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Flo POV:

An hour or so later and my first school run is officially over, I enjoyed it quite a lot to be fair. Afterwards, Lou dropped me off at Starbucks to meet Nick, although I am like half an hour early. I did bring my sketchbook so hopefully I can make an attempt at some work, I think I'll wait to do proper sketches for when Harry is with me because I want a lot of his input.

Both Harry's mentioned something about scouting, which is something I've always wanted to learn about rather than being limited to only design. I'm fully aware that scouting will be much easier when I make myself a public figure, know to the brands and fans. That might take me some time, time that I probably don't have. Harry and I need to discuss it.

I check my phone, I've got about twenty minutes until Nick arrives. Picking up my pencil, I start to sketch and let my imagination get the better of me. I get carried away and when I check again it's five to ten, Nick still isn't here but I decide to order us some drinks anyway.

"Flo!" The barista calls a few minutes later.

I greet the girl with a warm smile. "Thanks!"

I collect the drinks and turn to go back to the table, I can see someone sat at my table. I adjust my glasses, as I look closely I can make out the black quiff from here.

"Good morning!" Nick says as I set the drinks on the table. "Flo?"

I outstretch my hand for him to shake, he passes that and pulls me into a hug. Harry and his friends seem to be huggers.

"That's me! Do you prefer Nick or Grimmy?"

"Close friends call me Nick."

"No offence or anything, but we've not known each other five minutes."

Nick smirks with a snigger. "Trust me, we're gonna be close friends. I spend a lot of time with Harry."

"Which means you'll be spending a lot of time with me." I nod.

We sit down at the table and start to chat. He tells me how he and Harry met so many years ago, about his radio show, his friendship with Lou and Harry Lambert. After a while he reaches into the pocket of his coat, a stunning longline beige trench.

"Is that Burberry?" I ask.

"It is." Nick replies. "See you have got a keen eye for fashion."

He slides a key across the table. "Thanks Nick."

"You're welcome. So, you and Harry eh?" My eyes widen.

"Err..well." I'm taken by surprise and don't know what to say.

Nick holds his hand up. "Relax babe, only joking!"

"Do all his friends think we're together?" I sip my tea.

Nick shakes his head, a stray curl falling from his quiff. "Not many know about you, remember it's been days. Saying that, Harry's told a few people about you and the way he's clear he likes you and by the sounds of it you feel the same."

I take a deep breath. "Yeah, I mean..I guess we've clicked well."

"When he's back I want the three of us to meet up, I'm dying to see you together!" He gushes. "I also, may have told Alexa and she does too."

"Alexa as in Chung?" I'm starstruck, she's one of my idols.

"You'll meet her soon enough."

"Do you miss him?"

"Harry's my best friend, like a brother. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about the way his career works."

I open my mouth to speak when Nick's phone beeps. "Oh Flo! Super sorry, I'm gonna have to shoot- radio emergency."

Before I can say anything, Nick's out the door. Wait, he's supposed to take me to Harry's place...I have no clue where he lives! Momentarily the door bursts open and Nick rushes back to the table.

"So sorry, c'mon we'll drive you to Harry's first." He says, very flustered.

"Nick if you need to go, I can get there myself." I lie, I have no doubt I'd get lost and end up stranded.

When I climb into his car, he starts driving frantically. "Of course not! God, I'm sorry. Harry's gonna kill me."

"He doesn't have to know." I giggle.

He gives me a cheeky look. "Oh yeah he does, I wanna see his face when he finds out. Oh look, we're here."

I look out the window and can't see much to be honest. The house is secure and private, which is what I'd expect from Harry. All I can say for sure, is that it's massive. "Woah."

"Ha I know." Nick laughs. "Okay so, just unlock that black door there with the key. When you get to the actual house type in this security code..." He hands me a piece of paper. "...Then voila, you're inside."

I try to take it all in, I nod and get out the car. "Right, let's hope I remember that. See you soon Nick, thanks again."


another short update.

what should harry, nick and flo do together when harry comes back?

tysm x

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