Chapter 43

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(Listen to song in the media, it's so good and fitting for this chapter!😩💞☝🏾)

October 31st
The Party


It had been thirty minutes since I talked to Nokia, and had been outside Marcus's friend's place. The cold, chilly air was hitting me hard since I was in flimsy clothing. My jacket didn't really help at all.

I was scared since I wasn't used to these surroundings, and didn't really come on this side of town. New York could be dangerous, and sadly women were the main victims preyed on.

     I was ok for now, the only people that were out were crackheads and drunks lingering around. Talking to themselves, and walking with no destinations.

      I just was ready to go though, my anxiety was high and I felt like shit after tonight. I still couldn't believe how the night went left so quick. And the one person I thought I could always count on, turned their back on me.

    And what makes it worse is he didn't even care about me. He hadn't come outside again to check on me, and make sure I was ok. Anything could happen to me. Yet he was too busy being an asshole and partying.

     Tonight really made me look at him a lot differently , and I felt so much resentment towards him. I don't know where we would stand after this. I just knew I didn't want to see his face, or want anything to do with him for awhile. I needed space.

    I really was beginning to question if I wanted this relationship. We had been together two years , but maybe it was time to go our separate ways.

     But it was still apart of me that couldn't, I was so attached to him. He was all I'd ever known.

      I sigh deciding to think about those things later. I didn't have the energy for it right now.

My anxiety grows , wondering if I should text or call Nokia again. What if she changed her mind, and wasn't gonna come get me? What if she left me stranded here for how I treated her today?

I felt like she deserved it though, and my feelings were valid. Everything I had said to her was true, and she needed to hear it. I was a bit harsh but I needed to be. Or else she didn't take me serious.

I try to have hope that she will come, and won't leave me stranded here. But as time passes, and the night gets colder I lose it.

Just as I begin to pick up my phone to call her again, a big red pickup truck recklessly pulls up to the curb. The car is loud, and almost drives on the sidewalk next to me. Who the hell is this, is this Nokia? She cannot drive.

The windows to the truck is tinted, and it's dark so I can't see the driver. I try to peer in, and get up to see but it doesn't help much.

The person rolls down the passenger, letting the loud rock music playing inside the car seep out. I look inside and see that it is Nokia. I scrutinize her face, and notice she seems a little on edge.

" Solána! I got here as fast as I could, sorry if I took awhile. Are you ok?" She looks at me, worried. Her mouth is open and her face holds some concern.

I get a little warm, knowing that she cared about me and actually wanted to help me out. Can't say the same for my damn boyfriend.

She stares at me, waiting for a response. " Uh, yes I'm fine. And it's ok, thank you for coming. I thought you weren't going to, and I really didn't have anyone else."

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