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The following three days of  the camp went on without the gents, who went on trekking. Avni and the other women kept their selves busy at planning Ruth's wedding. Avni was glad she made it for her big day. Ayesha and Dayawanti was busy at spoiling Marshall, Mia and Keira. The babies lit up the mood of the trip.
On the third night the group arrived. Neil quickly brought Marshall into his arms and squished him. Little one also was excited to see his Daddy after a while. Marshall cuddled more into Neil's arms whenever someone pretends to take him away. Neil's eyes searched the room for Avni, but she was not in sight. He was eager to see her, feeling as if it has been several years since He last saw her. Neil then walked into the interconnected dinning room. There she was. Wearing a maroon sweater with jeans, her hair half tucked up. The orange light of the room reflected on her white skin, strands of blush visible on the cheeks. Neil was about to make a move, when Mayera took Avni out of the room for some help. Later Avni was busy with Marshall and helping Aileen feed the twins. After dinner, the girls went to check on the acrobatic troupe that camped a few feet's beneath. Hence Neil did not get any chances.

"That was the best show I've recently attended!" Exclaimed Aileen, entering the main hall of the cabin. "I agree." Avni Said. "Too tired now. I think Mia and Keira would wake up in a while. Nights, girls!" Aileen greeted and left. Avni put her jacket on the hanger and walked to their room. The light was dim and the room was a bit cold. Avni closed the door and was about to adjust the heater, when a strong hand wrapped around her waist. "Woah! Neil!" She jumped in shock, relaxing a bit as she figured who it was. Neil let out a hearty laugh. "I thought acrobatics aren't scary." "It wasn't. I just didn't expect you to be up by now." Avni caressed on his folded arms. "I haven't seen you for three whole days, and you expect me to sleep without you?" Avni smiled as a thought stroked her. "Wanna go somewhere?" "Where?!" Neil was confused. "Come!" Avni rushed outside, Neil following her. She grabbed some blankets, put on her jacket and boot. "Where are we going?" Neil asked, putting on his boots. Avni didn't answer and hurried outside, she again came back in and grabbed the lamp on the door stand.

Neil followed Avni who climbed up on several slopes. "Avni are you crazy? I'm freezing!" Neil Exclaimed. "Tsk, be patient!" Avni laughed. She walked a few distances before stopping by. "I swear Avni, you have... woaah!" He was in awe with the breathtaking view. It was a peak area, a huge waterfall running underneath. The city lights were visible beneath! Avni grinned and closed the open mouth of Neil. "How did you.." "find out this place?" Avni shrugged and grabbed on the collar of Neil's jacket, moving close. "You have no idea that you've been married to the best trekker of West Abbay City." Neil laughed. "I discovered this place last night." Neil crooked an eyebrow, still confused. Avni smiled and pursed her lips before answering. "I.. came out last night, and trekked a few heights." "Alone?!" Neil really was taken aback. Avni nodded. "What even.. why alone? What if something happened??" Neil panicked. "Tsk hush! What did I say? Trekking isn't new for me." Avni justified herself. "Don't you think you are a bit overconfident?" Neil teased, tightening the embrace. "Nope, rather you are more jealous I guess." Avni stuck her tongue at him. Neil laughed and let go off Her. He spread one of the blankets and sat, beckoning Avni to join him. Avni sat on his lap, Neil then draped the blanket around them. He inhaled the fragrance of her, which always seduce him so badly. He gathered her hair a side and kissed on her exposed skin. Avni closed her eyes, relaxing herself more into his arms. "Where do you prefer to live? London or Mumbai?" Neil asked. Avni took a moment to answer. "It's easier to live in London, but I'd choose Mumbai." "But Why? You do know right, I'd always let you choose freely. And would always support you. I wont object even if you want to shift here, with your family." Avni turned a bit, to look at Neil. She caressed his face, the lightly grown beard. "I do. But I don't believe in living with the maternal family. After marriage, it's the husband's family that becomes your own family. And I have owned yours as mine. That's my family now. And I know how much they would need you with them. I wont ever raise a situation where you would have to choose." Neil felt as if his heart was out pouring with love for this lady! She've never complained, never raised her voice over him, never failed to care for his family, if anything, she have been more close to them than him, most of the time. Her selfless love has trapped him more in this relationship now. Neil's eyes were moist. Avni tensed up seeing this. "Hey.." she mumbled. Neil shook his head, hugging her tightly. "I'm the luckiest person alive.." he whispered to her ears. Avni smiled, hugging him back tightly. Neil nuzzled his nose all over her face. He then held Avni's face. "And what about your career? Not gonna take up any new cases?" He asked. "Gonna figure out the whole life figured in one night, mr.khanna?" Avni teased, Neil chuckled in response. "I don't know.. I'm scared.." her voice trailed off. "Of what?" Neil asked, taking her hand. "That I might neglect Marshall. I know how I am, when It comes to work. I get so drowned into it, to give it my best, that I neglect my own self at times. But.. but I am not alone anymore. A little soul is attached to me. And I'm scared that I might miss out on balancing my time with him. I don't want to miss out on even a tinge of his life.." Neil could see the concern on her face. "In a way, you are very reasonable, Avni. And your concern in justified. But think about it. Did you study and spent all those years in practicing, just to give up on it at some point?" Avni shook her head. "No. But in actual, life really changes when you have a baby. It definitely did for me. Everything in life got re-prioritized." Neil smiled. "But I don't want it that way. You have so much to achieve yet. You can work from home, there are assistants who'd fill you up in the office. You'll just have to attend important issues. And as far as European cases are concerned , you can always take Marshall with you. It takes about a week right? And Neela Ma or my Mom will always be free to accompany you." Neil brushed off a strangle of hair from her face. "There's always one way or the other. But I don't want you to quit. I did see how upset your parents were, when you told them about your decision." Avni paused for a moment, and let out a sigh. "I'm not sure still.. anyway, I'll think about it." Neil smiled and nodded. "Oh I forgot! Marshall's teething!" Avni almost screamed in excitement. Neil was surprised. "Really? Wow. How did you find out?" "I was nursing him this afternoon when I noticed. Checked his upper jaw. It was a bit whitened, and sharp at the edge." Neil smiled wide. "He's growing up so fast. And I'm afraid we wouldn't even realize." She ran her fingers through Neil's hair. "There's always the option of having another baby." He winked and the next thing he knew, Avni was kissing him passionately. They moved apart capturing their breath. "I didn't know you were this eager." Neil chuckled, Avni playfully hit his chest. Neil laid down on the blanket, His arms tightly wrapped around Avni, who rested her head on his chest. They cuddled under the stars for several minutes, before moving in to escape from the cold air.

Avni got into bed, after changing Marshall and putting him back to sleep. She was wearing a tank top and a short even at this weather, as she was too lazy to dig into the suitcase. She quickly draped the blanket around her, to escape from the cold. Neil laughed at her sudden move. "Why do you need these stupid sheets when there's a better option?" His voice was warm and husky, Avni shivered as his hot breath caught on her skin. She ran her feet on his legs. Neil buried his face on her nape, trailing wet kisses on her skin. Avni's breath deepened, her arms hanging tightly on his shoulders. Their lips then worked together, following their tongues exploring their mouth. Their clothes were no longer a barrier, each exploring the other. Neil caressed on her skin, which was soft as silk to his hands. His mouth moved to her cleavage, and exploring the skin of her chest. Avni let out a moan, which encouraged Neil to continue. He then moved down, nuzzling on her navel. Avni pulled him up, and captured his lips. "You want me to stop?" He whispered to her mouth. Avni shook her head, not able to speak. Neil buried his face on her chest, slowly entering her. Avni held tightly on his hair, her other hand resting on his shoulder. Their movement were in sync, each showing how much they love the other. Their bodies collapsed on to the bed together. Neil brought Avni close, spooning her into his arms. "I love you so much!" Avni didn't respond, Neil knew she was slowly drifting into sleep.

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