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Flo POV:

I'm woken with a jolt as I suddenly feel weight on my chest. My eyes flutter open to see Lux on top of me in a school uniform, I suppose I'm coming on the school run.

"Come school with me and mama." She tilts her head flashes me a smile.

"Good morning my little cherub." I ruffle her hair and return the smile.

"Can you do my hair? Mama's in the shower." Lux asks.

"Of course. How would you like it?" I grab my phone to take a picture of Lux who's still sitting on top of me. "Lux, smile for Uncle Harry!"

She pulls a funny face, I hit send and sit up in bed. Lux positions herself in between my legs, handing me a variety of clips and scrunchies. "Plaits please."

With ease I braid her blonde hair, I put cute yellow scrunchies at the bottom to match her uniform.

"Finished!" Immediately she hops off the bed to go show Lou.

"Lux!" I hear Lou scold. "Come here I..oh god I'm sorry." She says chasing Lux back into my room.

"It's fine." I laugh.

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I'll make you breakfast. Right..." She scoops Lux up into her arms. "Come here monkey!"

I wander into the bathroom and take a quick shower, I dress in sports leggings and a hoodie. I throw my hair up into a messy bun as I head downstairs, I see Lux eating a bowl of cookie crisp at the kitchen table.

"Weetabix okay?" Lou asks placing a cup of tea in front of me.

I nod. "Yes please."

"Flo, you didn't tell me you were good at hair." She puts a bowl down in front of me.


"Seriously! Can I train you? I need someone to do Harry's hair and face while he's on tour, I can't do it with Lux in school now." She confesses.

"I mean, if you think I could." I'm chuffed.

Lou takes a sip of her coffee. "We'll talk about it soon."

"Mama?" Lux interrupts.

I look up from my bowl and Lou from her mug. "Yes monkey."

"Can I call Flo, Aunt Flo?" Lux is a bit apprehensive as though she doesn't know whether what she's asking is good or bad.

My mouth opens a little taken aback, I didn't expect to hear that at all or at least after a weekend.

"If you want to Lux, you'll need to ask Flo not me." Lux turns to me.



"Can I call you Aunt Flo?" Lux bats her eyelashes, not that I'd say no ever.

Lou coughs and mouths 'please' to Lux. "Please." She repeats.

"I'd like that a lot." I'm beaming from ear to ear, I never thought someone so small and blonde could make me love her this much.

Lux throws her arms round my neck and squeezes me tightly, I peck her cheek. "Alright, now go and get your stuff for school!"

Lux whizzes off, leaving Lou and I at the table. We look at each other and laugh, Lux is such a character. "Are you good with all that?"

Lou raises her eyebrows. "You kidding?! I'm buzzing, I told you she has a kid sixth sense thing and that means she knows you're gonna be around permanently."

I stand up and put my empty dishes in the sink, Lou follows and moments later Lux returns to the kitchen with her coat and backpack. Lou hands her a packed lunch box from the fridge, she puts it in her bag and takes a water bottle from the kitchen table.

"Lux, go stand by the door and do the morning check. Aunt Flo and I..." She flashes me a smile. "...will be there in a moment."

Lou grabs her leather jacket from the back of the chair, she looks incredibly effortless today; black fitted pants, vans and a white shirt. "The morning check is something I make her do, to get her in the habit of being familiar with what she has to take to school and always remembering it." I nod. "C'mon lets go."

By the time we leave it's just gone eight. Lux takes my hand, I buckle her in to her car seat and then strap myself in. My first school run, hopefully of many.


sorry this is short....filler!

tysm for reading x

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