus." He looked up at me with his eyebrows all scrunched up and a visible pout on his face. I wasn't falling for it.

    I turned the light off, and walked back in my room, getting in my bed.

    I entered my thoughts with one thing, well one person on my mind, Nokia.

   I don't know why I was so enamored by her, but ever since I encountered her, I couldn't get her off my mind.

   The last look she sent at the party was hard to decipher. Was she mad at me for Marcus's actions? Did she think I thought the same?

  I didn't, and I accepted her for whoever she was.

   As I drifted off to sleep I made a mental note to look for her at school, and apologize for Marcus's actions , and maybe initiate the start of a friendship.

   It was something about her, and I was determined to make things right.

  Heyyy. I made this in less than an hour, since it's not really much but Lana's thoughts about the events that took place.

   What do you think? Vote, comment, and discuss. Until next time ✌🏾😉😎 -Arieaja

 Until next time ✌🏾😉😎 -Arieaja

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