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Flo POV:

It's been a mad couple hours, when me and Harry left the travelodge we picked up Lou and Lux. The flights been delayed so now we're sitting in an empty airport lounge, trying to make ourselves comfortable. Lou I recognised immediately, she's been a big inspiration of mine for years and of course I knew her from the One Direction days. It's surreal sitting here next to Lou and Lux, who've been kind of an iconic duo for the duration of both One Direction and Lux's life. Speaking of Lux, she's sprawled across Lou sleeping and has been since we picked her up.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I'm sitting in Heathrow waiting for a flight to Los Angeles, where I'm going to be meeting Harry Styles. Harry Styles is going to be looking at some rough designs that I didn't even think we're that good. This is a major curve ball, my whole life is up in the air. I can't comprehend the doors this could open. London has been eventful to say the least and I haven't even been here twenty four hours. I wonder whether I'll be able to keep my composure? I told Harry I was a fan of One Direction, I didn't tell him that I've had a crush on Harry for basically six years. Who knows, perhaps me and Harry will have a good friendship as well as working relationship? Only time will tell.

I open my eyes and find Lou staring at me, a soft smile resting on her face. "You alright Flo? We haven't had a chance to chat yet, have we."

"No, we haven't." I say shaking my head. "I'm fine, well, I'm a bit nervous. I didn't tell Harry but I'm a big fan of Harry's and I don't wanna lose my cool. I need to professional."

"Listen, Harry Styles is the least professional person I know, especially when it's his friends." She laughs.

"I'm not his friend though Lou, I've never met him." I mumble.

Best she can, with Lux in her arms, Lou shuffles closer to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Harry's going to be obsessed with you! You're sweet and down to earth, you love him and he's a narcissist!" Lux stirs and Lou pulls her close. "If it makes you feel any better, I've been around you for a few hours and I love you."

I smile timidly. "Thanks Lou, I already adore you. Is Lux excited to see Harry?" I change the subject so we don't have to talk about me any longer.

"She's very excited to see Uncle Knobhead.." She rolls her eyes with a playful smile. "She hasn't seen him in months, it's hard for her because she worships the ground he walks on. This summer has been super busy for him with Dunkirk and shit. He misses her a lot too."

"I'm sure! He's going to go crazy over the surprise." I grin.

Me and Lou chat for a while longer about anything and everything. Every now and then Lux stirs in Lou's arms but she's been asleep since we picked them up; I can't wait for her to wake up, I'm looking forward to getting to know her. Children make me so happy, they're curious and funny, just joys in general.

"Flo? Could you watch her a sec while I go the loo." Lou asks.

"Course." I reply.

Lou stands up and gently rests Lux's head on my thighs, as a sort of pillow, before heading to the toilet. Lux starts to stir once again, this time she stretches her body and opens her eyes. I watch her look between me and her surroundings in confusion; she sits up and turns her body to face me.

"Who are you?" She asks sleepily.

"I'm Flo." I hold my hand out to her, to my relief she takes it.

"Oh, I'm Lux." She tells me.

"I know, I'm a friend of your mum's." With perfect timing, Lou walks towards us.

"Hi baby, you're awake!" Lux runs into Lou's arms with a giggle. "Has Flo told you why we're here?" Lux shakes her head. "We're going to see Uncle Harry."

I could see the delight in Lux's face, wide eyes and big grin. "Really?"

"Yep, he doesn't know though so you've got to give him the biggest surprise. Have you missed him?" Lou asks her, she starts to toddle towards me again.

"Lots and lots and lots!" Lux places her hands on my knees. "Flo, are you a friend of Uncle Harry?"

I look up to Lou for some clue for what to say. ""

"She's a part of our family now Lux." Lou cuts in.

When Lou mentions me being in their family, tears well up in my eyes. I know, it sounds ridiculous but I've never ever felt like I've had a real family, that cares for me. I was with my grandparents for the majority of my pre teen years, when they were unable to look after me I was back with my parents. I've been alone for a while and a good family is all I want.

Lux has noticed my tears, she comes up and wraps her arms around my neck. "Why're you crying Flo, you okay?"

I give her a smile, "Oh nothing, it's silly. I'm much better thanks to you're hugs."

"Would you like to colour with me Flo?" She leans over and grabs her pencil case and colouring book.

"Of course, colourings my favourite!" I reply.

Lux jumps up onto my knee, her crayons and princess colouring book in hand. Lux is chattering away when I feel Lou put her hand on my shoulder, I look to see a sad smile on her face.

"Flo? What were those tears about before." She asks me. I have a choice, I could tell Lou or I could lie. I'd normally lie only that Lou's made me feel comfortable and I trust her.

"Lou, I have a rocky past. Nothing I've done, the people in my life, I don't have a good family and I've been by myself for a while." I shrug. "You saying I'm part of the family, it's a big thing for me, I don't ever want to lie to you. Now isn't the right time." I look down at Lux on my lap.

Lou nods, "I get you and I want you to know that I'm here for you. Before we see Harry maybe we could talk?"

"Yeah, sure."

For a while me and Lux carry on colouring in for a while whilst Lou checks her emails, running the salon and the business must be a lot. Meanwhile, Harry still sleeps in the chair, god knows how because they're incredibly uncomfortable. Then the tannoy calls out:

Flight 178ZK to LA is boarding now at Terminal 1. Please make you're way to the gate and gather all your things.

Lux leaps off my lap and puts on her tiny backpack, she grabs my hand as Lou wakes Harry from his nap. Lux drags me towards Terminal 1 with a giddy smile. "Let's go see Harry!!!" She giggles.


hey friends.

for all you guys that have read the story before, maybe you'll notice the changes.

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thanks for all the love.

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