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Flo POV:

After finishing our food and drinks, Harry drove us back to the hotel. The food was absolutely incredibly, I'd love to taste more from their menu but right now I'm stuffed and so's Harry.

I'm currently in the bathroom changing into something more comfortable. I can't stop smiling if I'm being honest, spending time with Harry tonight has been more enjoyable than I'd ever imagined. I'm glad that we get on so well and I do think there could be something more than friends between us, I'm not thinking about that for right now.

I walk out the bathroom in some joggers and a white tee shirt, only to find Harry spread out like a starfish on my bed with his eyes closed.

"Tired are we?" I place my hands on my hips.

He jolts up looking startled. "'m sorry..I.."

I burst into a fit of laughter before he can go any further and all of a sudden Harry's next to me tickling me, it's one of my weaknesses.

"Harry!" Escapes my lips in between giggles. "No..I'm sorry!" My breath hitches, I turn round in Harry's arms and start to tickle him.

He releases a low, giggle. "Hey! Let's not be silly Flo!"

"You started it!" I reply, my face is obviously bright red right now.

Harry hugs me tightly and I'm sure he kisses the top of my head before releasing me, I turn to see him smiling at me as he catches his breath.

"Can I use the bathroom? Then I'll leave you too sleep."

"Course." I nod.

Harry makes his way the the bathroom as I climb into bed and snuggle under the sheets. The room is only lit by the bedside lamp and the light emerging from under the bathroom door, it's relaxing. Beside me the digital clock reads 9pm, I'll rest my eyes for a sec while Harry's in there, I'm so tired.

Harry POV:

Considering I'm exhausted, I think I look quite good.

The exhaustion is a mixture of many things; lack of sleep, over working myself, stress and all that good stuff. As I check myself in the mirror, I see the redness in my cheeks has gone down but my hair's still quite messy. I have to admit, I really want my long hair back; especially the man bun , I suppose this is easier maintain right now and that's what I need.

I exit the bathroom and find Flo tucked up in bed sleeping. Come to think of it, she's been awake for probably almost twenty four hours on top of entertaining Lux.

Don't get me wrong, Lux is my pride and joy, however, she can be hard work!

I look over and check Flo's all snug before going to the hotel desk and writing a little note, in case she wakes up and wanders where I've gone. I scribble a message:


You probably won't see this until the morning, you fell asleep and I left so you could rest. Tonight was amazing, thank you. See you soon.

Harold x

Trying not to make a sound, I walk out the door and go across the hall, there's no need to knock because I see Lou peeking out.

"Come inside." She whispers.

Lux is fast asleep in bed still, I lift up the cover and slide in beside her.

"How did it go?" Lou asks as she slides in on the other side of Lux.

"It was fantastic." I grin. "Flo's another level. I think I do like her more than I should, I know it's only been a couple hours but she makes me feel something."

"I get you H, as soon as I met her I knew you'd like her."

I sigh. "I am worried about her though Lou. One minute she's fine and then the smallest thing can make her super uneasy and she kinda shuts down, you know?"

"In the airport she teared up when I told her she was part of our family now, could be something to do with that? She said she'd speak to me, we haven't had time yet."

"Lou, I think it's more than that." I shake my head. "I haven't figured out what, I haven't figured her out."

"Well don't, give her time H."

I take another deep breath and close my eyes. To be honest, I can't help but stress over Flo and what could be going on. Like I told her, I have an urge to look out for her.

"H, relax." Lou places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I think the pair of you are feeling some chemistry."

"I hope you're right."

"What are you gonna do when you come home and she's not in London?" I look at Lou, confused.

"What..why wouldn't she be in London?" I query.

"She hasn't mentioned it? Flo isn't living in London, she can't afford a place or like hotel, she fends for herself. She lives hours away." Lou informs me, Flo never mentioned it, to be fair it never came up in conversation.

"Flo can move in with me."

"Woah. What?" Lou's eyes widen in shock.

"Think about it Lou! Flo can't live with you and Lux, it's not fair and Tom hasn't met her yet. Harry is always busy and likes his own space. Plus, how long have I been saying I hate living alone? It's kind of perfect." I utter.

"For you or her?" Lou raises her eyebrows, sometimes she thinks she's my mum.

"Her. I admit, I do want to see her more and not just for work. Either way, she gets everything she could want and it doesn't sound like she has family or friends that can stop her."

"You'll have to ask her tomorrow." Lou yawns and turns off the bedside light.

I take that as my signal to leave and try to loosen Lux's grip on my side.

"What are you doing?" Lou squints.

"Going. You're about to fall asleep."

She shakes her head as if I've said something stupid. "Fuck off, I'm not letting you drive home now, I can see you're tired too."

I chuckle quietly. "You sure?"

"Shut up and sleep. Harry brought your tee and jogger shorts in before, they're on the chair."

With a struggle, I shuffle out of bed and change. I slip back in and gravitates to me again.

"Night ladies." I murmur to myself.



another update, pls lemme know you're enjoying these.

is flo gonna move in with harry?!?! what do you think.

just a little info for y'all. i'm not dragging out like what's 'going on' with flo, it'll be coming up in the next few chapters.

tysm x

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