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Harry POV:

After breakfast, I decided to take Flo on a walk in the woods behind the house considering it's turned out to be a lovely day. The ground is covered in crunchy leaves, the air is fresh and feels so clean something I notice now I come from London.

As much as I'd have liked to take Flo the bakery, show her more of the town, I'm avoiding it until the news of our relationship dies down or we announce it officially. I'd hate for her to feel uncomfortable, I want this weekend to be perfect for the both of us.

Although it's perfect out today it sure is chilly, there's an icy breeze in the air! Both of us are bundled up in coats and scarves, Flo looks adorable in one of my old beanies.

She looks super happy out here, something I can understand.

These woods, being here, that's my happy place.

"Harry, I can't imagine how wonderful it must've been waking up to this every day." Flo squeezes my hand.

"Did you never have anything like this growing up?"

These woods hold some of my favourite memories.

I could probably still find the tree me and Gemma carved our names into, we spent our afternoons out here.

"Not particularly." She shakes her head. "It makes me appreciate these places... this place, more than most."

"Can I let you in on a secret?" I pull her close to me. "I've not told anybody but I was thinking about it the other night."

"Go on."

"As much as London has become my home, my heart will always be here and that's become even clearer since we met," I admit timidly.

It's true.

As cliche as it sounds, Flo changed my whole world.

She gave me perspective, made me want to think about a future and a family.

I knew I wanted kids, I thought it'd be me for a good couple of years and I suppose until you meet the right person you don't consider these things as a reality because it seems so out of reach.

To be honest, I didn't expect a relationship to come along for a while before meeting Flo and least of all for it to be the one. I threw myself into my solo work as a consequence, too into the solo work in hindsight.

Even before my own project, I was giving my all to the tours' with the boys and living in the moment.

I'd never regret that.

The five of us hit the jackpot and now we get to live lives that still blows my mind, I'd be stupid to ignore that.

Don't get me wrong, I intend to give everything to the solo tour but it'll be so different. Instead of enjoying the places, the venues and the fun with the boys it'll be with my girlfriend.

Tour's come to end and that got me thinking about what I'd want in a year or so, will I feel the urge to create more music or focus on my relationship and possibly starting a family. After all, Flo is giving up her life to travel with me and I'm eternally grateful for it.

"I'd never worried about the future, now it won't be mine it'll be ours. We're in this for the long haul, aren't we?"

"Absolutely." Flo smiles and I can tell by the look in her eyes she means it.

"Then when we decide to settle down and start our own family, I'd like us to buy a home here. Wouldn't you love to run around with our children out here, them growing up so close to family?"

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