Induldging the moment

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The difficult sleeping position woke Neil up. He slowly opened his eyes to see Avni, poking her nose in a book. Her hair was braided to a messy bun, strands of hair falling onto her face. Her cheeks were on a light pink, her Indian-British skin colour is what takes his breath away. He loves how the white skin never fails to expose her whenever she is shy/mad. He wanted to caress that skin, enjoy its softness.
Avni tossed and turned to his side. "We are about to land." She told him. "Are you excited?" He replied. Avni just gave him a smile. With an announcement, they got ready for the landing. "Welcome to Ngurah Rai International Airport!" Neil closely watched as Avni's expression softened. She turned to him and gasped. "How did you.." Neil smirked. "I'm your husband.. haha joking. It was Neela Ma's suggestion. She told me about your bucket list and your love for the ocean." Avni smiled ear to ear, filling Neil's heart with immense love. "Thank you." She whispered.
The "Welcome to Bali" sign widened Avni's smile. She was so happy. Instead of heading to a car, the tour guider escorted them to a speed boat, anchored on a small jetty. Neil could not escape from the puzzling look Avni was giving. "Nah, wait till you reach there" He winked. After a ride of about 10minutes, they coasted on a beautiful little island at the western side of the area. It has the ever so white beaches and the most amazing ocean life, Avni have ever seen. "This is a private island. There wont be anyone else here, except some house keepers would visit at a certain time everyday, to help us with errands. I thought you would need some 'me time' to relax, and escape from the hectic work schedule." Neil now explained the whole situation to Avni. All she could do in return was giving him the best thankful look she could. She could feel her eyes getting welled up, but soon she took control over it.
Once the luggage's were taken and when the huge beach villa was ready, Neil walked behind Avni, in there. She looked carefully at every corner of the place. It was so peaceful, open, and tidy. And and most romantic for a couple. The thought hit her hard. She's married now. And she came to this trip with her husband. She have to share this villa with Neil. Avni caressed the wedding ring. "Neil is giving it the best he can. Why shouldn't I? ..but-" "You didn't like it?" Neil interrupted her chain of thoughts. "No no.. it's beautiful!" Avni replied. She was genuinely excited.

Neil left with the tour guide to check on the island. Avni took a shower and gulped down a quick tea from the mini bar in the room, before she got crashed into sleep. She was badly jet lagged. It was 8 in the morning.
(After few hours)
She stirred in sleep, Sensing a steady and hot breath on her. Avni opened her eyes slowly. She was facing Neil who was sleeping like a baby, cuddled into the blanket which covered the both of them. Her fingers were on Neil's hair which was soft and comfy. Slowly Avni moved her fingers down, and caressed Neil's face, to his cheeks along with his well shaped beard. Suddenly Neil caught her hand, which startled Avni! He slowly opened his eyes. "Didn't know you were this eager Mrs.Khanna." He could See Avni's face getting red, as she looked away. "I wasn't.." she quickly got out of bed and ran to the washroom. She was wearing a beach T-shirt with shorts. Her exposed legs made flip flops on Neil's stomach. He shook his head, smiling to himself. He got out from bed and slipped on a T-shirt and walked to the kitchen.
Avni came in after a while. Neil noticed the pale look on her face. "What happened?" He asked. "Uh nothing. I just got sick. Too jet lagged maybe." Neil was convinced with her reply. "Here, help yourself with some lunch." Avni sat beside him. Her hair strands were dancing with the breeze and kissing on Neil's cheek. He enjoyed the feeling. On the next glimpse he was adoring the sight of the wedding ring on her finer. He purchased it before he met her as his bride. But on the day he met Avni in his police station. Her picture was on his mind when he purchased, and now look at the blessing of god!
"So what are we gonna do the rest of the day? You wanna check out any of these places?" Neil handed over a broacher to Avni. She quickly went through it and ticked out a few options. Among which they both voted on a Jet-ski ride and a sunset cruise.

Avni quickly changed into a comfortable beach wear

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Avni quickly changed into a comfortable beach wear. Neil knew how excited she was! "May I?" Avni offered to ride while they were getting on the jet-ski. "Are you sure? I mean you're good at this?" Neil was surprised and scared at the same time. "ACP is scared?" Avni replied sarcastically. "Of course not! Lets see how good you are then." He did not wanted to give up and climbed on the back. However Neil held Avni tightly, despite her wearing the safety life jacket. They came ashore after about an hour. "You're good at it!" Neil could not help, but praise her. He knew she've quiet experienced the water sports. Just then he looked at her properly. She was removing the life jacket and other safety gears. Her face was damp with salt water. Neil lifted his hand and caressed on her face with an absent mind. They were lost into each other's eyes for which seemed to be forever. Her face carefully cupped by him, he slowly moved closer. The moment was broken by Avni. "We'll miss the cruise.." she hurried back to the villa. Neil scratched the back of his head and followed her.
They were on the cruise an hour later. Avni was wearing a white beach dress with floral baby pink patterns. Neil with a white shirt and cream shorts. He met a close friend of him on the cruise. Avni couldn't help but adored how he introduced her to the other couple. Soon Avni was comfortable enough to fit into the squad. They chatted for a while. Avni moved out into the air, and stood near the railing.
The horizon was lit up in a mix of purple and shades of red. The sun was setting and cool breezes kissed her skin gently. Avni closed her eyes and indulged the beauty. She moved closer to have a better look of the ocean. She stepped on the anchor rope lying at the floor and almost slipped out. Just then someone got hold of her hands. Avni turned around while still on shock, to find Neil beside her in mutual shock visible on his face. "What were you doing?!" Exclaimed Neil. "I was just.." Avni couldn't complete her sentence cuz Neil pulled her closer and squished her with a tight hug. "What if you slipped and fell down into the water?! Cant you be careful enough?" Avni could feel his heart thumping in his chest. She pulled out from the hug, which made Neil realize on what state he was. "I'm sorry.." whispered Avni. Neil looked away, Avni knew he was still in shock. Avni quickly put her hands on his face. "Neil, I.." she was cut in by the sound of a splash from the ocean. They both moved to have a look. A group of dolphins were passing by, dancing along the surface of the water. Avni gasped with excitement. Neil moved behind her, holding on to the railing from her sides. Avni was trapped in his arms. Neil slowly narrowed down the distance and Avni could now feel his hot breath on her skin. She closed her eyes and relaxed herself in his arms, leaning on his chest. Neil smiled to himself knowing that she was now comfortable with the closeness. He closed his eyes, wishing the time to stop in the present moment. The sun bidding goodbye, them being on a slowly moving cruise deck, dolphins dancing right beneath them in the ocean. The moment was perfectly captured by a crew, who smiled at the perfect picture.

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