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CP Neil drove to the Court after a meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs. They have been trying to trace a terrorist for the past two weeks, and finally today, with a lot of hard work of Neil, they have found a lead. This has been the first case as such, in the career of Neil, as a commissioner. It made him realize of the responsibility on him now. The security of the whole city was vested on his shoulder.
Neil pulled onto a side of the Court building. His eyes searched for Avni, who was busy talking to the media, outside the courtroom. Neil could see how disturbed she was, because of the attention. She was irking to escape from the cameras. Neil laughed softly and shook his head, he knew how much Avni hated briefing to the media. But she doesnt have any options of showing them her back. After all, she is on top 5 list of the best lawyers from all over India. The demand for her is high, but Avni gives chance to a few cases only, and Neil was forever grateful to that decision of her.
Avni hurried to the car, as soon as she saw Neil. The crowd of media followed her, and ended up taking pictures of both her and Neil. Neil quickly drove away.
"I feel so suffocated! What even..!" Avni complained, trying to catch her breath. "Haha! You have your own fault in this, somehow.." Neil mumbled and Avni crooked an eyebrow. "Well, you had to het married to the Commissioner of Police and also, had to become so famous yourself." Neil laughed. Avni rolled her eyes in return, "I didnt marry, but they made my husband the commissioner. So its not my fault!" Avni pointed. "Haha fine. How did it go?" Neil asked her. "Really well. Its over now." Avni's grin was so wide, Neil knew how happy she was. And he was extremely proud of her. He moved closer and quickly kissed on Avni's cheek.

The security guard outside the Khanna house opened the garage as Neil pulled in. He drove into the garage and parked the car. He then got out and took Avni's case files from the backseat. Neil shook is head. Avni will always forget to take them inside, he first priority will be to see the kids, as soon as she reached home. All the other things would be out of her mind.

"Daddy!" Five year old little Sophia hugged Neil's legs as soon as he entered the living room. "Sophie!" Neil bent a little and picked her up into his arms. "I have learned a new note!" She exclaimed. "Mmmm.. let me guess... the go to sleep lullaby?" Neil kept the files on the coffee table and wrapped his arms around Sophia. Sophia gasped and covered her mouth with her tiny hands. "How did you knoww?" "Daddy always knows what his baby thinks about." He kissed on the chubby cheeks, making Sophia laugh out loud. "Daddy, come. Let me show you!" She slipped out of Neil's lap and hurried inside. Neil laughed and followed her. Sophia was a carbon copy of Avni. Her features and other attitudes resembles Avni alone. A little chubby and fair, just like her Mommy.
Neil entered the music room at the end of the hallway. The Khanna house was re-built. The whole interior of the house was changed. The mansion's entrance leads to a spacious living area with couches and a play corner at a side. The staircase was at a side, which leads to the rooms and the study of the house. A terrace balcony which faces the backyard garden, is upstairs. The kitchen and dining room is downstairs. Neil had moved in a piano to the drawing room of the house, the day he noticed Sophia's talent.

Sophia pulled out the piano bench and seated herself, beckoning Neil to sit beside her. "Start." Neil gave her a wide smile. Sophia nodded and started playing the notes. With each note, Neil felt his heart over-pouring with love! And pride of course! They found out of Sophia's talent on a trip to London when she was four. Her fascination started when she saw a street piano. Avni urged Neil to let her pursue the talent. And the result, is right in front of him. Sophia was effortlessly playing the notes of her favorite lullaby.
Neil felt a hand wrapping around his chest, and a face rested on his shoulder. Avni nuzzled on the side of his face. Neil wrapped his fingers with Avni's hands that rested on his chest. Both of them watched Sophia play, so proud they were.

"Mama! Can you fix this tyre?" Marshall ran into the room with his toy excavator set. Both Neil and Avni lifted their head to him. "Daddy can help?If Sophie is done." Marshall asked Neil politely." Neil smiled. Marshall had loved Sophia ever since her birth. As they grew up together, Marshall always played the protective brother role. Their bond was so so strong, and the love had no extent. Marshall was seven years, Neil cant say where the time went by! His little Marshi. Neil tried his best, to shape Marshall's upbringing just the way he dreamt. Avni was his most previous gem, who teamed up equally, to make their children, the best! As a result, the kids new how to patch up after fights, how to put each other before in everything. And Marshall, he was so polite and quite natured. Though with a unique sense of humor!

Neil went and sat down on the rug on the floor with Marshall. Sophia jumped from the seat and joined them quickly. "Hmm.. we'll need a screwdriver." Neil said, after examining the excavator. "I know where it is!! Marshi, come!" Sophia took Marshall's hand and both of them ran out of the room. Avni laughed and shook her head. "I'll check on them.. what do you want for dinner?" She asked Neil, before turning to leave. "You." Neil replied with a wink. "Haha please CP khanna.." Avni rolled her eyes and left.

The kids came in and sat on the dining table. Prakash came in just then with Bebe. Avni and Shweta was setting up the table. "Sophie!" Prakash kissed on her cheek. "Grampy, I've got a new shovel for the gardener uncle! Daddy brought today." Marshall exclaimed. "Oh wow! My precious." Bebe and Prakash drooled around Marshall. Neil came in just then and everyone started with their food. Avni moved Sophia's chair close to hers. She knew Sophia wont finish her food. She have been down with a fever two days back. Hence a bit cranky. "Marshi, try like this." Shweta tried showing Marshall how to use his fork. He have been learning it for a few days, but the spaghetti was a bit tough for him. Bebe and Prakash also took turn to teach him an easier technique. Neil sighed and smiled. He was so blessed with this little family.
"I'm full.." Sophia groaned after a while, she quickly tried to get off from her seat. "Oh no no noo.." Avni grabbed her little girl and took into her lap. "You have to eat, or you'll fall sick again. Dadi made this eggs for you.." Avni tried to feed her a bit more. "Sophie, we all will be sad again when you fall sick. I'll share my storybook about Angel's tonight, if you finish your food." Marshall got up from her seat and came to Sophia, trying to convince her. Avni smiled, her eyes welled up instantly. Neil also got up and took the seat next to Avni, taking Marshall into his lap. The three of them together fed Sophia.

"Sophie!!" Neil heard Marshall cry. "Whats going on?!" He exclaimed as he entered the kid's room. "I'm taking my shower, but Sophie is trying to come in." Marshall peeked his head out and replied. "Sophie, bad manners." Neil held up a finger and warned her. "No no. I'm trying to give Marshi this bath bomb. Miya and Keira sent this from London." Sophia explained. "REALLY!?" Marshall wrapped the towel around his waist and rushed out of the bathroom. Neil laughed out loud. Sophia really knows how to keep Marshall at peak. She handed over the bath bomb to Marshall. He took it from her happily. "There now, go finish up your shower. Quickly, come one." Said avni, who entered the room with some medicine for Sophia. "Eew!" She exclaimed as soon as she saw it. Avni gestured Neil to hold her, before she runs away. Sophia understood the signaling and hurried away, but Neil caught her instantly. "Sophie.. this is the last night, we promise." Neil tried to console her, but Sophia kept on refusing. Marshall came our from the shower just then. "Uh-oh. Sophie hurry up! The dinosaurs are waiting!" He reminded his little sister, Sophia finally agreed to take the medicine.
Avni helped Marshall to dress up and the tucked the kids to bed. She and Neil were on either side of them, while Neil read out the story. Half way through, they fell asleep.

Neil was on a phonecall when Avni came to their room with a bottle of water. Avni got into bed, waiting for Neil to finish. "Are you not working on any cases?" He asked, getting into bed, after the phonecall. "None have been scheduled yet, so yeah. Why did you ask?" "I've taken a leave of two weeks, so thought we might plan something, if you are free." Neil explained. Avni smiled and moved closer to Neil. They wrapped their arms around each other and Avni rested her head on Neil's chest. "Lets! Marshall really wants ro visit the kangaroos of Australia." "Thats what I've been thinking too." Neil smiled. "But i need tickets after two to three days. Lets consult to another doctor for Sophie. She's not eating anything, Neil." Neil could sense how tensed she was. She's a mother afterall. "Avni.. I think you run after her with food a bit too much. I think its still the effect of the fever. But we'll see another doctor if you wish to." He tried to lighten up Avni's mood. "...nine years with you.. our kids, all growing up.. I cant thank god enough for his endless blessings." Neil took Avni's hands into his and kissed on her fingers. The explorations reached to her lips and Neil slowly moved on top of her, not removing his lips from her.

She was all his! An arrange marriage, for Neil was the almighty's way of showing on how pleased he was Neil. They had faced so so much in life, yet there was no change to their love. Avni deepened the kiss, sealing the love of AVNEIL, and as a promise to continue the journey with Neil alone ♥️


(A/N: hoping to see your overall opinion about the story, in the comment sections!)

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