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Neil was now attending to work, his hectic schedule keeping him busy from morning to late evening. Avni refused anyone to shift into the apartment because she didn't want to burden anyone. Marshal was a calm and happy baby, to Avni's luck. He just had to be fed and changed, for him to sleep all day. Avni attend some of her work at then, So life was very balanced for her. However she misses Neil at times.

Its been about a month since they got discharged and Marshal was almost 4 months, weighing 14 pounds to the doctor's surprise. "Growing big eh, little man. Avni, you've fought really well, girl. About Marshal, he's perfectly fine, for a baby who was 4 months premature. Just make sure not to touch this part of his leg, and he might feel a bit uneasy for a while." Doctor advised, showing the area Marshal just got vaccinated. Neil could not come with Avni today, as he was busy at a case. Neela came as a replacement.

It was late night when Neil came home. He could hear Marshal's cries from the front door, he rushed to their room. Avni was pacing to and forth with Marshal. "What happened?!" He asked, his heart racing. "A little feverish, he got vaccinated today." Neil sighed. "What do you want for dinner?" Avni asked. "You can't prepare anything, can you. Lets order something?" Neil suggested, getting ready to go into a shower. Avni shrugged, "I'm not hungry. You can order something." Her voice was barely audible to Neil between the cries of Marshal. Neil didn't reply and went in. A few minutes later Neil attended the doorbell, taking his order. Avni was still busy with Marshal, in his nursery when Neil came back to the room after dinner. He turned on the tv and laid down on bed, intending to wait till Avni was done. While on the other hand Avni expected him to come over and hold Marshal for a while. It was about 1am when finally Marshal went to sleep. Avni's back was hurting badly. She was about to leave when Marshal again cried in his sleep. Avni sighed and lifted him in her arms, and laid down on the single sized bed in his nursery. They both fell asleep, but for a while. Avni had to get up in every 30mins, nursing Marshal. She was drowsy and her back was aching so badly.
Neil woke up in the morning, again to the cries of his baby. Oh no. How did I fall asleep? He rushed to the grey and blue, elephant themed nursery. Avni was walking around with Marshal, tears in her eyes. "Still crying?" Neil asked, caressing on his hair. He saw Avni holding to one of Marshal's legs, which was swollen. He was about to check on him, when he glanced at the clock and realized. "Oh no! I have a meeting with the commissioner in an hour." He rushed away, before Avni could say anything. She could not prepare any breakfast for Neil, which she does not think that he even bothered about. In fact he didn't even check on them before leaving.

Marshal was a bit better by late afternoon. Avni was finally about to sleep for a few hours and take a good shower. They say it right, you can't even wash your hair regularly, after the arrival of a baby. Avni came out of the shower and checked her phone. Neil didn't call even once today.. he does know that Marshal was unwell. Avni could not believe how he have been acting lately. She understand Neil could be busy. But can't be that busy for not getting anytime to check on them both, especially in such a situation. Neil was late as usual. It was about 11am. Marshal was asleep, Avni was on a rocking chair next to the crib, her face resting on her arm which was holding to the crib frame. She was asleep in an uneasy position. Neil took a shower and walked in again. "Avni..." He caressed on her hair to wake up Avni. Avni woke up but  didn't reply, just got up and brought a little box from the baby closet. Avni checked the temperature of Marshal, and took him to change the diaper. Neil sighed. "Avni, I know you are mad. And I'm sorry.." "I thought you would see how tired I was, Neil. I don't want to complain, but.." Neil cut her in. "No, you can complain. You are reasonable enough, I should have known how tough it was for you. And I should not have been so busy at work." Neil moved close and kissed on the feet of Marshal, who was startled. Avni laughed out loud. "It's tickling him haha." Neil nuzzled again, and got the same reaction. Avni could not hold her laugh. "Stop it Neil, he'll hate you when he grows up." It was easier for Avni and Neil to patch up now, as Marshal has kinda become the mediator and the tiny little miracle.

It was a fine Saturday afternoon. Avni was in the kitchen, preparing a meal. Neil was at the living room adjacent to the kitchen, Avni could see him playing with Marshal. She laughed and shook her head when she saw Neil lying down on the play mat and mimicking Marshal. "Peek-a-boo!" Neil Exclaimed, taking his hands off his eyes. This bursted Marshal into a hearty laugh, gesturing for more. The Father-son duo played for a while and Neil kept on looking at Avni, thinking about how he was gonna break the news to her. He then walked into to the kitchen and sat at the counter with Marshal. "Marshi! Hi!" Avni cooed to him. Marshal jumped with joy, in Neil's arms. "Avni, I have to tell you something." "When did the ACP started seeking permission from the lawyer?" Avni teased. Neil did not reply so she sensed the seriousness. Avni turned around to look at Neil. "I have to go to Delhi.. for work.." he started. "And?" "For two months." Neil's last sentence brought a pause to Avni. But she easily managed to come over it. That's his job. I am married to an ACP. Job and family is equally important. Neil wouldn't go if he had any other way. Avni smiled. "Just two months yeah? We'll manage." She held Neil's hand and kissed on them. Neil let out a sigh as if he was holding his breath all this while. "Thank you.." he murmured. "I'm a wife of an ACP. If he's brave, so am I! Yeah Marshi?" Avni nuzzled on Marshall's face, who in turn grabbed tightly on Avni's hair. "Ouch!" Avni winced But Neil laughed out loud. "So mischievous already huh?" He slowly loosened Marshal's grip.

Avni felt as if days passed away way too quickly. It was a week already and Neil was about to leave. He shifted Avni and Marshall back to Khanna House, until he returns. It was so difficult for him to leave. Especially on these adventurous days of Marshall, which he does not wish to miss out. Neil did a last minute check on his stuff. Avni was nursing Marshall, who joined Neil after a few minutes. Marshall was on his tummy time, Avni does that before his bed time every night so that he does not have the difficulty of gastritis. Avni suddenly noticed something. She paced all around the room, checking everywhere. Under the bed, The bathroom, the study table, Marshall's nursery. "What are you searching for?" Neil asked. "My ring! I just noticed it missing." Avni replied, not stopping her search. Neil walked to her and turned her towards him. He then grabbed Avni's left had and slipped the ring on her finger. "When did you take it? It was there when I slept last ni..." Avni then noticed something about the ring. She could properly recall of it having just two bands. One for their engagement and one of their wedding. But there was a third band on the ring. "What's this for?" Avni asked Neil, showing him the band. "Neil pulled her close to him. "Thats for Marshall. Our first baby." He caressed on Avni's cheek, who's eyes were now twinkling with love. She kissed Neil, putting in all her love for him. The kids lasted for a while, until Avni moved out for air. Neil checked on the time.  "I'll have to leave." Avni nodded. Neil and her tucked Marshall to bed. Neil hugged Avni tightly before he left. "I love you! You are the most beauutiful thing I've ever seen. I'm so glad to have been married to you. I can never find a better mother for my children, and a better wife for myself. I love you so much!" He said kissing on Avni's skin. "I love you too.. come back soon." Avni whispered to Neil's lips, before kissing him passionately.

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