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***8 months later***
Neil lazily climbed up the stairs to his room. He had a long day and was tired as hell. A crowd was working all around the house, everyone busy with tasks. This added Neil's stress, as the house was as loud as a rooster cage. Shweta and Bebe's voice was at the peak. All tensed up with the preparations. Preparations for Kareena's wedding!

Avni wasnt in sight, and Neil didnt bother looking for her. His suit, the tuxedo and other clothes were neatly hung on the stand, at one corner of the room. He took the sight of the room carefully. He have refurnished the placed recently, to all white. Avni was happy as the room looked much more comfortable and open, for a change. Her forever excel to keep the place all neat was also reflected. Nothing have moved from its place, Avni really have OCD. Neil smiled to himself and laughed, trying to shake away the thought. Avni really hates him for pointing out her overly obsessed cleanliness. Neil picked up the towel and headed to the shower. He didnt want to be the one called in late.

"Marshall!.." Neil heard Avni call out just as he put on the tuxedo. "Ugh, I wonder which mountain broke down today.." he mumbled and hurried to Marshall's room, taking his suit along with. Neil stopped at the entrance of the room. "No, Mommy! Noo!.." Marshall kept saying and running around the room, Avni following him. "Wear this, baby! We'll be late!" Avni held on her long maxi from one hand, and Marshall's white shirt on the other. The little feet did not stop, he stepped on a toy and fell onto the rug on the floor with a thump! Avni clapped a hand to her mouth, but did not move. Marshall was lying flat on the rug, his eyes were closed. Avni looked at Neil, and both of them bursted into a laugh. Neil walked in and kneeled down beside Marshall. "Oh, Marshall's dead! Or is he sleeping?" Neil asked in a dramatic voice. He kept the suit on the couch, and all of a tickled on the sides of Marshall. Little one jumped up immediately, laughing his heart out! Neil and Avni along with him. Neil brought Marshall into his arms and squished him into a tight hug, before convincing him to dress up.

The wedding took place in a church, and the reception was in the park, right infront of a lake. As dawn came by, the whole place was lit by lanterns and fairy lights, and the place looked heavenly. While some were busy enjoying the food, others were catching up with each other. All family and friends. Neil stood with a group of elders, Marshall on his lap. They were too busy talking about the current political stands. Everyone complimented Neil and Marshall's similar dress up and how cute it looked. He glanced on Avni, who was over a phone call. Her creme maxi was perfect for her sexy figure, the shiny working done on it, added the glow. Her hair was tied to a braided bun, strands of hair falling on to her face. Neil sighed, three years with her but his heart still races with her mere sight!
Avni walked to him after a while, just then some Aunts of Neil surrounded them, cooing to Marshall. "Avni, dont grow his hair so long. He'll refuse to cut it when he grows up! Thats where kids get spoiled." One of them commented. Avni almost rolled her eyes "exactly. And bring him to gatherings more often! That way he'll be friendly with us. And and.. give him more.." and the conversation continued. Neil knew Avni would be irking to go away, but he was proud how well she was managing herself.
Avni groaned as soon as the women left. Neil laughed. "I just cant stand when people criticize my motherhood.." she muttered. "I know, love. But we are too nice to rebut." Marshall yawned loudly at then. "Dada, leep.." Marshall tried saying. "Avni, you can escort Kareena to the hotel and come home afterwards. I'll take Marshall home." Avni nodded and kissed on Marshall's cheek and left.

Neil gave a bath to Marshall and got into bed with the little one. "What are we going to read tonight?" He asked. "Tat?.. no no.. boom boom.." Marshall showed from his hand pretending he was controlling the wheel of a car. Neil laughed at his gesture, he love how Marshall is more fascinated about vehicles, than cats and took out a book about cars. Marshall listened to him carefully throughout the story. Avni had always wanted to raise a book lover, and Neil loved all her mandates regarding Marshall. "And thats a red car!" Neil said. "Huh?.." Marshall responded. "Thats a res car." Neil repeated. "Huh?.." marshall said again. "Haha, thats a big red car..!" He tried explaining. "Huh?.." was Marshall's response again.  Neil laughed aloud. He knew Marshall understood what he said. But thats how most of the babies respond at this age. Neil brought now a very sleepy Marshall into his arms. Both of them drifted into a deep sleep, soon after.

Avni came home with the others around 11pm. Everyone dismissed to their rooms, as they had a long day. Neil wasnt in their room, so Avni took a quick shower and slipped into her pajamas. She found both Neil and Marshall asleep on the bed. Avni took silent steps and slowly moved Neil's arms from Marshall. She took the little one to his crib and turned the baby monitor on. Avni still wasnt very comfortable in keeping Marshall alone in his room. But Neil really wants to adapt him in that way, so Avni was trying her best. Avni then sat beside Neil on the bed, and caressed on his face. Neil slowly opened his eyes. "You are back.. hows Kareena doing?" He asked, getting up to a sitting position. "Neil..! She isnt your responsibility anymore." Avni teased Neil, who scratched the back of his head, realizing that Kareena is married now. "Haha.. I'm going down to get a coffee. You want some?" Avni asked, getting up to leave. "Yeah, and I'll make em." Neil took Avni's hand and they headed down to the kitchen.

"When are you leaving to Chennai?" Avni asked Neil. She was sitting on the countertop, Neil was near the sink, cleaning up the mugs they've used. "In two days I guess. Haven't got a confirmation from their Police yet." He replied.  "I heard its popular for existence of the most beautiful women.." Avni carefully put out her words. Neil smirked, knowing what she was planning to say. He was showing his back to Avni, so she didnt see his expressions. "Indeed! How I wish I win the lottery this time!" Neil knew it would be fire for Avni. "What? Noo.." she jumped on to his shoulder, "Woah! Haha!" Neil was taken aback, but he managed to balance. "I wont let you go then.." Avni buried her face in the crook of his neck. "Women, you are too insecure." Neil turned his face to her side and muttered. "I should be! You are too good looking." Avni came down and replied. Neil turned her towards him. "And what about you? I should be the one to be so insecure to have such a beauty like you.." his voice was soft, avni's breath hitched. The next thing she knew, Neil was kissing her passionately. Took Avni a while to respond. Neither of them was able to move away, it wasnt long before Neil carried her in his arms and descended to their bedroom. ♥️

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