Parting ways

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It's been about a week now, but Avni and Neil doesn't talk to each other. Avni is quiet adamant to Neil's surprise. She wasn't ready to apologize and nor was he. The distance was an advantage for Juhi, who teamed up with Vidyut to spoil Misti's mind as much as possible. And now, each plan of them were working, convincing Neil that Avni indeed was intending to distant Misti from Juhi. Bebe, Prakash and shweta however was against. They tried their best to convince Neil. But things were not working well at all. Avni and Neil both spends most of the day at work, and there will always be a scene created by Juhi upon their return in the evening.

On the day in question, Avni was dressing up Misti for breakfast. Neil sat on the couch, going through a file. Once done, Avni held Misti's hand to go downstairs, Neil a few steps behind them. Juhi at the right moment spilled oil on the staircase, intending to slip Avni. Avni was discussing about a craft project they were gonna do in afternoon, when suddenly Misti let go off her hand and ran towards the stairs. She tried to stop her, and save her from falling. Avni caught on Misti's finger, which weren't enough support, resulting her to fall down. Neil saw avni's hand slipping off from Misti's. The scream of the three of them gathered the rest of the family. Avni stood as a statue. She was shocked to witness the sudden incident, while Juhi was also startled to see her plan not going accordingly. Her evil mind however knew to revert the plan really well. Everyone was gathered around Misti while Avni still didn't move. "You! You pushed her down the stairs didn't you?!" Juhi's voice brought Avni out of the shock. She quickly shook her head, trying to explain. But Juhi kept on misleading everyone with her words. Neil glared at Avni, and then called for a doctor while Prakash places Misti on the couch. Bebe consoled Avni and tried to defend her, but Neil was not ready for it. He believed on what he saw with his own eyes. At then, his senses failed to convince him that Avni can never do such a thing.
Doctor's examination did not show any complications to Misti. Except a cut her right elbow. Everyone left The room to let Misti rest, Juhi was with her. Avni headed to her room, slowly. Shweta came to her and hugged her tightly. That's when she couldn't hold it anymore. Avni bursted into tears and hugged Shweta tightly! "Shh.." Shweta tried to console her and then saw Neil at a distant. "See? This is how and innocent person weep, when there is no fault of her. They prove their innocence like this, when their own loved ones does not believe in them, not by constantly roaming around the other person, providing evidences!" Avni straightened herself, and shook her head to Shweta, asking her not to drag the matter. She was just about to head upstairs when Neela entered the house, running. She waited to catch her breath while Avni and Shweta rushed to her. Neil also moved closer.
"Neela ma, whats the matter?" Asked avni. Neela just stared at her, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Avni, something happened. Something grave happened.." her voice trailed off. "What has happened? Tell me Neela Ma!" Avni could feel her breath fastening already. "Aileen... Aileen.." "yes, what happened to her?!" "Aileen had to do an emergency Caesarian.." "and...?" Avni couldn't hold it anymore. She shook Neela! "And there came up complications.. and..and the babies are no more!" Neela bursted into tears. Avni's grip on her shoulders loosened up. She slowly moved backward, thumping into the couch. Her cry was heartbreaking for everyone is the room. Neil rushed to her, and hugged her tightly. And Avni held him closely, breaking down in his arms.. she was so eager to see them. She had so much hope and love for the infants! But now.. Avni then realized who was holding onto her. She quickly moved away from Neil, which was in turn a shock for Neil too. Avni rushed upstairs. "Mrs.Khanna please, please take care of my child. She won't be able to bear this grief.. Neil, please." Neela pleaded to Neil and Shweta. Neil held Neela close to him. "Don't worry Neela Ma, I'll take care of Avni. Please, don't cry.."

Avni wasn't in sight when Neil's entered the room. Then he heard her sobbing. Neil followed the voice and found Avni sitting on the floor, at the back of the couch. Weeping in grief and pain. Neil quickly kneeled down beside her, but Avni got up and moved away. She does not want any pity from him right now. The person who didn't understood her genuine love for her own step-child, will not understand her love for the children of her sibling.
Just then Avni's phone buzzed. "Hello?..hello? Ugh this phone!" The speaker of avni's phone wasn't working so she had to put in on the speaker. "Yes Jiya?" Avni realized her voice was a bit harsh. "Oh...sorry ma'm. I didn't intend to disturb you." "Ah I'm sorry, carry on." Avni quickly apologized. "Ma'm, I wanted to inform you that the Gledonia company's case got filed at The French Court. Supreme. It's scheduled in two days. Ma'm I wanted to clarify whether you are taking up the case, or shall I inform David about it?" Clarified her secretary. "No no, I will take up the case." "But Ma'm, it's gonna take about 2-3 week's for it to conclude the pre trial motions. You mentioned that it would be difficult for you to travel, leaving behind your family.." "not anymore." Avni replied in a tinge! "Okay Ma'm. We are taking your tickets for a flight on tomorrow noon." "Yes please. And do email me the necessary information, and ask the pion to bring the documents to my home tomorrow morning." Neil was speechless, staring at the new Avni standing in front of him. He was amazed on how strong she actually is. For a split second he thought Avni was right.
Avni quickly took out and ironed the clothes of Neil, which he'll wear for work and some casuals. Then she packed up her stuff, before going to bed. Not giving any chances for Neil to even approach her.

Avni wasn't in room when Neil woke up the following morning. Neither was her luggage. Did she leave? Neil rushed to go downstairs, just then she heard her from Bebe's room. Neil moved closer to have a better sight, his heart sank in the next instant! Avni was in bebe's arms, sobbing and crying. "Bebe, I myself was fighting against death a few years back. I was diagnosed with cancer twice. After each chemo, I stay bedridden for days, not able to even move a finger, while I hear my parents breakdown in the same room, because their young daughter was at that stage. Bebe, I understand the grief of a mother and a father, who loses their child. So why would I wish that for Misti? Bebe I love her, despite her now being my own blood! I would never wish to keep her away from Juhi, or Neil. I wont... ever..." her voice trailed off. Making Neil realize of the grave mistake he committed. He wanted to apologize, but guilt had abducted him and he couldn't gather the courage. Neil looked at the main door, through which Avni just left. For whole three weeks. He won't be able to see her. He had broken her so badly, with no hope for her to love him the same when he returns. Shweta kept a hand on Neil's shoulders. "You would never find someone like her my child. Ever.." Neil sighed and closed his eyes. He can still picture the Avni who was crying and sobbing, begging him to believe her..

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