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Flo POV:

I'm woken by the ringing of my alarm, rolling over to switch it off I see that it's 6:45am. Normally, I wouldn't even set an alarm but today's the day I'm travelling to London for the weekend. For a lot of people, I guess going to the big city wouldn't be very intriguing, for me it's full of opportunity. I'm into fashion, I want to be in the industry and London is the closest fashion capital for me to go to (not that I could ever afford to travel to the likes of Paris or Milan anyway) and who knows this trip could be the beginning of something incredible.

Reluctantly, I edge out of bed and sit up. It's just me in my flat, I'm only twenty but I live alone with no family. Well, that's not exactly the truth; my parents are alive and well but they've never been concerned about my well being. They have no idea where I am and never will. I moved out as soon as I could afford to, for my own safety. So, it's only me here in my apartment.

I'm feeling positive about this trip. I need some creative direction, I've used fashion as an escape for as long as I can remember; I love to sketch some designs although I've never felt it was my strong point. I unlock my phone and check the time, 7:15...SHIT. My train departs at 7:45, I have to get basically all the way across town! Thank god I packed my bag and picked my outfit out last night.

After a quick shower, I put my hair into a high pony and pull on my clothes. I didn't see the point in any makeup, I never do bother these days and besides, if I need to I can make myself more presentable at the hotel. Rushing from my bedroom, I grab my bag off the couch and my keys and tickets from the kitchen worktop. Off I go!


hey friends.

this is the first of me editing the first chapters.

honestly, if i could merge some of these to give them more length i would but it's too much fuss and it'd mean changing the chapter numbers etc etc.

i'm gonna update five parts at a time rather than all at once.

if you're new, keep reading!

chapters get longer and the story keeps getting better x

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