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Lou POV:

"God that coffee is fantastic!"

"You'll be as hyper as Lux soon." Flo laughs sipping her tea.

As I'm about to ask our waitress for another cup, I realise that I haven't told H where I am. 

Hey! Gone out for breakfast with Flo, back soon. Let me know if you need anything. X

No notifications on my phone means they're both still sleeping, which is a miracle. 

You'd think Lux would not feel the effects of jet lag because she's travelled since she was born, however, that is not the case. She struggles with it a lot which was part of my initial apprehension on bringing her out with us.

Our waitress approaches with our food, she brings over two servings of pancakes; mine with fruit and Flo's with a shit ton of nutella. Another coffee or a smoothie, there's no doubt that the second option would be best but I need the caffeine.

"Okay ladies, I have American Pancakes with strawberries and syrup and one with Nutella."

"Nutella here please." Flo says.

"You must be the strawberries and syrup?" She smiles.

"I am indeed. Could I order a latte while you're here please?"

The waitress nods. "Course, I'll bring it over in a couple minutes."

"Thank you." I grin and turn my attention back to Flo. "Can we please talk about you and Harry now?"

Flo shakes her head, her mouth full of pancakes, she must be hungry. "There's nothing to talk about as far as I'm aware."

"Oh fuck off! You're all over each other!" I scoff.

Flo gives me a look. "Oh come on Lou! We've held hands, he's had his hand on my leg and a hug?"

'Ha. Holding hands, hands on knees, a hug. That's not all over each other.'

I smirk. "Okay, okay. Whatever you say Flo. Believe me when I say something is going to happen."

With that said, I decide to leave it and tuck in to my pancakes. I know Harry and I know romance, love is in the air with them two.

an hour later...

Flo has disappeared, I've lost her. Long story short, she went on the hunt for Robert Pattinson's handprints because she was unfortunate enough to be the era of teenage Twilight fans, I hated that movie. Where the bloody hell has she gone? I'm scuffling through the crowds of tourist like a mum looking for her kid, perhaps it's what H said last night about looking after her but I just feel uneasy. The Chinese Theatre is a hot spot for tourists which makes finding a five foot nothing blonde girl very hard, it's been almost twenty minutes.

"Flo?" I call out. "Flo, Flo!"

Out the corner of my eye I see a crowd start to form, the commotion becomes louder, what's going on. Presuming it's a celeb or something, I hope Flo's over there being as nosey as me. Now there's a few hundred people, I squint in the sunlight and that's when I see. It's her, it's Flo. Flo's on the ground.

"Oh shit! Flo?" My feet move at a fast pace and soon enough I'm running to the group of people. "FLO! Move out the way! Get out the way!" I call.

Fuck these people are inconsiderate. After elbowing my way through I finally get to Flo, I fall to the ground and bring her head up and rest it on my knees.

"Flo?" I whisper into her ear. "Flo?"

I can see she's still breathing, she's passed out and looks so pale. I don't know what to do, I reach into my pocket for my phone when I hear a familiar voice.

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