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Flo POV:

"Here we are.." Harry says pulling into the driveway.

The house is simplistic, what you'd expect to see in a quaint neighbourhood of a countryside town with no inkling one of the worlds biggest golden boy's grew up here and that's why I like it. That's probably why he likes it too, no security gates or cameras... just home.

"What do you think?" He asks.

I nod at the house, studying every aspect. "I love it! There's your mum."

Anne stands on the doorstep huddled up in a grey dressing gown, waving to us with one hand and a cup of tea in the other.

"Harry, she's so cute oh my god."

"Go on, I'll get the bags and be right behind you."

I waste no time running straight up to Anne who hugs me tightly, I hear Harry's footsteps on the gravel behind. "Hello my loves, how was the drive?"

"Surprisingly calm, there wasn't too much traffic for a Friday." The drive was actually nice, me and Harry alone with no distractions for a couple of hours.

"And.." Anne lowers her tone "'re you after yesterday?"

"I was expecting it and to be quite honest, it did upset me but there's nothing we can do now." I shrug.

Anne smiles at me. "Exactly, no point dwelling on it! Come on inside.."

Harry puts the bags down on the floor and walks ahead of us, Anne and me chat as we follow, Robin's sitting at the table with his back to us and only turns round when he hears Harry's footsteps.

"Harry!" He immediately stands up with a laugh. "Don't go missing for that long again, how are you son?"

Robin looks at Harry from arm's length and checks him over, it must have been hard him being away for so many months and being the way he was.

"You haven't changed." Harry remarks cheekily. He's probably referring to his standard shirt and jeans and of course that kind face, it's weird recognising who he is even though I've never met him before.

"Neither have you..except for the tan." Robin pushes his glasses up his nose and winks. "Is this her?"

Harry nods sheepishly, as Robin looks at me I go all shy but Harry takes my hand and pulls me into him. "Robin..this is Flo and Flo, this is Robin."

"A pleasure to meet you sweetheart." Robin grins, I open my arms and give him a small hug.

"The pleasure is all mine, Harry's told me all about you." I knew that Harry adored Robin anyway and saw him as a father figure, now watching and hearing him talk about this man who's stepped up is so endearing.

Robin nudges me slightly. "All good things I hope! Has our handsome chap been treating you well?"

"Too well probably." I grin.

"Not possible." Harry pecks my cheek. "Mum, come here a second?"

I feel his hand run up and down my back as he looks at Anne. "What's up honey?"

"Can I introduce you to this one.." Harry kisses my cheek once more "..this one here mum, my girlfriend."

We watch Anne's face light up in response and Robin too, Harry and I laugh at the reaction and smile at one another fondly. For most, I suppose the whole 'girlfriend' thing isn't a big deal but Anne's expressed to me on more than one occasion, a lot of people have tried to use Harry and for him, a relationship is a big deal.

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