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Flo POV:

'I know a place, I know a place we can go....'

I sing happily along to my playlist as I finish preparing dinner.

Harry should be back in an hour, I think. Flight times confuse me, technically I'm just guessing. Everything's in the oven including my homemade bread...just call me Nigella. Everything's in the oven so I opt to take a shower.

The past few days I'll admit, I've been sleeping in Harry's bed. He doesn't know yet, Lou told me too and I didn't intend to at first. The guest room is gorgeous, but being in his bed made me feel less lonely and sometimes that's what I need. Obviously now he's coming back I'll go back, hopefully he won't mind too much.

Shit. I forgot to change the sheets, there's not enough time now.

My feet pad along the soft, grey carpet inside Harry's room. Tossing my clothes onto the bed, I go into the en suite.

This shower is something else.

Water cascades onto my body, I've been using Harry's shower gel since I have nothing else. For a few minutes I just stand, is this all real? Am I showering in Harry Styles bathroom?

My phone alarm sounds, which reminds me of the food in the oven.

I hop out, dressing yet again in my yoga pants and a stolen t-shirt of Harry's.

A shopping trip calls, the same pair of yoga pants have been on my body for the past 3 days- it's grossing me out.

I towel dry my hair and head back down to the kitchen, the smell is tantalising!

It's half past 4. He should be back soon, I need to get a move on.

Scouring the bottom cupboards I can't find anything- no plates or glasses. I bet he keeps them in the cupboards above, damn I hate tall people; I grab a bar stool and clamber onto the counter.

Stability isn't normally my thing, imagine if I fall and break my leg. Only when I've got the plates in my hands do I think about getting down.

"Oh for fucksake." I mutter angrily. I turn my head slowly to assess the situation when all of a sudden, two large hands land on my waist.

He looks more tanned than Tuesday, a few of his curls escaping from under his green packers cap. His muscular arms squeeze me tightly, he lifts me up and places me back on the ground. Harry tilts his head to look at me, hugging me tightly.

"You're early!" I lean back to look at him, the same smirk remaining on his face.

Harry shrugs, "Yeah the flight was ahead of schedule, thought it'd be a nice surprise."

Harry, being the distraction he is, made me forget about the food in the oven. I try to wriggle from his arms, he's too strong.

"What you don't want to see me?" Harry's smirk turns into a frown.

Playfully I smack his arm, he immediately starts to rub it looking sad.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Don't be silly Harry! Of course I want to see you." Without thinking I place my head on his chest, his arms wrap back around my waist but I pull back again.

"What now?"

"The food." I reply. Hurrying over to the oven, I put on my gloves and open the door.

Cautiously placing the large dish on the counter, followed by my homemade bread. I must say it looks tremendous, a lovely golden brown- the baker himself should be impressed.

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