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Lou POV:

Our flight took around eight hours; it's about 4pm in LA right now, it's strange for Flo because she's never travelled far from England before. Right now we're waiting in the baggage area, I sent Harry to get our bags, whilst I went the toilet and Lux is attached to Flo's hip so she wouldn't be much help. Lux has been glued to Flo since we got on the plane, I'm totally impressed with Flo considering she's had no personal space for hours and she's got no kids in her family to make her this natural.

On the plane I made the decision to keep Lux awake, I knew we'd be here like early evening and if she slept on the plane she wouldn't sleep later on. It sounds awful but I couldn't deal with Lux being up all night due to jet lag, to be fair I know she couldn't either- she loves her sleep. Luckily, Lux was distracted by Flo the entire flight; they coloured some more, listened to music, watched a film or two and got to know each other a little more.

I heard Lux ask, "Flo? Are you really, really good friends with Uncle Harry?"

In Lux's language she was asking if Flo was his girlfriend, not that Lux has ever met any of Harry's girlfriends before. When I heard it I laughed to myself, Lux knows Harry on a different level than the rest of us; since she was born they've been close and he's different around her than everyone else. Plus kids have a kind of sixth sense, I think Lux's question was sign. From what I've seen Flo and H are quite similar and I could really see them becoming something, he's not looking for anyone right now but you never are. Maybe I'm seeing what I wanna see though.

"You guys ready?" Harry calls from the other side of the baggage area lugging the two cases. It seems excessive since we're not even here for a week, travelling with a kid is never light packing and I packed some extra stuff for Flo as she wasn't exactly expecting this. I take my case from Harry, Lux is holding Flo's hand and swinging them back and fourth. Harry will adore Flo, especially when he sees how happy she makes his favourite girl.

My phone rings in my back pocket, the caller ID reads Harry, I lean down to Lux quickly before picking up.

"Honey? Do you think you could be very quiet for a sec, we don't want to ruin Uncle Harry's surprise do we?" Lux puts her finger to her mouth and stands closer to Flo. I smile and take the call.

"Hi H, how's it hanging?" I greet, it's been a long time since I've seen him and I miss him a lot.

"Lou, hey! I can't wait to see you, where are you now?" Flo walks Lux out to the car and helps Harry put the bags in the car, Lux still has her finger to her lips gives me a big thumbs up.

"Er, just gonna leave LAX now, should be at the hotel in say half an hour." I tell him.

I can tell Harry's grinning on the other end of the phone, he sounds really peppy. "I'll give you an hour and aim to meet you at six. What do you think of Flo?"

I turn my head and look at Flo, she's standing with Lux pulling funny faces. "H, I'm not gonna lie, she's incredible. She's cool, very pretty, laid back and reminds me of you!"

"Cool and pretty? Sounds like me then." I laugh. "I'm gutted you couldn't bring Lux, I feel awful not seeing her for this long." Harry admits.

"H, believe me Lux hasn't forgotten about you. She misses you too, honestly she asks me about you everyday." I smirk, little does he know he's got the best surprise ever. I see Harry gesturing for me to come out to the car. "Listen H, I gotta shoot. See you soon."

"Cool. See you later." I hang up the phone and walk out to the car, as I climb in I see Lux curled up in Flo's lap.

She shrugs. "Sorry, we sat down and she went out like a light."

"Oh she won't be like that for long, when she sees the pool she'll be straight in!" I whisper.

The car starts and we all just sit in a comfortable silence. I think the journey has wiped us out and we're only relaxing now, especially Flo who looked after Lux the whole flight. I gaze out the windows and see the streets of LA, H has probably booked a super expensive hotel for us all because he can't help himself. As we keep driving I catch glances of the beach, I can feel the sun beaming through the car windows and I look up to the blue skies. God, I love it here in LA. Out the corner of my eye, I see Flo's mouth open in awe.

"You like it?" I ask her.

She takes a deep breath. "It's intense, so full of life."

"You can go see some of the sights this weekend." I smile.

Flo looks down at Lux in her arms, "I think I'd rather spend time with you guys."

That's when I know that Flo is going to be in our life for a longtime. Her focus is on the people around her, my baby in her arms, not on herself and what she wants to do. Exactly like H.


hey friends.

here it is, another update.


what do you think of flo and lux so far?

are you excited for harry to reunite with these guys.

for anyone reading the new updates, who's read the old, do you notice the difference? is it better? or aren't you bothered?


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