Their journey

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The day started off with a good breakfast

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The day started off with a good breakfast. Marshall in really into food now and its becoming impossible to eat, with him around. Avni sat him on her lap, and gave him an apple. Marshall quickly put it into his mouth, as if he was gonna swallow the whole of it. Neil laughed at his reaction. "We're never gonna get bored as long as he is around." Avni grinned. "Yeap! More adventures on the way." Neil crooked an eyebrow at her. "You mean, a new adventure is in there?" He pointed at her stomach. Avni laughed and shrugged. "You never know. I didn't check." Neil moved closer and kissed on her lips. "Soon we shall. Maybe in a year or two."

It was Marshall's first day at sea and the whole day was spent at the beach. He enjoyed the water so much, Neil made a note in his mind to take him to the water park, once they go back to Mumbai. They came back to room after lunch. Avni took a shower, together with Marshall. Neil came in to take him inside. He was about to pick the little one, up into his lap, when suddenly Marshall slipped in to the bathtub, hitting his head on the edge. Avni and Neil simultaneously screamed, Neil quickly hugged a very much hurt Marshall. He then handed little one to Avni and headed downstairs to get an ice pack. Avni tried her best to soothe Marshall, who was sobbing and crying aloud. She walked into the balcony, trying to calm him down. It had a view of the sea from up there, to her surprise, Marshall hushed as soon as the water came into his sight. He was grinning wide, jumping up and down on Avni's lap.

 He was grinning wide, jumping up and down on Avni's lap

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Neil rushed in, holding a pack of ice. "So calm already?" He was surprised. "The sea has become the solution for everything now." Avni shrugged. Neil laughed and moved closer to put the ice on the little bump at the back of Marshall's head. "Lets go down for a walk? And catch the sunset perhaps?" Neil suggested. "Sounds like a good plan. You wanna join?" Avni cooed to Marshal, who indeed was too excited.

They got a good first family picture captured at the grounds of the hotel. It took several turns for the butler to get it right. The reason of course was Marshal, who was too eager to jump out of Avni's lap, on to the ground.

Neil later ran around, with Mashall on his back

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Neil later ran around, with Mashall on his back. Avni following them, to catch them from behind. It was the best game for Marshall, he laughed out so loud, attracting the other tourists in the ground. Neil stopped for a while to catch his breath. Avni then handed a dandelion to Marshall, blowing it along the air. The little petals caused tickles on Marshall's face. He closed his eyes as they touched on his skin, sticking his tongue out and feeling the tiny caresses. Avni tried at different times, Marshall reacted the same. Neil laughed on funny his face looked, as if he was stuck on a moment.

As the sun set, they headed to the beach area. Marshall was sitting on Neil's shoulder, Avni slowly followed them. This is her world now. A world, which she never thought would come real. Life has given them some toughest situations, which she bravely fought out of it. Meeting Neil was the best, among all of them. She got a companion, who equally fought with her, for her. Life was not easy after their marriage. They have had the worst ups and downs, but neither of them gave up on each other. Which Avni believes, is the immense love they had for each other. She considers Neil as one of the pillars, which helped her pursue her career. He never let her stop, regardless of the phase life was on. Avni made a promise to herself, to stay beside him as well, in all of the steps of his career as well. And Marshall... that's the biggest blessing in their life now! He've made the complete, strengthen the love She and Neil shared. He's the reason they both come home at the end of the day, his each adventure, each step of life would be an achievement for them as well. Today, they both will promise to give him the brightest of the future. Never let any obstacles come on his way, but also teach him how to fight against the Said obstacles, just how his Mama and Daddy did. Avni sighed and smiled to herself. She captured the sight of the precious father-son bond, later moving closer and wrapping her hand tightly around Neil's waist. This is the journey she'll pray to have, the rest of her life ♥️


A/n: I've ended this story, but to bring some more interesting ones to you all. I cant thank you enough for the love each and everyone of you have showed. I started drafting this piece, with no hopes of it becoming this popular. Thank you for all your comments and votes for the story. Please drop in any suggestions and improvements you want me to bring in my next fan fiction.  Or any ideas you would want to put in.

Once again, thank you for your immense support!

Maya x

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