A horrendous day

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The clock ticked 12, and Avni was wide awake. Another year from her life has passed. In two days, Neil and her marriage would complete a two years. They couldnt celebrate last time as both her and Marshall were admitted in hospital, going through the worst storm they've faced in life. Avni sighed at the thought. Juhi is no less than that.. her life is at stake. She was really hurt that neil had thought she was okay with Juhi. She is okay, but not so okay to forget what has happened and let Juhi be with Neil without any hesitations.
Avni got up from bed, drapping the blanket on Marshall. She walked into the living room. Her eyes drifted to the main door every now and then, deep down expecting Neil to appear on the door step. But she knew he wont come. Not as long as Juhi is alone. Just then her phone buzzed. Neil's name on the screen dropped her heart. Avni didnt want to be so harsh, so she answered the call. "Hello?" "Happy birthday, Avni." She heard Neil say. Just a wish via a phone call was enough for him.. Avni's eyes welled up. She tried her best to control her voice. "Thank you.." "Avni, I—.." "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!" Neela came then, Marshall was jumping on and about her lap. He was in his pajamas, wearing a party hat. Neela pulled a trolly with her free hand, a simple yet elegant white cake on it. Avni kept her phone on the side table, and rushed to Marshall. "Thank you, Mommy's darling!" She took Marshall into her arms and squished her into a tight hug! Neela brought out her laptop, Ayesha and others from London called. They had a small celebration over there, Avni was so happy for a while, that she forgot that neil was on the other end of the phone call. After all the chats, Marshall really got cranky. "Take him to bed, I'll clean up the dishes." Neela said to Avni, who nodded and headed to her room. Just then she remembered about her phone. Avni ran to he couch and picked it up, the screen showed the phonecall was still on. Avni hurried to her room with Marshall and closed the door behind. "Hello?.. Neil?" No response. She could hear a steady breath from the other side. She was convinced that Neil was asleep, and was about to hang up when she heard Juhi waking him up. Avni didnt even bother to listen to the other end, she ended up the call.

Neil woke up at 5 in the following morning, he was sleeping on the couch. He slowly got up and headed to check on Marshall as he wakes up around the every-night. "Marshi.." he stopped as he saw the empty crib, then it hit him. Neil quickly grabbed his phone, as he remembered how he fell asleep. But there were no call backs of Avni. He took some deep breaths to calm himself down. Neil got ready in a jiffy and headed to Neela's.
He heard the loud cry of Marshall as he entered the living room. Neil ran to Avni's room, where she found Neela holding onto Marshall, who was crying his lung out. "Marshall.. what happened?!" "He fell off from the bed and hit his head hard. He's not used to sleep on an adults bed right.." Neela explained. "No he sleeps on our bed, in between Avni and me." Neil said. "But there was only Avni last night." Neil shifted his glance to Avni, who just entered with an ice pack. The coldness in her voice upsetting Neil. "Perhaps we should take him to see a doctor.." Neil said moving close to Marshall and Neela. But Avni moved faster and took Marshall from Neela. "Mama, no need to take him to hospital. Its just a tiny bump, which will be okay after applying ice. If he's not vomiting, that means nothing's serious." Avni spoke, as she sat on the bed with Marshall and started applying the ice. Neil's blood boiled up, but he didnt wanted to argue in front of Neela, who went out after a while when Marshall fell asleep.
Neil closed the door behind her. He stormed at Avni who got up from her seat and grabbed her arm. "Whats your problem?!" Neil muttered, his jaws clenched and his hold on Avni tightened. Avni was startled with the Neil's sudden reaction. "I inquired you before bringing Juhi, told you everything! And you even agreed! So what is this now?" Neil tried to lower his voice. "I agreed? I, agreed to keep her? Or rather you convinced? And hoped me to be with her oh so normally, as if nothing has ever happened!" Avni objected. "I didnt ask you to forgive her, did I? But I thought you tried on your own to mend the relationship." Avni let out a little laugh and freed her arm. "Not in my wildest dreams. Ever. And you prioritizing her over me, is something intentional that you are doing. She is free from jail doesnt mean that she is your responsibility. I understand that much, except you have feelings for her still I assume!" Avni turned around to walk away, but neil grabbed on her shoulder again and trapped her between the wall and him. "How dare you to make such an accusation on me? All these days werent enough for you to understand me? That.. that tiny soul isnt enough on how much I love you..?" Neil pointed out to Marshall, but his voice trailed off. Avni pressed her hands on Neil's chest and pushed him away. "Things change, and so does people. The hatred in me for Juhi would never change, and perhaps your love for her as well!" Avni moved out and tried walking away again. This time Neil tried to pull her hand, but unfortunately their contact slipped. Avni's hand unintentionally hit the glass vase, making it fall. Neil tried to pull her hand again but Avni slipped and fell on the glass pieces beneath!
Neil gasped with the sudden accident and quickly sat beside Avni, who sat up on the floor now. Neil's heart skipped a beat when he saw the cuts on her hand that was beneath her when she landed on the floor filled with glass pieces. There were at least three deep wounds he could tell, as blood was oozing out from them.

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