Chapter 33

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October 30, 2017
The Subway
The same day


Later that day I sit on the subway with my brother , on our way to get food and shit. I hadn't seen my brother in awhile , and when Melissa allows me to get him I take full advantage of the opportunity.

   As we sit on the subway , we spend the time catching up.

     " So what's been up with you , little bro?" I look over at my younger brother who is typing away on his cellular device.

     " I just got my progress report back, and my grades are looking decent. A couple A's and the rest are B's." He shrugs his shoulders.

    " Ok that's what's up." I nod my head in approval at him. My brother had a good head on him ,and despite all we had been through ,he turned out good.

     For that I was proud of him. He didn't fall victim to all the shit a lot of people in our predicaments and age group do.

      " And I've been applying to part time jobs so I can make a little change for myself. I know you get tired of me asking you." He chuckles.

     " Nah I don't mind, little bro. That's my duty to make sure you straight and taken care of. But I'm glad you trying to be independent."

    " Thanks sis." Andrew smiles over at me, I just nod my head.

    " How has Melissa been treating you?" I sigh, bracing myself for him to tell me about my ex foster mom.

      " She actually been pretty chill, and my money hasn't been coming up missing. I think it's because she fuckin with this new dope dealer."

    I roll my eyes, not surprised. Melissa was a goddamn opportunist, always looking where she could get her next source of money.

    I just don't understand why the bitch couldn't get off her ass, get a job, and earn the shit herself.

      I wasn't worried about it though. No good ever came to people like that. Eventually she'd run out of resources and not have anyone to depend on.

      " I guess that's good...for now." I arch my brown
, giving my brother a look.

    He decides to change the subject. "  So what's been up with you sis?"

    " Shit, same ol, same ol. Tryna get this money, make sure you good, and keep my head in the books." I shrug my shoulders.

    That was my life. Trying to survive and stay stable.

" Yo ass make yo life sound so depressing."

I laugh at that. It's definitely not depressing. But it just been the same shit, and I'm content with that.

" Any shorties lately? I know how you are with the ladies." My brother grins at me.

" There's actually 2. But it ain't none serious." I shrug my shoulders and smile ,thinking of both Melanie and Solána.

Yes, Solána. I know I said before I wasn't feeling her and she ain't my type , but even a blind man could see that's a lie.

I'm not going to deny what I'm feeling just because it's complicated.

I was feeling her, just don't know to what extent. I'm not one to get into relationships and nobody could change that.

I just wanted to experience a night in my bed with Solána. And maybe chill. But I definitely couldn't commit and put a title on anything.

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