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Flo POV:

"Aunt Flo! Aunt Flo!" Lux calls, she woke up about half an hour ago.

"Yes Lux?" I'm just setting the bags on her bed as she runs in.

"Uncle Harry says he's going to order pizza!" That nap has certainly woken her up, I just hope she goes to sleep later on.

"Yummy! I think you need to have a bath and put some pjs on before it arrives though."

"Really? Do I have to?" Lux hesitates, a small pout forms on her face. No tantrums today, please no tantrums.

"C'mon Lux, you'll be much comfier in yo..." I'm interrupted by Harry who strides through the door.

'...your new pjs that we bought for you today!" Harry shoots me a smirk and scoops Lux into his arms. He playfully throws her onto the bed and brings the pyjamas out the bag, Lux's eyes light up.

Almost immediately she picks up the animal print bottoms and matching top and pulls them close to her chest with a bright smile. "These ones!"

"Shall we go and run you a bath while Uncle Harry orders pizza Luxy?" She hops off the bed and takes my hand, pulling me toward the en suite in her room.

Lux sits down on the tile floor as I turn on the taps, pouring in some of the bubble bath I bought. As the water runs I decide to go and fold Lux's other pyjamas away in the drawers, I hung her clothes up this morning which reminds me that I need to put her school uniform in the wash. As I wander back into the en suite to check on the water, I see Lux sitting in the exact same position with her eyes closed.

"What are you doing princess?" I chuckle.

"I think..what mama calls...relaxing." Lux replies, eyes still closed.

"Ohhh, well I think you can relax a lot more in the lovely hot water. C'mon!"

Lux grabs my hands and I pull her up, she undresses and climbs in Harry's massive bathtub. As I look around, I see there's no towel on the rack and go out to grab one, when I come back in Lux has covered her face in bubbles. I snap a quick photo to send to Lou.

"You monster! What're you doing?" I laugh.

"Arghhh! Lux the bubble monster!!!!" Lux's moving her arms up in down trying to be scary.

"Well bubble monsters don't eat pizza." Lux's eyes widen.

"They don't?" I shake my head.

"No they don't. If Lux, wherever she's gone, wants pizza then bubble monster will have to give her back." I'm holding back a smile, I can't take her seriously.

Almost immediately the bubble monster disappears, Lux's hair is a little damp from the bubbles and I wonder whether I should wash it. Lou being a hairdresser, I imagine she has some sort of routine. If Lux is in school on Monday, surely she'd wash it tomorrow; for now I decide to just leave it.

"Aunt Flo? Can you wash my back, I can't reach." Lux asks, a little frustrated.

"Course darling and then we'll put you in your new pjs." I sit down on the floor next to the tub and grab a sponge from the side. I wet it with the hot, soapy water and gently wash her back.

"Aunt Flo? Do you and Uncle Harry love each other?"

I furrow my brows, I know Lux is smart but she can't have figured out me and Harry. Then again, children notice more than people think.

"Why do you ask that Lux?" She shrugs her shoulders at the question.

"Well, Uncle Harry never had a girl stay here with us before and he really smiley when you're with him all the time. Oh and you're auntie and he's uncle, they come in pairs." 

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