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Flo POV:

"Hi darling." I wave to Lux. "Here, I'll take that for you."

She takes one hand as we walk out the playground, her school bag in my other. I have to admit that I love the school run. Despite the early starts and manic traffic, it's one of my favourite parts of the day. There's something so lovely about getting her ready in the morning and watching her run in full of excitement and nothing beats watching her face light up at the end of the day, when she sees me waiting for her.

Today, I needed the feeling. I needed something to take my mind off the fact it's our one month anniversary and I still haven't seen Harry.

I woke up around ten and he was gone, I assume to the studio or to meet with Jeffery. I've been out all day for work and haven't been home, so I have no clue if Harry's even been back. All I want is to kiss him and hug him, that's why I can't wait to see him later on! For the past month neither of us have been working- I mean Harry's been to the studio a few times but that was it really. Now things will be going back to normal, we'll both be up and out everyday, him in the studio and me in my office or in some sort of meeting and I think it'll be hard. Hard because for the last few weeks we've spent all our time together.

Lux chats to me all about her day as we walk to the car, I had to park further away today which has put us behind schedule.

"Happy anni.." Lux frowns "...anniversary!" She bursts out looking proud.

I laugh. "Who told you about that Luxy?"

"Mama this morning, she helped me practice." Lux smiles as I buckle her into the car.

"Thank you.." I peck her cheek, she looks at me quizzically. "What?"

"Are you and Uncle Harry going to be together forever?"

I nod confidently. "We are baba, is that alright with you."

Lux nods animatedly and I smile.

On the drive home we sing along to One Direction, I can release my inner fangirl around Lux which is always important. Every now and then I glance in the mirror to check on her, she's so cute dancing and singing the lyrics- it makes my heart burst.

When we get home Lux runs straight upstairs to change like I asked, I laid her clothes on the bed this morning because I thought we'd be in a rush. I follow behind, she's already done when I poke my head through the door.

"Hey, good girl." She runs up to me and hugs my legs. "You wanna play with your toys or watch me do my makeup?'

I've noticed that if I'm ever doing my makeup around Lux she's fascinated, she just sits and watches like she's in a trance. I guess she is her mothers daughter!

"Watch you!" She squeals and rushes to my office.

Before I left this morning I curled the ends of my hair into a soft wave, thankfully it still looks good so I don't have to neaten it up or anything. I change into a subtle black slip dress with a white high neck jumper underneath, tights and black boots. I pat the space next to me on the stool and Lux climbs up beside me as I do my makeup, I go for a natural bronzed glow with a pink toned nude lip because I know Harry likes it when I wear little to no makeup anyway.

"Come on honey, let's go!" I say when I'm done, I carry her down to the car and off we go.


We've arrived at our destination.

Lux seems excited which is always good, bouncing around as she hops out the car and grabs my hand to lead the way. I notice that this place is empty which is unusual because I'm sure it's normally popular, there are literally no cars in the car park! The only thing I can hear is our footsteps and a faint melody.

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