Chapter 8

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     ((Nokia in MM))


   October 13, 2017

" This unit will be all about self. I want each of you to look deep within yourself and tell me, who are you? What do you stand for? What's your true inner feelings?" My poetry teacher ranted at the front of the class as her students looked on, seemingly unimpressed by the lesson.

Some were on their phones, others talked amongst themselves, and some even went to sleep mid lesson.

Me, I jotted down notes since this was my core class and would contribute to my major the most.

   And, because poetry was my passion. If I wanted to get better, I had to be willing to take in new information and learn from the best.

To hell with the other kids, I was determined to pass.

" For the remainder of class I want you to begin the writing assignment. Your rough drafts will be due tomorrow." Ms. Hyde said, as she made her way over to her desk.

Students groaned as they begin to prepare for the assignment, dreading having to do work.

"That's the spirit !" Ms. Hyde sarcastically remarked. I smiled a little at that.

Ms. Hyde was a bright, intelligent woman. She valued what her students said ,and made sure everyone got something out her class.

She was always so passionate and wanted us to take our work serious, and pour our hearts out on paper.

Her appearance matched her bubbly personality. She had frizzy, ginger hair that lay on top of her head in pin curls. She dressed in sweaters ,and skirts that always went a little pass the knee.

On her face, she wore thick, wide rimmed glasses that made her eyes look exceptionally big and as if she was staring into your soul.

Her lips always were concealed with bright, fire engine red lipstick. Most of the time it was smeared and would be on her teeth.

Ms. Hyde was a funny , animated looking woman but a sweetheart nonetheless.

I doodled on my paper out of boredom, deciding I would start the writing assignment once I got home.

I took out my phone scrolling through my Instagram feed liking the occasional meme, and selfie from some insta model.

I looked up from my phone and noticed a girl staring directly at me. I scrutinized her for a minute trying to figure out what was up with her.

The blank expression on her face didn't reveal much. I didn't know if she had a problem with me or if she was just staring to stare. What?

I decided she was a cute girl. She was made up of cocoa brown skin and straight jet black hair. She had on bright makeup and had plump lips, and a fair sized nose. Her face was beat to the Gods, as if she went to a professional makeup artist before school.

I decided to ignore her and begin to go back on my phone.

After 5 or so minutes I realized she was still staring ,and shooting occasional glances my way. It was beginning to get annoying.

So I looked over at her shooting my nastiest look, and what I got in return shocked me. She shot me a smile full of pearly whites. What? Then she followed it with a mini wave.

I involuntarily smiled back. Ok maybe I had misinterpreted it but still, what did she want with me?

The bell rang signifying the end of class. I grabbed my books and book bag, and headed for the door.

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