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Harry (Styles) POV:

I groan and roll over, the clock reads 4am. Who on earth is ringing now? The caller ID says it's Harry calling.

"Hello." I mumble into the phone, I'm so tired.

"Hey H, how's it going?!" Harry sounds very upbeat.

"Er, Harry you realise it's 4am in LA right now?" I tell him.

"Shit. Sorry H, this can't wait." He says in a serious tone, Harry's never serious around me. I sit up in bed, I'm kind of worried.

"Are you okay Harry? Is is something with Lou or Lux." I panic.

"H, calm down. It's nothing serious, well it is but not bad. Listen, I was browsing in Gucci for your wardrobe and literally couldn't find anything. The stuff was gorgeous, just not what we're looking for." He sighs.

I groan. The finishing touches to my album are going good, I'm basically finished. My problem is the promo and appearances to be honest; in the band I loved my signature look of jeans, chelsea boots and a t-shirt or tee and that's still my go to but I want to step it up. I think it's time to really embrace me, I sent Harry to scout some ideas and that was three months ago. Nothing's standing out.

"Fresh is what we need Harry. Still having no luck? This is stressing me out mate, seriously." I express.

"Well, I think I've found something or someone." He laughs. "Basically, I was in Gucci and tripped over something. It was this girls bag, she apologised and helped me out, we started chatting. Her sketch book must've fell out her bag, I picked it up and flicked through. The designs H. I'm telling you, she's what we're looking for."

"What's her name?" I'm curious.

"Her names Flo, she's sweet and absolutely beautiful. You'll like her." I chuckle.

"Any pictures?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I've sent you a picture of a stand out piece. Her sketches are suits, some trousers and jumpsuits too."

"Harry can you describe one to me?" I ask, I have an idea.

"Yeah sure. So the one I've sent to you, the creme de la creme, if you will. It's a suit, a black jacket with velvet lapels, very simple. It's the pants that make it. They're black, silk I think, with stunning red embroidered dragons down the leg. A kind of Chinese style dragon actually with yellow and green details, the trousers are flared by the looks of it too." Harry's gushing.

As soon as Harry began, I made a decision. "Harry. Go pick her up, Lou too, I'm flying the three of you to LA. I want to meet her."

"Woah, sure thing." He sounds a little shocked.

"Well, I'm missing you and Lou too. Harry, we've got to figure this out soon. I'm desperate." I sigh, I'm tired off worrying about this.

"It'll be fine H! Ooo, I'm gonna go tell her now. Text me the details, can't wait to see you!"

"You too Harry, see you soon." I hang up the phone, going into my contacts I text my manager Jeff.

Hey Jeff! Just spoke to Harry L, he's met a young designer who thinks could solve all our problems🙌🏻 Gonna fly him, her and Lou out here so could you get me three flights from LHR to LAX please?

I get a reply instantly, who's even awake at this time if they haven't been woken by Harry Lambert.

Amazing! Sure H, I'll send you the details across soon.

I place my phone on the nightstand and lay back down to sleep. All I can think about is Flo. I'm intrigued by her, if she's so talented why haven't I heard of her. Maybe she just hasn't had her big break? I have a good feeling about this, about her. I haven't been myself lately and hopefully this means I can go back home.



hey friends.

what do you think is gonna happen between flo and harry? friends or more.

so a little background to this part and how stressed harry is. personally, i feel like after the bands hiatus a lot of the boys really found themselves. being part of something for five plus years can make you lose yourself, no matter how grounded and down to earth you are. in this, harry really wants to explore all aspects of, music, etc etc.

for you guys who are further along, i know these updates don't have major changes, i just felt like i needed to make the little edits.

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